

SameTimeAnnouncementPublisher component (CruiseControl), 502
< schedule> element (CruiseControl), 492
scheduling builds (AntHill), 523
scope of iteration, determining, 5
scopes, tag handlers, 375
SCP component (CruiseControl), 502
scripting variables , verifying, 385
ScriptTestSuite function (Abbot), 451
security, Bugzilla, 293
selectors (Ant), 46
containers, 49
< contains>, 46
< containsregexp>, 48
< date>, 4647
< depend>, 47
< depth>, 47
< different>, 47
< filename>, 4748
< present>, 48
< size >, 48
< type>, 48
selectTab() method (jfcUnit), 440
servers, CVS
adding files, 2730
administration, 3334
checking out code, 27
connecting to, 2627
creating branches, 3133
local, 2425
locking files, 31
recovering files, 3435
removing files, 33
updating modules, 3031
ServiceDefinition class (Cactus), 616
ServiceEnumeration class (Cactus), 616
servlet mappings, 17
ServletConfigWrapper class (Cactus, 632633
ServletContextWrapper class (Cactus), 633
ServletRedirector (Cactus), mapping, 361
servlets, testing (Cactus), 361365
ServletTestCase class (Cactus), 351, 361, 616619
ServletTestRequest class (Cactus), 620621
ServletURL class (Cactus), 621622
session beans
creating with XDoclet, 180181
Hello World Model 2 project, 107110, 114
session information, tracking (JMeter), 326327
setProps target (Ant), 70, 7172
setter methods , testing, 402
setUp() method (Cactus), 355356
shadow proxy bean (Hello World Model 2 project), 110113
shared libraries, creating buildfiles for, 70
shortDescription element (Maven), 465, 476
simple design (XP practice), 5
simplicity (XP value), 2, 3
siteAddress/siteDirectory element (Maven), 465, 476
< size> selector (Ant), 48
small releases (XP practice), 5
source code instrumentation, 410
source control system components (CruiseControl), 498
sourceDirectory element (Maven), 466, 477
sourceModifications element (Maven), 466, 478
spider example (HttpUnit testing), 312314
sql task (Ant), 544545
src directory (Maven), 467468
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), HttpUnit testing ability, 311
staging targets (Ant), 40
StarTeam component (CruiseControl), 498
StarTeamBootStrapper component (CruiseControl), 498499
startup classes. See main classes
statement coverage, 411, 417
sticky options (CVS), 29
sticky tags (CVS), 29
Strachan, James, 472
installing, 187188
overview, 187188
registration system example
Action object, 189190
ActionForm, 188189
compiling, 195
configuration file, 190191
register page, 193194
running, 195
setup, 194195
success and failure pages, 192193
web.xml file, 191192
with XDoclet, 195198
@ struts.action-forward tag (XDoclet), 196197
@ struts.action tag (XDoclet), 196197
@ struts.form tag (XDoclet), 195196
@ struts.validator tag (XDoclet), 196
Student bean EJB example (XDoclet), 177180
SubmitButton class (HttpUnit), 646
subprojects , calling (Maven), 478479
subtasks (XDoclet), 141142
SVN component (CruiseControl), 498
SVNBootStrapper component (CruiseControl), 498499
Swing testing, 425426
Abbot, 447448
advantages, 455
defining components, 451
defining launch arguments, 451
dialog test example, 453454
integrating tests, 450451
ScriptTestSuite function, 451
table test example, 452453
test suite, creating, 454455
Costello, 447448
adding assertions, 453
cleaning up results, 454
editor frame, 449
key modifiers, 450
recording tests, 448450
Robot mode, 449
STDOUT errors, 450
button test example, 427429
dialog test example, 431433
downloading, 425
JFrameOperator, 426
non-blocking variants, 432
primary frames , finding, 426427
selecting tabs, 428
supressing output, 436
table test example, 429431
timeouts, 433436
jfcUnit, 437
advantages, 445446
button test example, 440441
ComponentFinder class, 439
dialog test example, 444445
downloading, 438
Finder class, 438
JFCTestCase class, 438
RobotTestHelper class, 438
selecting tabs, 440
table test example, 442443
TestHelper class, 438439
system testing. See JMeter

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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