Day 29: Success: Work at It

Definition of success:
The achievement of something desired, intended or attempted.

Say It

As you speak the following phrases, believe and embrace them. Visualize yourself having what you state ”possess it. Notice how your voice and body respond to each I statement:

  • I acknowledge that I have the skills needed for success.

  • I possess the skills needed for success in all areas of my life.

  • I am a winner. Success follows me wherever I go.

  • I am drawn to success. I act as if I have already succeeded.

  • I am empowered to succeed, and I encourage others to be successful.

Attitude Is Everything for Success
Attitude Is Everything for Success
ISBN: 1401902014
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 129
Authors: Keith Harrell © 2008-2017.
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