

data, 603

dynamic, benefits, 3-5

data access. See also ADO.NET

Data Access objects (DAO), migrating to ADO, 183

Data Access Pages (DAP), and Access, 190

data binding in ADO.NET Web Forms, 359-382

data-binding expressions, 359-360

through control's data source, 361-362

web server controls, 363-382

building on Dreamweaver code, 372-379

DataGrid web server control, 379-382

DataList web server control, 368-371

Repeater web server control, 363-368

data columns, naming conventions for, 53

data connection. See connections

Data connection layer, 6

data display, Server Behaviors for

Dynamic Table Server Behavior, 506, 507

Dynamic Text Server Behavior, 501-503

Recordset Navigation Bar Server Behavior, 507-508, 508

Recordset Navigation Status Server Behavior, 509, 509

Repeat Region Server Behavior, 504-505, 505

data-driven site, 6

Data Link Properties dialog box

Connection tab, 236

Provider tab, 235

Data Manipulation Language, 432

data source

of control, data binding through, 361-362

Jet SQL as, 210, 210-211

Data Source Name (DSN), 75, 226

Data Source Name (DSN) dialog box, 231, 231, 232

Data source name not found, as error message, 246

data storage media, wiping or destroying old, 408

data tables, naming conventions for, 52-53

Data Transformation Services Import/Export Wizard (SQL Server), 160

Data type mismatch in criteria expression error message, 246

database administrator (DBA), 119

database design, 89

foreign key, 95

defining, 110-114

normalization, 90-92

primary key, 92-93

natural or surrogate, 94

process, 95-114

applying normal forms, 97-104

datatypes definition, 104-105

knowledge of data, 96-97

relationships, 105-109

redundant data and relational database theory, 89-90

referential integrity, 114-116

cascading options, 116-117

database files, properties, web service access, 244, 244

Database layer, 6

Database object, Execute method of, 212

database servers, 28

databases, 9-10

changes with UPDATE statement, 448-450, 449

connection setup, 36-38, 37

DELETE statement to remove records, 450-451

folders for, 414-415

location for development environment, 27-28

protection for, 414-415

SQL interaction with, 430

term defined, 91

Databases panel, 585

opening, 233

DataBind() command, of Page object, 359

DataGrid dialog box, 380

DataGrid Server Behavior, 510

DataGrid web server control, 329, 379-382, 382

in master page, 585-586, 590

DataList dialog box, 368-369, 369

inserting template code, 370

DataList Server Behavior, 510

DataList web server control, 329, 368-371

code for, 371

event-driven procedures, 378-379

script page, 374-377, 377

DataRelations object, 349

DataSet dialog box, 357, 357

DataSets, 347, 348-353, 349

creating from data source, 352-353

creating in memory, 350-352

MM:DataSet Custom tag to create, 356-357

scripting-server controls to dynamically update, 374

DataSource property, of server controls, 359

datatypes, 670-672

choosing correct, 193

definition, 104-105

Jet, 188-189, 191-193

in Microsoft SQL Server, 161-162

in MySQL, 141-146

character, 144-145

date/time, 146

numeric, 142-144

in Oracle, 121-123

DATE datatype (Oracle), 123

DATE datatype (MySQL), 146

Date() function (Access), 200

date/time datatypes

in Access, 192

in MySQL, 146

in Oracle, 123

date/time functions, 668-669

in Access, 200-203

in Microsoft SQL Server, 163-164

in MySQL, 151-153

in Oracle, 127-129

DateAdd() function (Access), 200

DateAdd() function (SQL Server), 164

DateDiff() function (Access), 201

DateDiff() function (SQL Server), 164

DatePart() function (Access), 201

DatePart() function (SQL Server), 164

dates, Access vs. SQL Server support, 218-219

DateSerial() function (Access), 201

DATETIME datatype (MySQL), 146

DateTime datatype (SQL Server), 161

DateTime Null datatype (SQL Server), 161

DateValue() function (Access), 201

DAvg() function (Access), 206

Day() function (Access), 201

Day() function (SQL Server), 164

DAYNAME() function (MySQL), 152

DAYOFWEEK() function (MySQL), 152

DAYOFYEAR() function (MySQL), 152

dBASE, and database location, 28

DB_ID() function (SQL Server), 166

DB_NAME() function (SQL Server), 166

DCount() function (Access), 204

Ddb() function (Access), 207

Debug property, of MM:DataSet Custom tag, 354

debugger in ColdFusion, 256-259

enabling, 256

execution time, 259

output format, 256

variables, 259

debugging Active Server Pages (ASP), 300-301

Debug.Print statement, 214

DECIMAL datatype (MySQL), 143-144

Decimal datatype (SQL Server), 161

Decimal datatype (Access), 192

Decimal Null datatype (SQL Server), 161

