Cross-Platform Web Server Security

The Future of SOAP and XML Security

As Web Services developed, people who actually needed to implement Web Services quickly noticed the lack of security present in the standard and released software. At first, many believed that security was already in place because the SOAP standard utilized a port that was already available through the firewall. However, if you consider the information that you move around on the Internet such as banking or credit card information, you realize security is necessary for the transmitted data in case of interception.

There is also a need for security in XML beyond SOAP. As XML becomes a standard way to represent data, there is a need to protect the data in the documents and ensure the documents come from the expected source. XML Encryption and XML Signature solve this problem by providing a means to accomplish these goals.

As of this writing, it seems that the Web Services community is still scrambling to create standards for software developers to follow in their implementations. The Apache Group developed an XML encryption library, but they admit that it doesn’t really follow any standard. Microsoft, in the Fall of 2002, released their “Web Service Development Kit,” which adheres to the current standards for XML encryption and signatures put out by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

XML Encryption

XML encryption involves taking the contents of elements within the XML document and encrypting them so the contents are unusable to someone who doesn’t have the decryption key. Consider the following XML document from Chapter 2.

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>     <BOOK>       <TITLE>Cross Platform Web Services</TITLE>       <PAGECOUNT>4000</PAGECOUNT>       <AUTHOR>Brian Hochgurtel</AUTHOR>       <PUBLISHER>Charles River Media</PUBLISHER>     </BOOK>

There really isn’t anything critical in the document, but if you add some more personal information, such as Social Security Number, that definitely needs to be encrypted. XML encryption involves adding elements that have encoding information that is generated by software running in the application that creates the XML. The encrypted information then looks like the following.

       <?xml version="1.0" ?>     <BOOK>       <TITLE>Cross Platform Web Services</TITLE>       <PAGECOUNT>4000</PAGECOUNT>       <AUTHOR>Brian Hochgurtel</AUTHOR>       <PUBLISHER>Charles River Media</PUBLISHER>        <SSN Owner="Author">         <EncryptedData            xmlns=""            Type="">            <CipherData>                <CipherValue>B11695C22</CipherValue>            </CipherData>         </EncryptedData>       </SSN>      </BOOK>

Now the part of the XML document containing the more sensitive information is encrypted, and thus protects that information from prying eyes. A SOAP message is an XML document and could contain encrypted information. This solves some of the security weaknesses mentioned earlier in this chapter. It also provides a means of encrypting only the data that requires protection. When using SSL, the entire transaction occurs under encryption—which uses a lot of overhead on the server. With XML encryption, only the sensitive data uses encryption.

XML Signature

XML signatures provide a means of determining who sent a particular document. This way you confirm that you know where the document comes from and you prevent a user from denying that they sent a particular document.

An XML signature involves signing a resource available on the Web with a unique key.

If you wish to sign an XML document, it would need to reside at a URL such as The following snippet identifies the document to be signed.

    <Reference     URI="">     </Reference> 

Software then generates a unique digest based on the content of the resource and the results become part of the Reference element.

         <Reference     URI="">       <Digest         method=""/>       <DigestValue>           ff573499e920e34acc38659bd991ce54       </DigestValue>     </Reference>

To verify the signature, the key for the certificate used to sign the resource needs to be part of the document as well. This belongs within the KeyInfo element after the reference information. This example used the X509 certificate used in the SSL examples earlier in the chapter.

          <Reference     URI="">       <Digest         method=""/>       <DigestValue>           ff573499e920e34acc38659bd991ce54       </DigestValue>     </Reference>          <KeyInfo>         <X509Data>             <X509SubjectName>                  Brian Hochgurtel             </X509SubjectName>             <X509Certificate>             -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----        MIICXQIBAAKBgQC14RIJZ6cdZSbEZXKMJvXlG2rgRJOSEQRUsOMzSTmrt0v9n52U         t/adQtgayhTHlWczGUweJ3QUzn3G+QduZq414tbqXqiZtkhA3EcUSGxUSR9W            5K7O         NR3MMRzyOsMIi0S4+e3Hdt7ErsaO14TgvUPfsN4MwXvltGJmshZ+ldBV8QID            AQAB         AoGAbfIVlivbgNCBw91ThleS86FEVTf/QSAaTxvy7DDKtPwD6thPSPSAFwau            Xltk         flXZYbFcKypMaLt+mwY1MM7PZezNZdLb022nZZaFIqDEKaJDRKiOiXBGmffJ            3J/X         1h5yXYZHmom6EbwKaWTjIeLKPT8G6OjGnXjd9aDaL0PlVvUCQQDYd6/+1f3            RM/Er         gw9UJ09lN8Mbtb0c8aeP6eEaecBcr1KM2wE/HQm/AW583oye3m19GyChk2c            SOdk/         B4upgil7AkEA1xhOD92hjWY6FSB36VmzctKNBUYa8YsIuzQB9kZPS27HFcXJ            6W9Y         Rqlw36G0DwQmQrNEAhVQBvyW1vrC4o6UgwJBAMEvT6omYDbsHDew52U7D+hN            M5rv         Pq8uG1ScbYCrV7lf3lRGv34L9D66kFhwZR8DcsNMCnsoibwCVJejrEjDGTEC            QQCV         yEoLyFVIhuhpb9uwtpM8oRwskP4QN7ZTzkqTebCcIb8nDT2mfa/mPPXp9MvT            LRuL         lRQFs1uwEdLkT2jIpWsLAkA0loRPPjMjS1RoXR0UdsoDSqvTObVPjgJZl/h7            6WW4         kVDB4JwmMAplr2tiC8Uj1izLoxnMfZRoBE04fibc6SQu                -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----             </X509Certificate>         </X509Data>      </KeyInfo>

Now that you have the information for the resource, you need introduce the SignedInfo parent element and some information regarding the methods used to sign the information.

      <SignedInfo >     <CanonicalizationMethod      Algorithm="         Rec-xml-cln4n-20010315/>            <Digest         method=""/>      <Reference     URI="">       <Digest         method=""/>       <DigestValue>           ff573499e920e34acc38659bd991ce54       </DigestValue>     </Reference>          <KeyInfo>         <X509Data>             <X509SubjectName>                  Brian Hochgurtel             </X509SubjectName>             <X509Certificate>             -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----        MIICXQIBAAKBgQC14RIJZ6cdZSbEZXKMJvXlG2rgRJOSEQRUsOMzSTmrt0v9n52U         t/adQtgayhTHlWczGUweJ3QUzn3G+QduZq414tbqXqiZtkhA3EcUSGxUSR9            W5K7O         NR3MMRzyOsMIi0S4+e3Hdt7ErsaO14TgvUPfsN4MwXvltGJmshZ+ldBV8QID            AQAB         AoGAbfIVlivbgNCBw91ThleS86FEVTf/QSAaTxvy7DDKtPwD6thPSPSAFwauX            ltk         flXZYbFcKypMaLt+mwY1MM7PZezNZdLb022nZZaFIqDEKaJDRKiOiXBGmffJ            3J/X         1h5yXYZHmom6EbwKaWTjIeLKPT8G6OjGnXjd9aDaL0PlVvUCQQDYd6/+1f3R            M/Er         gw9UJ09lN8Mbtb0c8aeP6eEaecBcr1KM2wE/HQm/AW583oye3m19GyChk2c            SOdk/         B4upgil7AkEA1xhOD92hjWY6FSB36VmzctKNBUYa8YsIuzQB9kZPS27HFcXJ            6W9Y         Rqlw36G0DwQmQrNEAhVQBvyW1vrC4o6UgwJBAMEvT6omYDbsHDew52U7D+hN            M5rv         Pq8uG1ScbYCrV7lf3lRGv34L9D66kFhwZR8DcsNMCnsoibwCVJejrEjDGTEC            QQCV         yEoLyFVIhuhpb9uwtpM8oRwskP4QN7ZTzkqTebCcIb8nDT2mfa/mPPXp9MvT            LRuL         lRQFs1uwEdLkT2jIpWsLAkA0loRPPjMjS1RoXR0UdsoDSqvTObVPjgJZl/h7            6WW4         kVDB4JwmMAplr2tiC8Uj1izLoxnMfZRoBE04fibc           6SQu                -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----             </X509Certificate>         </X509Data>      </KeyInfo>     </SignedInfo>

Note that the CanonicalizationMethod indicates the method used to create this signature.

Utilizing this signature may involve signing a Web Service or a consumer. The provider of the Web Service is saying that the service is truly provided by his organization. The consumer states that this is really his organization accessing the service.

Signing SOAP Messages

The Web Services Development Kit (WSDK), which is an early software release from Microsoft, provides you with a means to sign a SOAP request within .NET. The methods provided allow you to prove identity or time. See Appendix B for download instructions.

To use these methods, you need to register the certificate using the “Management Console” shown earlier in the chapter. The methods used are similar to using Authentication methods used in previous examples.

The following snippet creates a token object by loading the certificate registered with the “Management Console,” and if there is the certificate is added to the request of the Web Service.

    X509SecurityToken token = GetSecurityToken();        if (token == null) {        throw new ApplicationException        ("No key provided for signature.");        }    // Add the signature element to a security section on    // the request to sign the request    requestContext.Security.Tokens.Add(token);    requestContext.Security.Elements.Add    (new Signature(token));    //Call Web Service Here

Now the request to the Web Service will be signed with the certificate.

In the Web Service, the code needs to be written to ensure that the certificate information is handled and valid. The following snippet demonstrates C# code examining the certificate contents. If no certificate loads, the request is returned immediately. The statement that creates the mySignature object looks at the SOAP request for signatures. If the token then looks like the one you’re searching for, authorization can occur.

    //If no security information we can reject the request.      if ( context.Security.Tokens.Count == 0 )                return false;      Signature mySignature = context.Security.Elements[i] as Signature      X509SecurityToken myCertToken =      mySignature.SecurityToken as X509SecurityToken;      if (myCertToken = "SomeCertificateValue") {           //perform the authorization       }

This is just one more way to provide security for Web Services.

Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# and Java
Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# & JAVA (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
ISBN: 1584502622
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 128 © 2008-2017.
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