

game engine project
AI, 233
implementing system, 237
inference engines, 235
lighting and fog, 213
audio, 281
music, 281
three dimensional sound, 288
attaching to objects, 205
creating, 202
culling with, 206
defining in 3D rendering, 80
positioning, 203
development environment, 383
action review, player scoring, 14
design, 4
CD3DApplication base class, 15
developer splash screen, 11
DirectX 9, 4
engine methods , 11, 12
game loop, 13
game splash screen, 12
interfaces, 89
presenting the options, 13
process flow, 11
physics, 303
dynamics of flexible systems, 362
vehicle dynamics, 303
rendering pipeline, 79
back face culling, 102
checking visibility and performing culling, 86
converting model coordinates to view frame, 98
implementing objects, 81
moving cameras and objects, 80
primitive types used for rendering, 104
rendering to screen, 111
selecting level of detail, 97
setting up vertex buffer, 104
shading, texture and fog, 106
traditional fixed-function pipeline, 79
vertex and pixel shader pipeline, 79
3D objects
basic, 113
complex, 167
tools, 383
user interface
developing the console, 53
drawing option screens, 42
drawing splash screens, 38
input methods, 29
putting it all together, 70
unifying, 34
game engines, overview, 1
first-person shooter game engines, 1
real-time strategy game engines, 2
vehicle simulation game engines, 3
game splash screen, 12
GameCommand class
constuctor, 55
Execute method, 55, 65
GameEngine class
attributes, 70
calling Update method,
ParticleGenerator class, 160
fog properties, 230
AddObject method, 191
DoOptions method, 73
GetObject method, 192
GetPlayerInputs method, 73
Initialize method, 71
OneTimeSceneInit method, 73
SetOptionScreen method, 71
ShowSplash method, 71
GameInput class
methods, 35
Poll method, 73
user interface, 34
GameLights class
constructor, 221
example, 229
implementing, 217
inheritance, 218
AddDirectionalLight method, 222
AddPointLight method, 223
AddSpotLight method, 223
CheckCulling method, 227
CompareTo method, 221
DeactivateLights method, 224
GetLight method, 221
InitializeLights method, 224
SetupLights method, 225, 227
Update method, 228
Ambient property, 229
Enabled property, 219
Type property, 219
using, 229
GameMath class
ComputeFaceNormal method, 124
gear attribute, GearState enumeration, 332
Gear property, CarDynamics class, 333
GearState enumeration, 329, 332
attributes, 332
states, 347
Geometry class
ComputeBoundingSphere method, 174
Get method, CarDynamics class, 335
GetAction method, Thinker class, 259, 263
GetActionName method, Thinker class, 263
GetByIndex method, Thinker class, 263
GetCorner method, Model class, 182
GetDestRect method, ImageButton class, 46
GetDistance method, Camera class, 208, 276
GetFact method, Thinker class, 247, 266
GetKey method, Thinker class, 263
GetLight method, GameLights class, 221
GetObject method, GameEngine class, 192
GetPitch method, CarDynamics class, 355
GetPlayerInputs method, GameEngine class, 73
GetRoll method, CarDynamics class, 355
GetSlope method
ITerrainInfo interface, 10
Terrain class, 136, 359
GetSrcRect method, ImageButton class, 46
GetState method, Thinker class, 259, 265
GetTexture method, ImageButton class, 46
Gouraud shading, 106
GraphicsStream class
accessing vertex information for mesh, 168
holds adjacency information, 172
GraphicsUtility class
CreateTexture method, 116, 133
ground_height attribute, Wheel class, 321
ground_slope attribute, CarDynamics class, 330
Guid3DalgorithmHrtfLight algorithm, SoundEffect class, 295

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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