declarations in JavaServer Pages, 275-276

DECODE() function (Oracle), 130-131

default home page, designating for Site Manager, 41

Default Images folder, 31

DefaultView property, of MM:DataSet Custom tag, 355

Define Access Levels dialog box, 421

degaussing, 408

Delete Record dialog box, 540

Delete Record Server Behavior, 539

DELETE statement (SQL), 450-451


data connection, 243

records, HTML forms for, 539-542, 540

delimiters, 465-466

for dates, 467

Deploy Supporting Files to Testing Server dialog box, 356

DESC keyword (SQL), 437

Design panel, Behaviors tab, Validate Form, 63, 63

Design view of Dreamweaver, 471-472, 472

form objects in, 84, 84

designers, recommended Launcher settings, 20-21

details. See Master/Detail Page Sets

deterministic functions, in SQL Server, 163

development environment

ColdFusion as, 262-268

setup, 27-38

binding to data, 38

database connection, 36-38

database location, 27-28

site definition, 28-36

web server, 27

device drivers, for Oracle connection, 136

DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language), 12

Data Access Pages (DAP) to save Access object as, 190

diagram of code operation, 60

dial-up modems, and download speed, 55

Difference() function (SQL Server), 169

directives, in JavaServer Pages (JSP), 9, 276-279

directories. See folders

disconnected dataset, 347

display monitor, Dreamweaver MX requirements, 13-14

display_errors option in php.ini file, 389-390

DISTINCT predicate (SQL), 435-436


in Access, 436

and upsizing, 219

DLookup() function (Access), 205

DMax() function (Access), 205

DMin() function (Access), 205

dockable output format for ColdFusion debugger, 256, 258

DoCmd object, RunSQL method of, 212

document types, in site definition, 29


extension to close all, 663-664

as pages, 616

dollar sign ($), for PHP variable names, 391

domain, 204

domain functions, in Access, 204-206

Don' t Make Me Think (Krug and Black), 55

DOUBLE datatype (MySQL), 143


dial-up modems and speed of, 55

from Macromedia Exchange, 644

Server Behavior to track count, 648

drag and drop, to add dynamic data to script page, 503

Dreamweaver MX

basics, 7

configuration, 18-26

adding icons to panels and adding launcher, 18-21, 19

additional preference settings, 26

code appearance and readability, 26

code corrections by Dreamweaver, 25-26

error checking before saving, 23, 24

preview in browser, 21-23

history, 11-12

installing, 13-16

hardware and software requirements, 13-14

local web server, 14

options, 15

PC/server environment setup, 27-38

database location, 27-28. See also database

web server, 27

running for first time, 16-17

interface options, 16

refusal to start, 17

for security, 415-425

restricting access to page, 418-425

User Authentication page, 415-418, 416

trial version, xxii

Dreamweaver MX extensions, 643-649.

See also Macromedia Exchange

categories, 646

disabling, 649

examples, 656-664

Average Distribute Extension, 660-661, 661

CFML Form Tab, 661, 661-662

Check Form, 656, 656-657

Close All Documents, 663, 663-664

Context Help Toolbar, 658, 658-659

Cube Stores Designer, 657, 657-658

Drop Down Menu Builder for IE, 659-660, 660

Favorites Menu, 659, 659

Go To Line Number, 662, 662-663

No Right-Click, 664

Extension Manager, 644, 644-647, 645

installing extension, 647-648

removing, 645, 649

reviews, 656

searching Macromedia Exchange for, 652, 653

Dreamweaver MX Library, storing templates in, 368

DreamweaverCtrls.dll file, 356

drop-down lists in HTML forms, 80-81

Drop Down Menu Builder for IE extension, 659-660, 660

DropDownList web server control, 329

Drumbeat (Elemental), 12

DSN (Data Source Name), 75, 226

creating local, 75-79

creating system, 228

DSN-less connection, for ASP developers, 234

DStDev() function (Access), 205

DStDevP() function (Access), 205

DSum() function (Access), 204

duplicate records, 93

DVar() function (Access), 205

DVarP() function (Access), 205

.dwt file extension, 618

dynamic data, benefits of offering, 3-5

Dynamic Table dialog box, 402, 506, 523, 606, 607

Dynamic Table object, 522

to display search results, 606

Dynamic Table Server Behavior, 506, 507, 593-594, 598-599

Dynamic Text, 359-360

on template, 640-641

Dynamic Text dialog box, 501-502, 502, 641, 642

for Details.asp, 562

Dynamic Text Server Behavior, 501-503, 548

Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases
Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases
ISBN: 078214148X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 214 © 2008-2017.
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