

Accelerate method, Opponent class, 277
Acquire method, Device class, 3132
action map
processing, 36
structures, 34
action review, player scoring, 14
Add method, BillBoard class, 144
Add Reference dialog box, 384
AddAction method
AIState class, 255
Thinker class, 262
AddButton method, OptionScreen class, 49
AddCharacterToEntryLine method, Console class, 63, 75
AddCommand method, Console class, 65
AddDirectionalLight method, GameLights class, 222
AddLine method, Console class, 62
AddLogic method, Expression class, 249
AddObject method
GameEngine class, 191
Quad class, 90
AddParameter method, Console class, 66
AddPointLight method, GameLights class, 223
AddSensorMethod method, Thinker class, 267
AddSong method, Jukebox class, 285
AddSpotLight method, GameLights class, 223
AddState method, Thinker class, 267
AddTransitioner method, AIState class, 256
AddVisibleObject method, Camera class, 212
AdjustHeading method, Camera class, 203
AdjustPitch method, Camera class, 204
Adobe Photoshop
editing images, 389
AEPCPI methods , Euler class, 311
aerodynamic drag, calculating, 332
AI (artificial intelligence)
implementing system, 237
inference engines, 235
neural networks, 235
options, 233
precursors of, 234
providing challenge to player, 233
air_density attribute, CarDynamics class, 332
AIState class, 254
constructor, 255
inference engine, 237
central pillar of, 240
implementing, 237
AddAction method, 255
AddTransitioner method, 256
DoActions method, 255
Read method, 258
Think method, 256
WriteFullState method, 257, 269
Name property, 255
populating with Transitioners, 257
AlphaBlendEnable state, RenderState class, 149
altitude attribute, Wheel class, 322
ambient color , 106
ambient light, 213
Ambient property, GameLights class, 229
And member, Operator enumeration, 245
animated models
basis for movement, 81
animating objects, 85
tweening, 86
ArrayList class, System.Collections namespace
Console, defining, 56
Sort method, 218
using for playlist of songs, 285
artificial intelligence. See AI
aspect ratio, 197
assemblies, adding references to, 384
atmosphere, lighting and fog, 213
Attach method, Camera class, 205
attenuation of light formula, 223
Attitude attribute, CarDynamics class, 330
Attitude class
defining, 311
Limit method, 340
Attitude struct
defining, 6
redefining, 311
related terms, 6
Attitude_rate attribute, CarDynamics class, 330
audio, 281
music, 281
three dimensional sound, 288
Audio class
Audio Video namespace, 281
Ending event, 283
Volume property, 282, 283
Audio Edit tool, 390
audio tools, 390
Audio Video class, 38
AudioVideo namespace, 281
auto_gear attribute, GearState enumeration, 332

Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and C#
ISBN: 1590590813
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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