The Spring Framework

Even after dedicating Chapters 6, 7, and part of Chapter 10 to the Spring Framework, I have probably covered only half of the Spring Framework (if that). There is a lot more to Spring. Here are some features of Spring you might want to investigate further:

  • Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) features

  • Remoting support for the following technologies: Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Web Services (using JAX-RPC), Java Connector Architecture (JCA), Enterprise JavaBean (EJB), and Java Message Service (JMS)

  • Database-related support for Data Access Object (DAO) objects, ORM support (for Hibernate, JDO, iBATIS), and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

  • Transaction support for Java Transaction API (JTA)

  • Spring Portlet MVC framework (support for JSR-168 Portlet API)

  • Integration of the Spring Web MVC Framework with a site composition technology such as Apache Tiles ( or decoration technology such as OpenSymphony's SiteMesh (

  • Spring subprojects (including Web Flow, Acegi security, BeanDoc, and Rich Client support)

  • New tag libraries introduced in Spring

  • Other (Spring's support for JEE such as JMS, EJB, and more)

Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse
Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse
ISBN: 0672328968
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 219 © 2008-2017.
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