

BackColor property, mobile controls, 1077
BackColor property
StyleSheet mobile controls, 1107
WebControl class, 215
BackCommandText property, ObjectList mobile controls, 1094
background color , personalization example, 747
backing stores, 804
backward compatibility, Visual Basic, 85
Barnes and Noble site example, 10251029
building the proxy, 1026
HTML screen-scraping, 1024
screen-scraping proxy, 1028
base class libraries
CLR, 37
.NET Framework, 56, 755
baselining, performance, 1142
BaseStream property, StreamReader class, 821
BaseValidator class, validation controls
properties, 203
ControlToValidate, 203
EnableClientScript, 203, 211
Enabled, 203, 211
ErrorMessage, 203
IsValid, 203, 210
Validate method, 203
BaseValue property, CounterSample structure type, 1153
Basic authentication, 692, 1037
batch file parameters, sample business objects, 862
BeforeDeserialize method, example, 1051
BeforeSerialize method, example, 1050
BeforeSerialize method
BeginEdit method, DataRow class, 354, 426
BeginTransaction method, Connection class, 346, 462, 475
bin directory
assemblies, registering, 571
registering components , 570
web applications, user -created resources, 570
binary compatibility, 49
binary searching
ArrayList object, searching through, 771
IComparer interface, use with, 772
binary searching, 771
BinaryRead method, HttpRequest object, 1164
BinaryReader class, System.IO namespace, 804
BinaryWrite method, HttpResponse object, 1167
BinaryWriter class, System.IO namespace, 804, 829
Bindable attribute, server controls, 948
BindableAttribute, System.ComponentModel namespace, 852
BindDataGrid subroutine, DataGrid controls
automatic paging, 318
editing data, 322
sorting/filtering rows, 312
binding data
see data binding.
binding element, WSDL, 1005
Barnes and Noble site example, 1026
BitArray class, 790
IEnumerable/ICollection interfaces, implementing, 790
logical operation example, 791
methods , 791
black box concept, 54
BorderColor properties, WebControl class, 215
BorderStyle properties, WebControl class, 215
BorderWidth properties, WebControl class, 215
boxing, 43
definition, 43
implementation example, 44
performance considerations, 44
BreakAfter attribute, Form mobile controls, 1077
Browsable attribute, server controls, 948
BrowsableAttribute, System.ComponentModel namespace, 852
Browser Capabilities component, 129
Browser property, HttpRequest class, 129
Browser property
HttpRequest object, 1163
Page class, 946
buffer attribute, <pages> element, 628
Buffer attribute, Page directive, 144
Buffer property, ASP Response object, 130
BufferedStream class, System.IO namespace, 831
BufferOutput property, HttpResponse class, 130, 1166
BufferResponse property, WebMethod attribute, 978
built-in account groups
BUILTIN keyword, 724
user role, checking, 724
WindowsBuiltInRole enumeration, 724
business objects, .NET
C# example, 859861
class testing
average selling price page, 868
display products page, 865
product types page, 863
compiling classes, 861
class design guidelines, 850
error handling, 850
memory management, 851
properties/methods guidelines, 851
using attributes, 852
IBuyAdventure.NET, 1200
sample object
methods used, 853
properties used, 853
System.Data namespace, 856
Visual Basic.NET example, 853859
calculating average price, 858
compiling, 862
data type definitions, 855
database connection setting, 856
namespace definitions, 856
retrieving list of product for specified product type, 858
retrieving list of product types, 857
Button control, 13, 232, 240
see also Web Form controls.
data store example, 121
onClick event, 232
Recalculate_Click() function, 1232
<button> elements, 184
Button Web Form control

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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