

C#, 16, 85
.NET Framework, supplied with, 70
case sensitivity, 111
classes, 86
common types, 39
compilers, 100
constructors, 89
data types, type conversions, 114
destructors, 89
exceptions, 92
functions declaration, 110
inheritance, example, 90
interfaces, 91
methods , 86
operator overloading, 97
P/Invoke syntax, DllImport attribute, 1189
properties, 88
public keyword, C# classes, 887
references, 92
sample business object, 859861
compiling classes, 862
testing, 864
simple control example, 886
unsafe code, 97
using keyword, 38
variable declarations, 110
Visual Basic.NET, compared to, 861, 890
XML documentation, 93
implementation example, 96
prefixes, 96
tags, 94
C++, 98
cache dependency types
expiration, 1214
file and key dependencies, 1214
file dependencies, 1214
scavenging, 1214
Cache object
cache/transient application state management, web applications, 579, 585, 593
callbacks example, 592
file dependency-based expiration example, 586589
implicit/explicit methods, 586
key dependency-based expiration example, 589591
time dependent expiration example, 591-593
usage features, 585
Web services, access using, 966
Cache property
HttpResponse class, 1166
Page class, 125
CacheControl deprecated property, HttpResponse object, 1166
CacheDuration property, WebMethod attribute, 977
implementation example, 977
response caching, 986
Web services, design considerations, 986
data caching, 986
dynamic output caching, 153
example, 579
IBuyAdventure.NET, 1212
page caching, 153
partial page caching, 164
response caching, 986
Web services, use within, 977
Calculate method, CounterSample structure type, 1153
Calendar control, 16, 251, 253
see also rich controls.
Events/properties, 254
Calendar control, mobile controls
events, 1103
implementation example, 1103
properties, 1102
WAP Simulator code, 1103
CalendarEntryTest property, Calendar mobile controls, 1102
callbacks, Cache object, 585, 592
CallingConvention enumerations, 1190
CancelCommand event, list controls
DataList control, selecting & editing data, 330
editing data, DataGrid control, 324
CancelEdit method, DataRow class, 354, 426
CanRead property, Stream class, 822
CanSeek property, Stream class, 822
CanWrite property, Stream class, 822
Capacity property
ArrayList class, 762, 768
MemoryStream class, 825
Capture class, System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace, 843, 846
CaptureCollection class, System.Text.RegularExpres- sions namespace, 843
<card> element, WML
<a> element, 1065
decks, implementation example, 1064
attributes, 1065
CartDB Business object
AddShoppingCartItem function, 1226, 1227
GetOrderValueForCart function, 1241
GetShoppingCartItems method, 1231
IBuyAdventure.NET, 1226
UpdateShoppingCartItem function, 1228, 1233
Cascade value, DeleteRule/Update~ properties, 425
CaseInsensitiveComparer class, 784
CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider class
Hashtable class, key case sensitivity, 784
IHashCodeProvider interface, implementing, 784
CaseSensitive property, DataSet object, 444
Categories User Controls, 1217
Category attribute, server controls, 948
CategoryAttribute, System.ComponentModel namespace, 852
CategoryHelp property, PerformanceCounterCategory class, 1145
CategoryName property, PerformanceCounterCategory class, 1145
CausesValidation property, Command mobile controls, 1083
IIS authentication, 691
RequestClientCertificate collection, accessing using, 691
Change event
Events demonstration page. clickevent
List controls, 248
Web Form controls, 238
Change value, DataRowAction enumeration, 435
ChangeExtension method, Path class, 817
ChangeGridPage event handler, DataGrid list control, 319
CharSet enumerations, DllImport attribute, 1190
CheckBox control
see also Web Form classes.
CSS, applying to, 225
events, 217
properties, 217, 223-225
CheckBoxList control, 242, 247, 267
see also List controls.
repeated-value binding examples,
ArrayList object example, 279
repeated-value binding to DataView object example, 287
ChildControlsCreated property, Control class, 909, 910
<Choice> element, WML, 1109
Class attribute, WebService directive, example, 963
class browsers, 5
class design, business objects, 850
class libraries, 56
cross-language inheritance, 868
class statement, C#, 86
example, 86
keywords table, 86
Class statements, Visual Basic.NET, 72
example, 73
keywords table, 72
ClassInterfaceType class
attributes, 1183
AutoDispatch interface, 1185
AutoDual interface, 1185
interface creation methods, choosing, 1184
Interop Services, using .NET components from COM, 1183
ClassName attribute
Application directive, 603
Control directive, 160
Page directive, 144
<clear> element, <assemblies> element, 659
Clear method
DataSet class, 351
HttpApplicationState object, 1161
HttpResponse class, 132
HttpSessionState object, 1162
IList interface, 761
ClearContent method, HttpResponse object, 1167
ClearError method, HttpServerUtility object, 1168
ClearHeaders method, HttpResponse class, 132, 1167
Click event
Events demonstration page, 238-241
Web Form controls, 238
client certificates, 1040
HTTPS, enabling for, 1040
implementation example, 1041
Web services, within, 1041
proxies, using, 1042
client-based content, 169
ClientCertificate property, HttpRequest object, 1163
clientConnectedCheck attribute, <processModel> element, 673
ClientID property
HtmlControl class, 176
WebControl class, 215
client-side data binding, 261
client-side validation, 208
ClientTarget attribute, Page directive, 144
ClientTarget property, Page class, 125
ClientValidationFunction property, CustomValidator control, 203, 208
Clone method, XPathNavigator class, 376
CloneNode method XMLDocument/XMLDataDocu- ment class, 374
Close method, Connection objects, DataReader
objects example, 364
Close method, HttpResponse object, 1167
Close method, StreamReader class, 820
web request stream, implementation example, 839
Close method
Connection class, 346, 364
DataAdapter class, 368
DataReader class, 356
StreamWriter class, 820, 824, 825
TextReader class, 826
TextWriter class, 827
XmlTextWriter class, 377, 391
XML Reader class, 378
CloseSharedResources method, PerformanceCounter class, 1151
CLR (Common Language Runtime), 17
advantages, 104
application domains, 569
assemblies/DLLs, handling, 45, 49
attributes, 851, 852
Base Class Library, 37
business objects, 850
COM, interoperability with, 50
common API, 105
common type system, 39, 106
component deployment, 877
cross language development, 71
advantage of, 38
debugging, 108
inheritance, 107, 868
data type conversion, 1174
debugging, goals of, 1138
exception handling, 850
garbage collector, 77, 851
inheritance, 38
language support, 11
late binding versioning, 50
managed/un~ code boundary, crossing , 1175
marshalling, 1193
memory management, 851
mscorlib assembly, 46
namespace, handling, 38, 39
.NET Framework, 26, 35, 755
objects, 37
reference types, 42
robust error handling, 850
services, 36
Shadow Copy, 29, 61
side-by-side execution, 49, 879, 882
transactions, 872
type versioning, 49
value types
boxing/unboxing, 43
ValueType class, derived from, 42
Visual Basic, replacement for runtime libraries of, 71
Visual Basic.NET, support by, 71
CLS (Common Language Specification), 34
common type system, 42, 106
common types table, 39
cross language inheritance, 107
Visual Basic.NET, support by, 71
code access security, 36
code verification, 36
code-behind, 149
see also inline code.
ASP.NET, use within, 18
Codebehind attribute, 962
custom controls, 163
development tools, use within, 150
implementation example, 150152
inheritance, 152
inline code, compared to, 962
Page Class, use with, 124
web services, within, 961
Fibonacci web service example, 961
Codebehind attribute, Visual Studio.NET, 962
code-inline model, 17
CodePage attribute, Page directive, 144
Collection class, repeated-value data binding, 270
collection interfaces
enumerable classes, working with, 756
ICollection, 773, 761
IDictionary, 783
IEnumerable interface, 757
IList interface, 761
inheritance, 760
CollectionBase class, 799
ArrayList/Hashtable collection, creating, 799
IList/ICollection interface, implementing, 799
collections, 755
collections, strongly typed, 793
CollectionsUtil class, 785
Color class
example, 221
methods/properties, 221
Color structure type, System.Drawing namespace, 896
ColorTranslator class, System.Drawing namespace, 896
Column property, TextBox control, 233
ColumnChanged event, DataTable class, 433
ColumnMappings collection object,441
COM (Component Object Model)
.NET components, using from COM
GAC, registering DLL for global use, 1187
.NET Framework, interoperability with, 1174
