Frequently Asked Questions


How long does this modelling work take?

this really is a `how long is a piece of string?` question. in the team creating the model you will need to combine someone with a detailed knowledge of the product and someone with an exhaustive knowledge of the core and common models. these skills are unlikely to be found in a single person. then you will have to equip the team with the tools it needs, including tools to move around the mof files quickly and easily, trying things out and making changes. then you will need to give them time to complete the work. for a genuine pbx with many more features than that described here, a four-week period for a team of two or three is probably not unrealistic. of course, if you intend to take the model to the dmtf to be published as a standard then the amount of work increases significantly.



This really is a "how long is a piece of string?" question. In the team creating the model you will need to combine someone with a detailed knowledge of the product and someone with an exhaustive knowledge of the core and common models. These skills are unlikely to be found in a single person. Then you will have to equip the team with the tools it needs, including tools to move around the mof files quickly and easily, trying things out and making changes. Then you will need to give them time to complete the work. For a genuine PBX with many more features than that described here, a four-week period for a team of two or three is probably not unrealistic . Of course, if you intend to take the model to the DMTF to be published as a standard then the amount of work increases significantly.

A Practical Approach to WBEM[s]CIM Management
A Practical Approach to WBEM[s]CIM Management
ISBN: 849323061
Year: 2006
Pages: 152 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: