

-d option in package, 166–167

data and data types, 16, 19

boolean, 25

characters, 25

in declarations, 27

declaring and assigning, 26–28

exercise questions for, 30–31

exercise solutions for, 407–409

floating-point, 24–25

integer, 21–24, 22–23

in interfaces, 192–194

for objects, 120–122, 121–122

summary, 26

Data Chain Lab animated illustration, 261, 262

data hiding

defined, 469

in object-oriented programming, 172–173

DataInputStream class, 256, 259

DataLab animated illustration, 122, 122

DataOutputStream class, 256–257

debug code, 469

declarations, 16, 26–28

for arrays, 102

defined, 469

in interfaces, 188–189

for methods, 59

decrement operator, 45–46

default access

defined, 469

purpose of, 174–176

default code, 81

default constructors

defined, 469

purpose of, 148–149

default statements, 79–80

definitions, class, 35, 120

deprecated methods

compatibility of, 228

defined, 469

destination directories

defined, 469

for packages, 167

Developer Tools package, 402

Developer Tools Update, 401–402

dialog boxes

class for, 365–366, 366

defined, 469

differences, 37

digital circuits, 2

vs. analog, 3

defined, 469

digital computers, 2

vs. analog, 3

defined, 470

Dimension class, 282

dimensions for arrays, 106–108, 106, 108–109

directories, 165

for installation files, 397, 403

for packages, 166–167, 166

for programs, 398

disabling components, 349

DisablingNim class, 349–351

disks, 248–249. See also files

display method, 183–185


operator for, 37

truncation with, 40

do-while loops, 85–86

docs directory, 224

Dog class, 120

double data type

defined, 470

range of, 24–25

with result types, 52–53, 53

wrapper class for, 240

double-quotes (“) for literal strings, 30, 229

downloading and installing Java

in Macintosh, 401–404

overview, 396

in Windows, 396–401, 397

drawing, 277, 278. See also painting

circles, 280

filling in, 281–282, 281, 283

frames, 287–289, 287–289

lines, 278, 279

ovals, 280–281, 280–281

rectangles, 279, 279

squares, 280

text, 283–286, 284–286

drawLine method, 278

drawOval method, 280–281

drawRect method, 279–280

drawString method, 283–285

dump method, 129

dumpSalary method, 146

Ground-Up Java
Ground-Up Java
ISBN: 0782141900
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 157
Authors: Philip Heller © 2008-2017.
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