binary compatibility problems, 49
CLR, interoperability with, 50
COM objects, using from .NET, 1177
application deployment, 1180
custom wrappers, 1180
tlbimp type library import tool, 1179
TypeLibConverter class, 1180
Visual Studio .NET, 1178
wrapper assembly, 1180
early binding, improving performance using, 1254
late binding, 50
.NET components, using from COM, 1181
automatic interfaces, Interop Services attributes, 1183
GAC, registering DLL for global use, 1187
interface methods, choosing, 1183
manually created interfaces, 1181
registering DLL for local use, 1186
strong names , generating, 1187
tlbexp type library export tool, 1185
using .NET component, 1188
structured exception handling, 1133
web applications, registering components
limitations, 571
regsrv32.exe, using, 570
COM+ Component/Context, serviced components, 873, 875
comAuthenticationLevel attribute, <processModel> element, 673
Combine method, Path class, 817
combined state, server controls, 927
comImpersonationLevel attribute, <processModel> element, 673
Command class, ADO.NET
complex data access, DataReader example, 402
database stored procedures, 409, 410
DataSet objects, data updates, 468
methods list, 347
OdbcCommand class, 347
OleDbCommand class, 347
OracleCommand class, 347
Parameters collection object, 1228
SqlCommand class, 347
updating data sources with SQL example, 453-455
updating data sources with stored procedures example, 455-459
Command control, mobile controls
events/properties, 1083
implementation example, 1084
WAP simulator code, 1084
command events, 240
Commands demonstration page, 240242
Select Case statement, use with, 241
Command property, RowUpdatingEventArgs class, 486
CommandArgument property, Button control, 240
Commands demonstration page, 241
IBuyAdventure.NET, product details, 1225
CommandArgument property, Command mobile controls, 1083
CommandBehavior enumeration, ExecuteReader method
DataReader objects example, 364
CommandBuilder class, ADO.NET
auto-generator commands, 470
limitations, 471
DataSet object, data updates, 470
methods, 470
OleDbCommandBuiler class, 470
SqlCommandBuiler class, 470
updating relational data source examples,
concurrency errors, 491
CommandName property, Button control, 240
Commands demonstration page, 241
DataList controls, custom & hidden columns , 304
DataList controls, selecting & editing data, 327
CommandName property, Command mobile controls, 1083
CommandName property, CommandSource object
DataGrid controls, custom & hidden columns, 307
CommandSource property, RepeaterCommandEventArgs class, 142
CommandText property, Command class
Command class, updating data sources with SQL example, 454
database stored procedures
explicit parameters example, 412
implicit inline parameters example, 410
DataSet class, multiple table DataSet example, 367
CommandText property, Command objects
updating relational data source examples, 483
CommandType property, Command class
connection based transactions, updating data source example, 465
database stored procedures
'no parameters' example, 409
explicit parameters example, 412
Commit method, Transaction class, 462
connection based transactions, updating data source example, 466
Commit value, DataRowAction enumeration, 435
CommitTransaction event, Page class, 125
common API, 105
common type system, 39
CLS, part of, 42
Objects class, derived from, 41, 42
compare method, IComparer interface, 769
CompareTo method, IComparable interface, 769, 770
CompareValidator control, 201
validation controls, implementation example, 206
properties, 203
<compilation> element
additional attributes, 656
<assemblies> element, 656, 657
<compilers> element, 656
configuration, ASP.NET, 653
debug attribute, 654
defaultLanguage attribute, 655
compilation options, 653
Compile method, XmlSchema class, 557
<compilers> element, 66, 656, 657
extension attribute, 67, 657
language attribute, 67, 657
type attribute, 67, 657
warningLevel attribute, 657
CompilerOptions attribute
Control directive, 160
Page directive, 144
.NET Framework, within, 100
switches, 100
Type Not Found compiler error, 343
complex assemblies, 48
complex data access examples, 400
database stored procedures, 407
DataReader example, 401403
creating connection to database, 402
displaying contents of database, 403
extracting data to DataReader object, 402
page view, 401
DataSet example, 403
nested DataSet example, 404407
creating string to hold results, 406
database table/structure relationships, 405
displaying results, 407
extracting data to results string, 407
references to relationship objects, 406
component deployment, XCopy Deployment, 878
components, web applications, 571
application specificity, 572
implementation example, 572
local server access not required, 571
registering, 31, 571
tracing, 1124
updating, 572
composite controls, 156, 905
advantages, 913
ASP.NET, and, 910
CreateChildControls method, use of, 909
child controls, choosing, 908
Control class, inheritance from, 907
implementation example, 909
Computer Management MMC snap-in tool
resource access, viewing, 688
user groups, viewing, 689
concurrency errors
optimistic record locking, 490
pessimistic record locking, 490
RowUpdated/~Updating event, capturing, 499
updating changed columns, avoiding by, 492
updating data sources example, 490, 508
concurrent data updates, 489
error prevention, 490
conditional application events, 597
configuration handlers
custom configuration handlers, 679
session state example, 622
configuration settings
<authentication> element, 647
locking-down configuration settings, 677
<machineKey> element, 674
<trace> element, 642
configuration, ASP.NET, 615
advanced topics, 676
advantages, 618
ease of replication, 618
human readable configuration settings, 618
immediate updates, 618
local server access is not required, 618
applications, configuring, 616
applying configuration, 619
configuration handlers
custom configuration handlers, 679
session state example, 622
configuration settings, 623
<appSettings> element, 629
<httpRuntime> element, 625
<pages> element, 627
application settings, 620
<authentication> element, 647
<authorization> element, 650
commonly used settings, 624
<compilation> element, 653
custom configuration handlers, 620
<customErrors> element, 644
<globalization> element, 652
<httpHandlers> element, 661
<httpModules> element, 665
<identity> element, 659
locking-down configuration settings, 677
<machineKey> element, 674
<processModel> element, 666
session state example, 623
<sessionState> element, 630
<trace> element, 641
<webServices> element, 651
cookieless mode, 630, 636
custom configuration handlers, 679
common error pages, 646
creating web applications, 619
custom file extension mappings, 619
metabase, information storage within, 615
introduction, 616
location element, specifying, 676
locking-down configuration settings, 677
server configuration, 616
session state example, 618
web farm support, 630, 631
XML based configuration, 616
<configuration> element, section settings, 621
Configure Your Server wizard, ASP.NET 1.1, 566
Connection class, ADO.NET
complex data access, DataReader example, 402
connection-based transactions, 462
database stored procedures
'no parameters' example, 409
implicit inline parameters example, 410
DataSet objects, data updates, 468
Transactions, 463
Connection classes, ADO.NET
BeginTransaction, 346, 462
Close, 346
Commit, 462
Open, 346
Rollback, 462
OdbcConnection class, 346
OleDbConnection class, 346
OracleConnection class, 346
ProductsDB Business object, use within, 1201
SqlConnection class, 346
connection-based transactions, 459, 462
Connection class, use of, 462
Transaction class, use of, 463
updating data source example, 462467
Console class, WriteLine() Method, 51
constraints managing, DataTable object, 418
business objects, VB.NET example, 856
C#, 89
New method, Visual Basic.NET, 76
Visual Basic.NET versus. C#, 861
Contains method, IList interface, 761
ContainsKey method, Hashtable class, 779
ContainsValue method, Hashtable class, 779
ContentEncoding property
HttpRequest object, 1163
HttpResponse object, 1166
ContentLength property
HttpRequest class, 128
HttpRequest object, 1163
Contents property
HttpApplicationState object, 1160
HttpSessionState object, 1161
ContentType property
Page directive, 144
HttpRequest class, 128, 1163
Context property
Control class, 945
WebService class, 966
ContextUtil class, 873
Continue value, UpdateStatus enumeration, 507
ContinueUpdateOnError property, DataAdapter class, 508
control builders, 899, 949
Control class, System.Web.UI namespace
ChildControlsCreated property, 909, 910
Context property, 945
Controls property, 907, 910
CreateChildControls method, 908, 909, 944
DataBinding event, 930
Disposed event, 930
EnableViewState property, 929
EnsureChildControls method, 909, 910
Events property, 932
FindControl method, 909, 910
Init event, 930
Load event, 930
OnDataBinding method, 943
Page property, 910
Parent property, 910
PreRender event, 930
RenderControl method, 909
simple control example, C#, 887
Unload event, 930
ViewState property, 927
Control directive, custom controls, 158, 160, 164
ControlBuilder class, System.Web.UI namespace, 949
custom control builders, 949
Controls property
Control class, 907, 910
HtmlControl class, 176
WebControl class, 216
ControlsCollection class, System.Web.UI namespace, 907
ControlToCompare property, CompareValidator class, 203, 206
ControlToValidate property, BaseValidator class, 203
cookie-based authentication
see Forms-based authentication.
CookieContainer class, System.Net namespace, 1022, 1023
cookieless attribute, sessionState element, 631, 636
cookieless mode, ASP.NET configuration, 630, 636
Forms-based authentication, 713
RedirectFromLoginPage method, persisting between sessions using, 720
session state management, 580, 630
SignOut method, expiring using, 720
SOAP, transporting using HTTP, 974
Web services proxies, use with, 1021
disadvantages, 1022
implementation example, 1023
persistence for multiple requests , 1023
Web services, design considerations, 985
Cookies collection
HttpRequest object, 1163
HttpResponse object, 1166
CopyTo method
ArrayList Type, 774
HttpSessionState object, 1162
ICollection interface, 773, 774
Count property
Stack class, 785
HttpApplicationState object, 1161
HttpSessionState object, 1162
ICollection interface, 773
Queue class, 786
CounterCreationData class, System.Diagnostics namespace, 1144, 1147
CounterCreationDataCollection class, System. Diagnostics namespace, 1144
CounterDelta32/~64 values, PerformanceCounterType enumeration, 1154
CounterExists method, PerformanceCounterCategory class, 1146
CounterFrequency property, CounterSample structure type, 1153
CounterMultiTimer/~MultiTimerInverse values, PerformanceCounterType enumeration, 1154
CounterMultiTimer100Ns value, PerformanceCounterType enumeration, 1154
CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse value, PerformanceCounterType enumeration, 1154
counters, instrumentation, 1144
CounterSample structure type, System.Diagnostics namespace, 1144, 1152
CounterTimer value, PerformanceCounterType enumeration, 1154
CounterTimerInverse value, PerformanceCounterType enumeration, 1154
CounterTimeStamp property, CounterSample structure type, 1153
CounterType property, CounterSample structure type, 1153
CountPerTimeInterval32/~64 values, PerformanceCounterType enumeration, 1154
cpuMask attribute, <processModel> element, 672
Create method, DirectoryInfo class, 809
Create method, PerformanceCounterCategory class, 1146, 1147
Create method, WebRequest class, 837
CreateCaseInsensitiveSortedList method,
CollectionsUtil class, 788
CreateChildControls method, Control class, 908, 909, 944
CreateDirectory method, Directory class, 809
CreateInstance method, Activator class, 347
CreateNavigator method, Document objects, 554
CreateNavigator method, XMLDataDocument class, 533
CreateNavigator method, XPathDocument class, 374
CreateObject overloaded method, HttpServerUtility object, 1168
CreateObjectFromClsid method, HttpServerUtility object, 1168
CreateText method, File class, 820
CreateXmlDeclaration method, XMLDocument class, 547
CreateXYZ method XMLDocument /XMLDataDocu- ment class, 374
CreationTime property, DirectoryInfo class, 806
CreationTime property, FileSystemInfo class, 813
<credentials> element
Forms Authentication, 648, 714
passwordFormat attribute, 649
credit card validation web service example, 955
cross-language debugging, 108
cross-language inheritance
advantages, 868
CLS, use of, 107
implementation example, 869872
namespace not automatically inherited, 870
CryptoStream class, System.Security namespace, 836
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
CheckBox control, applying using, 225
data-bound controls, adding to, 289
culture attribute, <globalization> element, 652
Culture attribute, Page directive, 144
Current column value, DataRowversion enumeration, 429
Current property, IEnumerator interface, 759
CurrentRows value, DataViewRowState enumeration, 444
custom assembly metadata
System.Reflection namespace, 881
System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace, 881
Custom Authentication, 647, 1043
custom configuration handlers
configuration, ASP.NET, 620, 679
writing simple handler, 680
custom controls
advantage, 949
code behind, use of, 163
Control directive, 158, 160, 164
creation, 156
events, 162
OutputCache directive, 164
partial page caching, 164
properties, 160
reusable code, use of, 156
Web page, conversion from, 157160
custom encryption, 1052
EncryptionExtension attribute, 1053
HTTPS, use of, 1053
SOAP headers, use of, 1053
implementation example, 1053
custom error pages, 644
custom redirects, 645
<error> element, 645
IIS and ASP.NET, common error pages, 646
custom errors configuration settings
<customErrors> element, 644
defaultRedirect attribute, 645
<error> element, 645
mode attribute, 644
custom exceptions, 1132
ApplicationException class, derived from, 1132
custom file extension mappings, IIS, 619
custom HTML Forms login, Forms-based Authentication, 647
custom performance counters
class support, 1144
creation, 11461149
instance creation, 1149
lifetime maintenace, 1150
PerformaceCounterCategory class, use of, 1145
removal, 1151
value updation, 1151
custom streams
access to custom backing store example, 834
Stream class, use of, 833
stream composed of other streams, 836
custom types, 83
Objects class, derived from, 42
Visual Basic.NET, 83
custom user controls, nested DataSet example, 405
custom wrappers, COM objects from .NET, 1180
<customErrors> element
application error handling, 1135
configuration, ASP.NET, 644
defaultRedirect attribute, 645, 1135
<error> element, 645, 1135
mode attribute, 644
redirect attribute, 645
statusCode attribute, 645
CustomValidator control, 202
ClientValidationFunction property, 208
CustomValidation, property, 203
OnServerValidate, property, 208
validation controls, implementation example, 207

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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