
All of these methods for integrating static content into PostNuke require a solid understanding of XHTML and, in some cases, PHP. If you are having syntax troubles with your content, try some of the online resources listed in Appendix D, "Web Resources."

You might find with NukeWrapper that entering a wrapped link only redirects you to your site's home page with this URL path:


This is the default security message returned by the script. It's triggered when it detects problems, such as URL hack attempts, and appears if it cannot find the content you want to wrap.

To track this problem, exit the wrap.php file and scroll down to about line 135. Find the $WrapDebug variable and set it to "1" to enable it. Save the file and reload your wrapped link. You now see additional variables and paths relevant to your site, and a table of PostNuke and Server variables are displayed at the bottom of the page. The information shows whether your file is found by NukeWrapper and helps you track the issue.

You can also test your files by reducing the NukeWrapper security. Scroll in wrap.php to about line 372 and comment out this code:

 if ($ValidURL===false) { session_write_close();     header("Location: ".$SiteRoot."index.php?Who's_a_naughty_boy_then?"); exit(); // Hackers_Are_EVIL!!!_Only_pages_on_this_PostNuke_site_are_accessible. } // If webroot and valid directory is not in the full filepath, an attempt may have been made to hack the site by using ../ in the filepath 

You can also use this code to edit the error message potentially presented to your users, if desired.

    PostNuke Content Management
    PostNuke Content Management
    ISBN: 0672326868
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 207
    Authors: Kevin Hatch © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: