Working with Dialog Boxes

In Photoshop s dialog boxes, you can use standard keyboard shortcuts, such as pressing [Tab] to cycle forward through the main controls and [Shift]-[Tab] to cycle backward. The major dialog boxes, such as the Extract dialog box, the Liquify dialog box, and the Pattern Maker dialog box, also support further shortcuts that enable you to quickly access the tools and features you need.

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Extract Dialog Box

Windows [B], Mac [B]

Activate the Edge Highlighter tool

Windows [G], Mac [G]

Activate the Fill tool

Windows [I], Mac [I]

Activate the Eyedropper tool

Windows [C], Mac [C]

Activate the Cleanup tool

Windows [T], Mac [T]

Activate the Edge Touchup tool

Windows [Spacebar], Mac [Spacebar]

Temporarily activate the Hand tool

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Change the Cancel button to a Reset button

Windows []], Mac []]

Increase the brush size

Windows [[], Mac [[]

Decrease the brush size

Windows [Ctrl]-[0], Mac [ z ]-[0]

Make the image fit in the window

Windows [Ctrl]-[Spacebar], Mac [ z ]-[Spacebar]

Temporarily select the Zoom In tool

Windows [Alt], [Alt]-[Spacebar], Mac [Option]-[Spacebar]

Temporarily select the Zoom Out tool

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Toggle between the Edge Highlighter tool and the Eraser tool

Windows [Ctrl] with the Edge Highlighter tool selected, Mac [ z ] with the Edge Highlighter tool selected

Toggle Smart Highlighting on and off

Windows [Ctrl]-[Delete], Mac [ z ]-[Delete]

Highlight the entire image

Windows [Alt]-[Delete], Mac [Option]-[Delete]

Remove the current highlight

Windows [Shift]-click with the Fill tool selected, Mac [Shift]-click with the Fill tool selected

Fill the foreground area and preview the extraction

Windows [Ctrl]-drag, Mac [ z ]-drag

Move the Mask when the Edge Touchup tool is active

Windows [Alt]-drag, Mac [Option]-drag

Add opacity when the Cleanup tool is active

Windows [X], Mac [X]

Toggle the Show menu options between Original and Extracted in Preview

Windows [Shift]-[X], Mac [Shift]-[X]

Enable the Cleanup tool and Edge Touchup tool before preview

Windows [F], Mac [F]

Cycle forward through the items in the Display menu

Windows [Shift]-[F], Mac [Shift]-[F]

Cycle backward through the items in the Display menu

Windows [0] to [9], Mac [0] to [9]

Set the strength of the Cleanup tool or the Edge Touchup tool

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Liquify Dialog Box

Windows [W], Mac [W]

Activate the Forward Warp tool

Windows [R], Mac [R]

Activate the Reconstruct tool

Windows [C], Mac [C]

Activate the Twirl Clockwise tool

Windows [S], Mac [S]

Activate the Pucker tool

Windows [B], Mac [B]

Activate the Bloat tool

Windows [O], Mac [O]

Activate the Push Left tool

Windows [M], Mac [M]

Activate the Mirror tool

Windows [T], Mac [T]

Activate the Turbulence tool

Windows [F], Mac [F]

Activate the Freeze Mask tool

Windows [D], Mac [D]

Activate the Thaw Mask tool

Windows [Spacebar], Mac [Spacebar]

Temporarily activate the Hand tool

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Change the Cancel button to a Reset button

Windows []], Mac []]

Increase the brush size

Windows [[], Mac [[]

Decrease the brush size

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Reverse the direction of the tool

This shortcut works for the Bloat tool, the Pucker tool, the Push Left tool, and the Mirror tool.

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Pattern Maker Dialog Box

Windows [Spacebar], Mac [Spacebar]

Temporarily activate the Hand tool

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Change the Cancel button to a Reset button

Windows [Ctrl]-[0], Mac [ z ]-[0]

Make the image fit in the window

Windows [Ctrl]-[Spacebar], Mac [ z ]-[Spacebar]

Temporarily select the Zoom In tool

Windows [Alt], [Alt]-[Spacebar], Mac [Option]-[Spacebar]

Temporarily select the Zoom Out tool

Windows [Ctrl]-[D], Mac [ z ]-[D]

Delete the current selection

Windows [Ctrl]-[G], Mac [ z ]-[G]

Generate the pattern

Windows [Alt]-[Shift]-click, Mac [Option]-[Shift]-click

Make the clicked item intersect with the current selection

Windows [X], Mac [X]

Toggle between the original and the generated pattern

Windows [Home], Mac [Home]

Select the first tile in the Tile History list

Windows [PageUp], [], Mac [PageUp], []

Select the previous tile in the Tile History list

Windows [PageDown], [], Mac [PageDown], []

Select the next tile in the Tile History list

Windows [End], Mac [End]

Windows [Delete], Mac [Delete]

Delete the selected tile from the Tile History list

Windows [], [], [], [], Mac [], [], [], []

Nudge the selection by a small amount in the direction of the arrow

Windows [Shift]-[], [Shift]-[], [Shift]-[], [Shift]-[], Mac [Shift]-[], [Shift]-[], [Shift]-[], [Shift]-[]

Nudge the selection by a larger amount in the direction of the arrow

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Filter Gallery

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Change the Cancel button to a Reset button

Windows [Ctrl], Mac [ z ]

Change the Cancel button to a Default button

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Camera Raw Dialog Box

Windows [Alt]-drag the Exposure slider or Shadows slider, Mac [Option]-drag the Exposure slider or Shadows slider

Display the highlights that will be clipped in Preview

Windows [Shift], Mac [Shift]

Change the OK button to a Skip button

Use this shortcut to change the OK button to a Skip button so that you can skip converting files when you select multiple files.

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Change the OK button to an Update button

Use this shortcut to change the OK button to an Update button so that you can update the settings for selected files without opening them.

Keyboard Shortcuts for the Photomerge Dialog Box

Windows [Alt], Mac [Option]

Change the Cancel button to a Reset button

Windows [], [], [], [], Mac [], [], [], []

Move the selected image one pixel left, right, up, or down

Windows [Spacebar], Mac [Spacebar]

Switch to the Hand tool

Windows [A], Mac [A]

Activate the Select Image tool

Windows [R], Mac [R]

Activate the Rotate Image tool

Windows [V], Mac [V]

Activate the Set Vanishing Point tool

Windows [Z], Mac [Z]

Activate the Zoom tool

Windows [H], Mac [H]

Activate the Hand tool

Adobe Creative Suite Keyboard Shortcuts
Adobe Creative Suite Keyboard Shortcuts
ISBN: 0072254998
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 91 © 2008-2017.
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