Now that you are beginning to think about emotional responses, and business changes, it is time to consider the "X factor." X represents the unknown, multicausal factors that contribute to emotional responses in life, including emotions in the workplace. X includes features that are known, unknown, visible, invisible and in mixed combinations. X is what intrigues scientists and lends itself to research. There is never only one X factor. But if you take change and add any X, it will create emotional response.

Factors of X can include:

  1. The Brain

    Mental or cognitive approaches, learning styles, IQ ranges

  2. Past Experience

    What has happened before and how has it affected or taught meaning

  3. Expectations

    What is demanded from this situation? Is this new or familiar?

  4. Social Features

    Does this connect to some other person or persons, present, past or future? Am I alone or do I have connections to deal with this?

  5. Personal Field State

    What is going on with me right now? If this change "lands" on my field, is there already a battle going on there, or is it a calm place ready to accept change? Personal Field State includes health and mental health

  6. Location Field State

    Where is this change landing in my environment? Is it a safe, dangerous, or a neutral place? What is the climate?

  7. Presentation

    Is the change presented as a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, sensory , or invisible threat or enhancement? Is it a good change or a bad change according to me, according to others?

  8. Time

    Is this change happening now or in the future? Will it have a short or long term effect? Is this similar to changes in my past? What happened then?

  9. Control

    Can I control this change? Is it out of control? Is someone controlling me? What will happen if it or I go out of control? Are others in or out of control?

  10. Human Specifics

    Gender, age, culture, ethnicity , hierarchy, proximity, sensory, birth order, genetics , preferences like whether you prefer Pepsi Cola or Coca-Cola .

  11. Politics

    Is this change associated with a political agenda of mine or someone else?

  12. Ideology

    Do I believe in this change or does it go against my ideals or morals?

  13. Religion

    Is this change compatible with my belief system?

  14. Physiology

    Is this change going to harm me or enhance me physically?

  15. Experience

    Have I done this before? Have others? Was it positive? Negative?

  16. Perception

    What does this look like, mean, or symbolize to me? For others?

  17. Stress Level

    Does the stress associated with this change seem familiar or unfamiliar, personal or impersonal?

Emotional Terrors in the Workplace. Protecting Your Business' Bottom Line. Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Emotional Terrors in the Workplace: Protecting Your Business Bottom Line - Emotional Continuity Management in the Workplace
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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