

Target nodes
denoting Transitioners, 259
target_rpm attribute, CarDynamics class, 331
Terrain class, 123
constructor, 130133
definition, 129
Dispose method, 140
GetSlope method, 136, 359
HeightAboveTerrain method, 134
HeightOfTerrain method, 134
InLineOfSight method, 135
Render method, 138
TerrainHeight method, 134
TerrainHeight method, Terrain class, 134
TerrainQuad class
constructor, 125
inheritance and definition, 124
Dispose method, 127
InRect method, 128
RenderQuad method, 127
SetCornerNormal method, 126, 132
creating, 389
definition, 38
mapping, 7
rendering, 106
stage operations, 107
TextureLoader class
FromFile method, 39, 178
mipmaps , 107
process, 106
Think method, AIState class, 256
Thinker class, 260
action methods, 277
attributes, 260
constructing, 262
delegates, 260
each instance must contain, 261
facts, 237
highest level class for inference engine, 237
implementing sensor methods, 273
inherited by Opponent class, 279
inheriting from IDisposable, 265
AddAction method, 262
AddSensorMethod method, 267
AddState method, 267
Contains method, 262
Dispose method, 265
DriverView method, 274
Execute method, 264
GetAction method, 259, 263
GetActionName method, 263
GetByIndex method, 263
GetFact method, 247, 266
GetKey method, 263
GetState method, 259, 265
IndexOfKey method, 263
Read method, 258, 269
SetFact method, 267, 269
Write method, 268
our opponent, 259
queried by DoActions method, AIState class, 256
referenced by Read method, Expression class, 250
referenced by Read method, Logic class, 245
Self property, 261
serializing, 268
supplying data to, example, 271
Thread class, 70
IsAlive property, 265
Sleep method, 265, 337
ThreadStart enumeration, 262
three-dimensional sound, 288
listening for noise, 289
making noise, 292
using in game, 300
three dimensional modeling tools, 385
hobbyist modeling tools, 386
professional modeling tools, 385
3D objects, basic, 113
horizon, 113
landscape, 123
3D objects, complex
Mesh class, 167
Model class, 169, 170
3D rendering, 80
3D Studio Max modeling tool, 385
throttle attribute, CarDynamics class, 330
Throttle property, CarDynamics class, 333
ToggleState method, Console class, 66
tools, 383
audio tools, 390
converting model formats, 387
free tools, 385
level editor, 387
three-dimensional modeling tools, 385
touching_ground flag, Wheel class, 322
transformation matrices, 98
TransformCoordinate method, Vectors class, 183, 291
transforming objects
distance, 99
rotation, 99
viewing at a distance, 99
transition logic and inference engines, 237
Transitioner class, 251
collection held by AIState class, 254
constructor, 252
implementing inference engine, 237
iterating through collection, 257
logic evaluation put to use, 251
Evaluate method, 252, 256
Read method, 253
Write method, 253
translating a point, 99
triangle fan primitive, 104105
triangle list primitive, 104
triangle strip primitive, 104105
TrimByVertices method, ProgressiveMesh class, 170, 181
trueSpace modeling program, 386
tweening, 86
Type property, GameLights class, 219

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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