Use multiple home pages. This is a great technique because it seems that no one home page covers everything.
You can easily open a new tab by double-clicking in the tab bar or pressing Ctrl-T. You can close an unneeded tab by clicking the close button at the end of the tab bar or pressing the middle mouse button.
New links can be opened by default in new tabs or by reusing the current tab.
A new tab doesn't have to be in the foreground. A tab can be created, and loaded, while it is in the background.
Tabs are easy to manage. You can reorder your tabs using the keyboard or mouse.
Live Bookmarks and Live Bookmark Articles enable bookmarks in Firefox to respond to dynamic content.
Bookmark and use! This site requires a free logon to post in the forums and is worth the effort.
Consider limiting the number of bookmarks in a bookmark folder to a reasonable number. I use five as my ideal maximum, but that is often exceeded.
TabGroups enable you to group, or organize, tabs by subject or content.