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The javax.servlet.http package provides classes and interfaces that are used to create HTTP protocol-specific servlets. The abstract class HttpServlet is a base class for user-defined HTTP servlets and provides methods to process HTTP DELETE, GET, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, and TRACE requests. The Cookie class allows objects containing state information to be placed on a client machine and accessed by a servlet. The package also enables session tracking through the HttpSession interface.

javax.servlet.http Interfaces


    public interface HttpServletRequest      extends ServletRequest 

The HttpServletRequest interface extends ServletRequest to provide methods that can be used to obtain information about a request to an HttpServlet.

    public static final String BASIC_AUTH    public static final String FORM_AUTH    public static final String CLIENT_CERT_AUTH    public static final String DIGEST_AUTH 

These String constants are used to identify the different types of authentication that may have been used to protect the servlet. They have the values "BASIC", "FORM", "CLIENT_CERT", and "DIGEST" respectively.

    public String getAuthType() 

getAuthType() returns the name of the authentication scheme used in the request, or null if no authentication scheme was used.

    public Cookie[] getCookies() 

getCookies() returns an array containing any Cookie objects sent with the request, or null if no cookies were sent.

    public long getDateHeader(String name) 

getDateHeader() returns a long value that converts the date specified in the named header to the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. This method is used with a header that contains a date, and returns -1 if the request does not contain the specified header.

    public String getHeader(String name) 

getHeader() returns the value of the specified header expressed as a String object, or null if the request does not contain the specified header.

    public java.util.Enumeration getHeaders(String name) 

getHeaders() returns an Enumeration containing all of the values associated with the specified header name. The method returns an empty enumeration if the request does not contain the specified header.

    public java.util.Enumeration getHeaderNames() 

getHeaderNames() returns an Enumeration containing all of the header names used by the request.

    public int getIntHeader(String name) 

getIntHeader() returns the value of the specified header as an int. It returns -1 if the request does not contain the specified header, and throws a NumberFormatException if the header value cannot be converted to an int.

    public String getMethod() 

getMethod() returns the name of the HTTP method used to make the request. Typical return values are "GET", "POST", or "PUT".

    public String getPathInfo() 

getPathInfo() returns any additional path information contained in the request URL. This extra information will be after the servlet path and before the query string. It returns null if there is no additional path information.

    public String getPathTranslated() 

getPathTranslated() returns the same information as the getPathInfo() method, but translated into a real path.

    public String getContextPath() 

getContextPath() returns the part of the request URI that indicates the context path of the request. The context path is the first part of the URI and always begins with the "/" character. For servlets running in the root context, this method returns an empty String.

    public String getQueryString() 

getQueryString() returns the query string that was contained in the request URL, or null if there was no query string.

    public String getRemoteUser() 

getRemoteUser() returns the login of the user making the request, or null if the user has not been authenticated.

    public boolean isUserInRole(String role) 

isUserInRole() returns a true if the authenticated user has the specified logical role, or false if the user is not authenticated.

    public getUserPrincipal() 

getUserPrincipal() returns Principal object representing the authenticated user, or null if the user is not authenticated.

    public String getRequestedSessionId() 

getRequestedSessionId() returns the session ID that was specified by the client, or null if the request did not specify an ID.

    public String getRequestURI() 

getRequestURI() returns a sub-section of the request URL, from the protocol name to the query string.

    public StringBuffer getRequestURL() 

getRequestURL() reconstructs the URL used to make the request including the protocol, server name, port number, and path, but excluding the query string.

    public String getServletPath() 

getServletPath() returns the part of the request URL that was used to call the servlet, without any additional information or the query string.

    public HttpSession getSession(boolean create)    public HttpSession getSession() 

getSession() returns the HttpSession object associated with the request. By default, if the request does not currently have a session calling this method will create one. Setting the boolean parameter create to false overrides this.

    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid() 

isRequestedSessionIdValid() returns true if the session ID requested by the client is still valid.

    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() 

isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() returns true if the session ID came in from a cookie.

    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() 

isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() returns true if the session ID came in as part of the request URL.

    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() 

This method is .


    public interface HttpServletResponse      extends ServletResponse 

The HttpServletResponse interface extends the functionality of the ServletResponse interface by providing methods to access HTTP-specific features such as HTTP headers and cookies.

    public static final int SC_CONTINUE    public static final int SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS    public static final int SC_OK    public static final int SC_CREATED    public static final int SC_ACCEPTED    public static final int SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION    public static final int SC_NO_CONTENT    public static final int SC_RESET_CONTENT    public static final int SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT    public static final int SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES    public static final int SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY    public static final int SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY    public static final int SC_SEE_OTHER    public static final int SC_NOT_MODIFIED    public static final int SC_USE_PROXY    public static final int SC_BAD_REQUEST    public static final int SC_UNAUTHORIZED    public static final int SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED    public static final int SC_FORBIDDEN    public static final int SC_NOT_FOUND    public static final int SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED    public static final int SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE    public static final int SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED    public static final int SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT    public static final int SC_CONFLICT    public static final int SC_GONE    public static final int SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED    public static final int SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED    public static final int SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE    public static final int SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG    public static final int SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE    public static final int SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE    public static final int SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED    public static final int SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR    public static final int SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED    public static final int SC_BAD_GATEWAY    public static final int SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE    public static final int SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT    public static final int SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 

These constants represent the status codes defined in the HTTP specification (see Appendix B for further details).

    public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) 

addCookie() adds the specified cookie to the response (more than one cookie can be added).

    public boolean containsHeader(String name) 

containsHeader() returns true if the response header includes the specified header name. This method can be used before calling one of the set() methods to determine if the value has already been set.

    public String encodeURL(String url) 

encodeURL() encodes the specified URL by including the session ID or returns it unchanged if encoding is not needed. All URLs generated by a servlet should be processed through this method to ensure compatibility with browsers that do not support cookies.

    public String encodeRedirectURL(String url) 

encodeRedirectURL() encodes the specified URL or returns it unchanged if encoding is not required. This method is used to process a URL before sending it to the sendRedirect() method.

    public void sendError(int sc,                          String msg)            throws    public void sendError(int sc)            throws 

sendError() sends an error response back to the client machine using the specified error status code. A descriptive message can also be provided. This method must be called before the response is committed (in other words, before the status code and headers have been written).

    public void sendRedirect(String location)            throws 

sendRedirect() redirects the client machine to the specified URL. This method must be called before the response is committed (in other words, before the status code and headers have been written).

    public void setDateHeader(String name,                              long date) 

setDateHeader() sets the time value of a response header for the specified header name. The time is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. If the time value for the specified header has been previously set, the value passed to this method will override it.

    public void addDateHeader(String name,                              long date) 

addDateHeader() adds a response header containing the specified header name and the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. This method can be used to assign multiple values to a given header name.

    public void setHeader(String name,                          String value) 

setHeader() sets a response header with the specified name and value. If the value for the specified header has been previously set, the value passed to this method will override it.

    public void addHeader(String name,                          String value) 

addHeader() adds a response header with the specified name and value. This method can be used to assign multiple values to a given header name.

    public void setIntHeader(String name,                             int value) 

setIntHeader() sets a response header with the specified name and int value. If the int value for the specified header has been previously set, the value passed to this method will override it.

    public void addIntHeader(String name,                             int value) 

addIntHeader() adds a response header with the specified name and int value. This method can be used to assign multiple values to a given header name.

    public void setStatus (int sc) 

setStatus() sets the return status code for the response. The status code should be one of SC_ACCEPTED, SC_OK, SC_CONTINUE, SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT, SC_CREATED, SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, or SC_NO_CONTENT.

    public String encodeUrl(String url)    public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url)    public void setStatus(int sc,                          String sm) 

These methods are deprecated.


    public interface HttpSession 

The HttpSession interface provides methods that define a session between a client and server, despite the stateless nature of the HTTP protocol. The session lasts for a specified time period and can encompass more than one connection or page request from the user. The methods declared by this interface allow the access of information about the session and enable the binding of objects to sessions. The bound object can contain the state information that each request should be able to access.

    public long getCreationTime() 

getCreationTime() returns the time when the session was created in milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 GMT.

    public String getId() 

getId() returns a String object containing a unique identifier for this session

    public long getLastAccessedTime() 

getLastAccessedTime() returns the last time a client request associated with the session was sent. The return value is the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 GMT.

    public void setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval) 

setMaxInactiveInterval() specifies the number of seconds the server will wait between client requests before the session is invalidated. If a negative value is passed to this method, the session will never time out.

    public int getMaxInactiveInterval() 

getMaxInactiveInterval() returns the number of seconds the server will wait between client requests before the session is invalidated. A negative return value indicates the session will never time out.

    public Object getAttribute(String name) 

getAttribute() returns the Object bound to the specified name in this session, or null if it doesn't exist.

    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames() 

getAttributeNames() returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of all the objects bound to this session.

    public void setAttribute(String name,                             Object value) 

setAttribute() binds an Object to the specified attribute name, in this session. If the attribute name already exists, the Object passed to this method will replace the previous Object.

    public void removeAttribute(String name) 

removeAttribute() removes the Object bound to the specified name from this session.

    public void invalidate() 

invalidate() invalidates the session and unbinds any objects bound to it.

    public boolean isNew() 

isNew() returns true if the server has created a session that has not yet been accessed by a client.

    public HttpSessionContext getSessionContext()    public Object getValue(String name)    public String[] getValueNames()    public void putValue(String name,                         Object value)    public void removeValue(String name) 

These methods have been deprecated.


    public interface HttpSessionActivationListener 

Objects implementing the HttpSessionActivationListener interface will be informed when the session they are bound to is going to be passivated and activated, for example when a session is going to be persisted or migrated to another Virtual Machine.

    public void sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent se) 

sessionWillPassivate() is called when the session is about to be passivated.

    public void sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent se) 

sessionDidActivate() is called when the session has just been activated.


    public interface HttpSessionAttributesListener      extends java.util.EventListener 

An object implementing HttpSessionAttributesListener can be registered to receive notification when attributes are added to, removed from, or replaced in the HttpSession.

    public void attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent se) 

attributeAdded() is called when an attribute is added to the HttpSession. It is passed an HttpSessionBindingEvent containing information about the event.

    public void attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent se) 

attributeRemoved() is called when an attribute is removed from the HttpSession. It is passed an HttpSessionBindingEvent containing information about the event.

    public void attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent se) 

attributeReplaced() is called when an HttpSession attribute is replaced. It is passed an HttpSessionBindingEvent containing information about the event.


    public interface HttpSessionBindingListener      extends java.util.EventListener 

The methods declared in the HttpSessionBindingListener interface are called when an object is bound to or unbound from a session.

    public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) 

valueBound() is called when an object is being bound to a session.

    public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) 

valueUnbound() is called when an object is being unbound from a session.


    public interface HttpSessionContext 

This interface is deprecated.

    public HttpSession getSession(String sessionId)    public java.util.Enumeration getIds() 

These methods are deprecated.


    public interface HttpSessionListener 

An object implementing HttpSessionListener can be registered to receive notification when an HttpSession is created or destroyed.

    public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) 

sessionCreated() is called when a session is created. It is passed an HttpSessionEvent containing information about the event.

    public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) 

sessionDestroyed() is called when a session is destroyed. It is passed an HttpSessionEvent containing information about the event.

javax.servlet.http Classes


    public class Cookie      extends Object        implements Cloneable 

A Cookie is an object that resides on a client machine and contains state information; each cookie has a name, a single value and some other optional information. Cookies can be used to identify a particular user and provide information such as name, address, account number, etc. They are sent by a server to a web browser, saved on the client machine, and can later be sent back to the server.

The optional information that can be attached to a cookie includes an expiration date, path and domain qualifiers, a version number, and a comment. The expiration date specifies when the cookie will be deleted from the client machine. If no date is given, the cookie is deleted when the session ends.

A Servlet sends cookies to a browser using the addCookie() method defined in the HttpServletResponse interface, which adds fields to the HTTP response header. The browser returns cookies to the servlet by adding fields to the HTTP request header, and the cookies can be retrieved from a request by invoking the getCookies() method defined in the HttpServletRequest interface.

    public Cookie(String name,                  String value) 

Creates a Cookie object with a specified name and value. The name must consist only of alphanumeric characters. Once the name is set by the constructor, it cannot be changed.

    public void setComment(String purpose) 

setComment() changes or sets the comment associated with the Cookie object. A Cookie can contain a comment that is normally used to describe the purpose of the Cookie.

    public String getComment() 

getComment() returns the comment associated with the Cookie object, or null if there is no comment.

    public void setDomain(String pattern) 

setDomain() sets the domain name within which the Cookie will be visible.

    public String getDomain() 

getDomain() returns the domain name set for the Cookie object.

    public void setMaxAge(int expiry) 

setMaxAge() sets the length of time in seconds that the Cookie will persist on the user's machine. A negative value means the Cookie will not be stored on the user's machine and will be deleted when the browser terminates. A value of zero means the Cookie will be deleted immediately.

    public int getMaxAge() 

getMaxAge() returns the length of time in seconds that the Cookie will persist on the user's machine. A return value of -1 indicates that the cookie will persist until the browser shuts down.

    public void setPath(String uri) 

setPath() specifies the path on the server where the browser will return the Cookie object. The Cookie will also be visible to all sub-directories of the specified path.

    public String getPath() 

getPath() returns the path on the server where the browser will return the Cookie object.

    public void setSecure(boolean flag) 

setSecure() specifies whether the browser should send the Cookie object using a secure protocol. The default is false, meaning the Cookie will be sent using any protocol.

    public boolean getSecure() 

getSecure() returns true if the browser will send the Cookie object using a secure protocol.

    public String getName() 

getName() returns the name of the Cookie object.

    public void setValue(String newValue) 

setValue() changes the value of the Cookie object.

    public String getValue() 

getValue() returns a String containing the value of the Cookie object.

    public void setVersion(int v) 

setVersion() sets the version number of the protocol with which the Cookie complies: 0 for the original Netscape specification, or 1 for cookies compliant with RFC 2109.

    public int getVersion() 

getVersion() returns 0 if the invoking Cookie object complies with the original Netscape specification, or 1 if it complies with RFC 2109.

    public Object clone() 

clone() overrides the clone() method from the Object class to return a copy of the Cookie object.


    public abstract class HttpServlet      extends GenericServlet        implements 

The HttpServlet class extends GenericServlet to provide functionality tailored to the HTTP protocol. It provides methods for handling HTTP DELETE, GET, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, and TRACE requests. Like the GenericServlet class, the HttpServlet class provides a service() method, but unlike the GenericServlet class the service() method is rarely overridden since the default implementation of service() dispatches the request to the appropriate handler method.

A concrete sub-class of HttpServlet must override at least one of the methods defined in the HttpServlet or GenericServlet classes. The doDelete(), doGet(), doPost(), and doPut() methods are the ones most commonly overridden.

    public HttpServlet() 

This constructor does nothing. As HttpServlet is an abstract class, an HttpServlet object is never created directly.

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,                         HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException, 

doGet() is called by the server via the service() method to handle an HTTP GET request. A GET request allows a client to send form data to a server. With the GET request, the form data is attached to the end of the URL sent by the browser to the server as a query string. The amount of form data that can be sent is limited to the maximum length of the URL.

    protected void doHead(HttpServletRequest req,                          HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException, 

doHead() is called by the server via the service() method to handle an HTTP HEAD request. A HEAD request allows a client to retrieve only the response headers, rather than the body.

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,                          HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException, 

doPost() is called by the server via the service() method to handle an HTTP POST request. A POST request allows a client to send form data to a server. With the POST request, the form data is sent to the server separately instead of being appended to the URL. This allows a large amount of form data to be sent.

    protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req,                         HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException, 

doPut() is called by the server via the service() method to handle an HTTP PUT request. A PUT request allows a client to place a file on the server and is conceptually similar to sending the file to the server via FTP.

    protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req,                            HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException, 

doDelete() is called by the server via the service() method to handle an HTTP DELETE request. A DELETE request allows a client to remove a document or web page from a server.

    protected void doOptions(HttpServletRequest req,                             HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException, 

doOptions() is called by the server via the service() method to handle an HTTP OPTIONS request. An OPTIONS request determines which HTTP methods the server supports and sends the information back to the client by way of a header.

    protected void doTrace(HttpServletRequest req,                           HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException, 

doTrace() is called by the server via the service() method to handle an HTTP TRACE request. A TRACE request returns the headers sent with the TRACE request back to the client. This can be useful for debugging purposes. This method is rarely overridden.

    protected long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest req) 

getLastModified() returns the time the requested resource was last modified. The return value is the time in milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970.

    protected void service(HttpServletRequest req,                           HttpServletResponse resp)            throws ServletException,    public void service(ServletRequest req,                        ServletResponse res)            throws ServletException, 

The service() methods receive HTTP requests and send them to the appropriate do() method. They are generally not overridden.


    public class HttpServletRequestWrapper      extends ServletRequestWrapper        implements HttpServletRequest 

HttpServletRequestWrapper provides an implementation of HttpServletRequest that can be subclassed when it is desired to adapt in some way the request to a servlet. By default, its methods call the same methods on the wrapped Request object.

    public HttpServletRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest request) 

The constructor creates an HttpServletRequestWrapper around the specified HttpServletRequest object.

    public String getAuthType()    public Cookie[] getCookies()    public long getDateHeader(String name)    public String getHeader(String name)    public java.util.Enumeration getHeaders(String name)    public java.util.Enumeration getHeaderNames()    public int getIntHeader(String name)    public String getMethod()    public String getPathInfo()    public String getPathTranslated()    public String getContextPath()    public String getQueryString()    public String getRemoteUser ()    public boolean isUserInRole(String role)    public getUserPrincipal()    public String getRequestedSessionId()    public String getRequestURI()    public StringBuffer getRequestURL()    public String getServletPath()    public HttpSession getSession(boolean create)    public HttpSession getSession()    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid()    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()    public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() 

These methods, unless overridden in a subclass, call the equivalent method on the wrapped HttpServletRequest.


    public class HttpServletResponseWrapper      extends ServletResponseWrapper        implements HttpServletResponse 

HttpServletResponseWrapper provides an implementation of HttpServletResponse that can be subclassed when it is desired to adapt in some way the request to a Servlet. By default, its methods call the same methods on the wrapped Request object.

    public HttpServletResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse response) 

The constructor creates an HttpServletResponseWrapper around the specified HttpServletResponse object.

    public void addCookie(Cookie cookie)    public boolean containsHeader(String name)    public String encodeURL(String url)    public String encodeRedirectURL(String url)    public String encodeUrl(String url)    public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url)    public void sendError(int sc,                          String msg)            throws    public void sendError(int sc)            throws    public void sendRedirect(String location)            throws    public void setDateHeader(String name,                              long date)    public void addDateHeader(String name,                              long date)    public void setHeader(String name,                          String value)    public void addHeader(String name,                          String value)    public void setIntHeader(String name,                             int value)    public void addIntHeader(String name,                             int value)    public void setStatus(int sc)    public void setStatus(int sc,                          String sm) 

These methods, unless overridden in a subclass, call the equivalent method on the wrapped HttpServletResponse.


    public class HttpSessionBindingEvent      extends HttpSessionEvent 

An HttpSessionBindingEvent represents an object being added to, removed from, or replaced in an HttpSession.

    public HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession session,                                   String name)    public HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession session,                                   String name,                                   Object value) 

Creates an HttpSessionBindingEvent object. The session and name are the parameters to which the HttpSessionBindingEvent object is bound or unbound.

    public HttpSession getSession() 

getSession() returns the session associated with the object that is bound or unbound.

    public String getName() 

getName() returns the name associated with the object that is bound or unbound.

    public Object getValue() 

getValue() returns the value of the attribute being added, removed or replaced. (If the attribute was replaced, getValue() returns the attribute's old value.)


    public class HttpSessionEvent      extends java.util.EventObject 

HttpSessionEvent represents an event for changes to a session.

    public HttpSessionEvent(HttpSession source) 

The constructor must be passed a reference to the HttpSession to which the event relates.

    public HttpSession getSession() 

getSession() returns the session attached to this event.


    public class HttpUtils      extends Object 

This class has been deprecated.

    public HttpUtils()    public static java.util.Hashtable parseQueryString(String s)    public static java.util.Hashtable parsePostData(int len,                                                    ServletInputStream in)    public static StringBuffer getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest req) 

The constructor and methods have been deprecated.


addCookie() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 29

addDateHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 31

addHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 31

addIntHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 31

attributeAdded() method, HttpSessionAttributesListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 35

attributeAdded() method, ServletContextAttributesListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 9

attributeRemoved() method, HttpSessionAttributesListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 35

attributeRemoved() method, ServletContextAttributesListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 9

attributeReplaced() method, HttpSessionAttributesListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 35

attributeReplaced() method, ServletContextAttributesListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 9



  • Cookie class, 37

  • GenericServlet class, 16

  • HttpServlet class, 39

  • HttpServletRequestWrapper class, 41

  • HttpServletResponseWrapper class, 42

  • HttpSessionBindingEvent class, 43

  • HttpSessionEvent class, 44

  • HttpUtils class, 44

  • javax.servlet classes, 16-23

  • javax.servlet.http classes, 36-44

  • ServletContextAttributeEvent class, 18

  • ServletContextEvent class, 19

  • ServletInputStream class, 19

  • ServletOutputStream class, 20

  • ServletRequestWrapper class, 21

  • ServletResponseWrapper class, 22

clone() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 39

containsHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 29

contextDestroyed() method, ServletContextListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 10

contextInitialized() method, ServletContextListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 10

Cookie class, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 37

  • clone() method, 39

  • getComment() method, 37

  • getDomain() method, 37

  • getMaxAge() method, 38

  • getName() method, 38

  • getPath() method, 38

  • getSecure() method, 38

  • getValue() method, 39

  • getVersion() method, 39

  • setComment() method, 37

  • setDomain() method, 37

  • setMaxAge() method, 38

  • setPath() method, 38

  • setSecure() method, 38

  • setValue() method, 39

  • setVersion() method, 39


destroy() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 16

destroy() method, Servlet interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 5

doDelete() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 40

doFilter() method, Filter interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 2

doFilter() method, FilterChain interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 2

doGet() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 40

doHead() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 40

doOptions() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 41

doPost() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 40

doPut() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 40

doTrace() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 41


encodeRedirectUrl() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 32

encodeRedirectURL() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 30

encodeUrl() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 32

encodeURL() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 30


  • javax.servlet exceptions, 23-24

  • ServletException exception, javax.servlet, 23

  • UnavailableException exception, javax.servlet, 23


Filter interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 1

  • doFilter() method, 2

  • getFilterConfig() method, 2

  • setFilterConfig() method, 2

FilterChain interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 2

  • doFilter() method, 2

FilterConfig interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 2

  • getFilterName() method, 3

  • getInitParameter() method, 3

  • getInitParameterNames() method, 3

  • getServletContext() method, 3

flushBuffer() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 15

foward() method, RequestDispatcher interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 3


GenericServlet class, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 16

  • destroy() method, 16

  • getInitParameter() method, 17

  • getInitParameterNames() method, 17

  • getServletConfig() method, 17

  • getServletContext() method, 17

  • getServletInfo() method, 17

  • getServletName() method, 18

  • init() method, 16, 17

  • log() method, 18

  • service() method, 18

getAttribute() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 33

getAttribute() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 8

getAttribute() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 10

getAttributeNames() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 33

getAttributeNames() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 8

getAttributeNames() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 10

getAuthType() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 25

getBufferSize() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 15

getCharacterEncoding() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 10

getCharacterEncoding() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 14

getComment() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 37

getContentLength() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 11

getContentType() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 115

getContext() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 6

getContextPath() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 26

getCookies() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 25

getCreationTime() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 32

getDateHeader() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 25

getDomain() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 37

getFilterConfig() method, Filter interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 2

getFilterName() method, FilterConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 3

getHeader() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 25

getHeaderNames() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 26

getHeaders() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 25

getId() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 32

getIds() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36

getInitParameter() method, FilterConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 3

getInitParameter() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 17

getInitParameter() method, ServletConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 5

getInitParameter() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 7

getInitParameterNames() method, FilterConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 3

getInitParameterNames() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 17

getInitParameterNames() method, ServletConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 5

getInitParameterNames() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 8

getInputStream() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 11

getIntHeader() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 26

getLastAccessedTime() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 32

getLastModified() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 41

getLocale() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 13

getLocale() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 16

getLocales() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 13

getMajorVersion() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 6

getMaxAge() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

getMaxInactiveInterval() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 33

getMethod() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 26

getMimeType() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 6

getMinorVersion() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 6

getName method, HttpSessionBindingEvent class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 44

getName() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

getName() method, ServletContextAttributeEvent class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 18

getNamedDispatcher() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 7

getOutputStream() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 14

getParameter() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 11

getParameterMap() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getParameterNames() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 11

getParamterValues() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getPath() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

getPathInfo() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 26

getPathTranslated() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 26

getProtocol() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getQueryString() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 27

getReader() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getRealPath() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 7

getRealPath() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 14

getRemoteAddr() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getRemoteHost() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 13

getRemoteUser() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 27

getRequest() method, ServletRequestWrapper class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 21

getRequestDispatcher() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 7

getRequestDispatcher() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 13

getRequestedSessionId() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 27

getRequestURI() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 27

getRequestURL() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 27

getResource() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 6

getResourceAsStream() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 7

getResourcePaths() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 6

getResponse() method, ServletResponseWrapper class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 22

getRootCause() method, ServletException exception class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 23

getScheme() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getSecure() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

getServerInfo() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 7

getServerName() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getServerPort() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 12

getServlet() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 9

getServletConfig() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 17

getServletConfig() method, Servlet interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 4

getServletContext() method, FilterConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 3

getServletContext() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 17

getServletContext() method, ServletConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 5

getServletContext() method, ServletContextEvent class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 19

getServletContextName() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 8

getServletInfo() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 17

getServletInfo() method, Servlet interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 4

getServletName() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 18

getServletName() method, ServletConfig interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 5

getServletNames() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 9

getServletPath() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 28

getServlets() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 9

getSession method, HttpSessionEvent class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 44

getSession() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 28

getSession() method, HttpSessionContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36

getSessionContext() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34

getUnavailableSeconds() method, UnavailableException exception class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 24

getUserPrincipal() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 27

getValue method, HttpSessionBindingEvent class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 44

getValue() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 39

getValue() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34

getValue() method, ServletContextAttributeEvent class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 19

getValueNames() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34

getVersion() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 39

getWriter() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 14


HttpServlet class, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 39

  • doDelete() method, 40

  • doGet() method, 40

  • doHead() method, 40

  • doOptions() method, 41

  • doPost() method, 40

  • doPut() method, 40

  • doTrace() method, 41

  • getLastModified() method, 41

  • service() method, 41

HttpServletRequest class, javax.servlet.http

  • getAuthType() method,, 25

  • getContextPath() method, 26

  • getCookies() method, 25

  • getDateHeader() method, 25

  • getHeader() method, 25

  • getHeaderNames() method, 26

  • getHeaders() method, 25

  • getIntHeader() method, 26

  • getMethod() method, 26

  • getPathInfo() method, 26

  • getPathTranslated() method, 26

  • getQueryString() method, 27

  • getRemoteUser() method, 27

  • getRequestedSessionId() method, 27

  • getRequestURI() method, 27

  • getRequestURL() method, 27

  • getServletPath() method, 28

  • getSession() method, 28

  • getUserPrincipal() method, 27

  • isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() method, 28

  • isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() method, 28

  • isRequestedSessionIdValid() method, 28

  • isUserInRole() method, 27

HttpServletRequest interface, javax.servlet

  • deprecated method, 28

HttpServletRequest interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 25

HttpServletRequestWrapper class, javax.servlet.http

  • !see also wrapped HttpServletRequest classes, 42

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 41

  • overridden methods, 42

HttpServletResponse class, javax.servlet.http

  • addCookie() method, 29

  • addDateHeader() method, 31

  • addHeader() method, 31

  • addIntHeader() method, 31

  • containsHeader() method, 29

  • encodeRedirectUrl() method, 32

  • encodeRedirectURL() method, 30

  • encodeUrl() method, 32

  • encodeURL() method, 30

  • sendError() method, 30

  • sendRedirect() method, 30

  • setDateHeader() method, 30

  • setHeader() method, 31

  • setIntHeader() method, 31

  • setStatus() method, 31, 32

HttpServletResponse interface, javax.servlet

  • deprecated methods, 32

HttpServletResponse interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 28

  • constants representing status codes, 28

HttpServletResponseWrapper class, javax.servlet.http

  • !see also wrapped HttpServletResponse methods, 43

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 42

  • overridden methods, 43

HttpSession class, javax.servlet.http

  • getAttribute() method, 33

  • getAttributeNames() method, 33

  • getCreationTime() method, 32

  • getId() method, 32

  • getLastAccessedTime() method, 32

  • getMaxInactiveInterval() method, 33

  • getSessionContext() method, 34

  • getValue() method, 34

  • getValueNames() method, 34

  • invalidate() method, 33

  • isNew() method, 33

  • putValue() method, 34

  • removeAttribute() method, 33

  • removeValue() method, 34

  • setAttribute() method, 33

  • setMaxInactiveInterval() method, 32

HttpSession interface, javax.servlet

  • deprecated methods, 34

HttpSession interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 32

HttpSessionActivationListener class, javax.servlet.http

  • sessionDidActivate() method, 34

  • sessionWillPassivate() method, 34

HttpSessionActivationListener interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34

HttpSessionAttributesListener class, javax.servlet.http

  • attributeAdded() method, 35

  • attributeRemoved() method, 35

  • attributeReplaced() method, 35

HttpSessionAttributesListener interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 35

HttpSessionBindingEvent class, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 43

  • getName method, 44

  • getValue method, 44

  • servicegetSession method, 43

HttpSessionBindingListener interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 35

  • valueBound() method, 35

  • valueUnbound() method, 36

HttpSessionContext interface, javax.servlet

  • deprecated interface, 36

  • deprecated methods, 36

HttpSessionContext interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36

  • getIds() method, 36

  • getSession() method, 36

HttpSessionEvent class, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 44

  • getSession method, 44

HttpSessionListener interface, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36

  • sessionCreated() method, 36

  • sessionDestroyed() method, 36

HttpUtils class, javax.servlet.http

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 44

  • deprecated methods, 44


include() method, RequestDispatcher interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 4

init() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 16, 17

init() method, Servlet interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 4


  • Filter interface, 1

  • FilterChain interface, 2

  • FilterConfig interface, 2

  • HttpServletRequest interface, 25

  • HttpServletResponse interface, 28

  • HttpSession interface, 32

  • HttpSessionActivationListener interface, 34

  • HttpSessionAttributesListener interface, 35

  • HttpSessionBindingListener interface, 35

  • HttpSessionContext interface, 36

  • HttpSessionListener interface, 36

  • javax.servlet interfaces, 1-16

  • javax.servlet.http interfaces, 24-36

  • RequestDispatcher interface, 3

  • Servlet interface, 4

  • ServletConfig interface, 5

  • ServletContext interface, 6

  • ServletContextAttributesListener interface, 9

  • ServletContextListener interface, 10

  • ServletRequest interface, 10

  • ServletResponse interface, 14

  • SingleThreadModel interface, 16

invalidate() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 33

isCommitted() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 15

isNew() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 33

isPermanent() method, UnavailableException exception class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 24

isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 28

isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 28

isRequestedSessionIdValid() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 28

isSecure() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 13

isUserInRole() method, HttpServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 27


javax.servlet classes

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 16-23

javax.servlet exceptions

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 23-24

javax.servlet interfaces

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 1-16

javax.servlet package

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 1-24

javax.servlet.http classes

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36-44

javax.servlet.http interfaces

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 24-36

javax.servlet.http package

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 24-44

javax.servlet.ServletContext interface

  • getAttribute() method, 8

  • getAttributeNames() method, ServletContext interface, 8

  • getContext() method, 6

  • getInitParameter() method, 7

  • getInitParameterNames() method, ServletContext interface, 8

  • getMajorVersion() method, 6

  • getMimeType() method, 6

  • getMinorVersion() method, 6

  • getNamedDispatcher() method, 7

  • getRealPath() method, 7

  • getRequestDispatcher() method, 7

  • getResource() method, 6

  • getResourceAsStream() method, 7

  • getResourcePaths() method, 6

  • getServerInfo() method, 7

  • getServlet() method, 9

  • getServletContextName() method, 8

  • getServletNames() method, 9

  • getServlets() method, 9

  • log() method, 7, 9

  • removeAttribute() method, ServletContext interface, 8

  • setAttribute() method, 8

javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributesListener interface

  • attributeAdded() method, 9

  • attributeRemoved() method, 9

  • attributeReplaced() method, 9

javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface

  • contextDestroyed() method, 10

  • contextInitialized() method, 10

javax.servlet.ServletRequest interface

  • getAttribute() method, 10

  • getAttributeNames() method, 10

  • getCharacterEncoding() method, 10

  • getContentLength() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • getContentType() method, 11

  • getInputStream() method, 11

  • getLocale() method, 13

  • getLocales() method, 13

  • getParameter() method,, 11

  • getParameterMap() method, 12

  • getParameterNames() method, 11

  • getParamterValues() method, 11

  • getProtocol() method, 12

  • getReader() method, 12

  • getRealPath() method, 14

  • getRemoteAddr() method, 12

  • getRemoteHost() method, 13

  • getRequestDispatcher() method, 13

  • getScheme() method, 12

  • getServerName() method, 12

  • getServerPort() method, 12

  • isSecure() method, 13

  • removeAttribute() method, 13

  • setAttribute() method, 13

  • setCharacterEncoding() method, 11

javax.servlet.ServletResponse interface

  • flushBuffer() method, 15

  • getBufferSize() method, 15

  • getCharacterEncoding() method, 14

  • getLocale() method, 16

  • getOutputStream() method, 14

  • getWriter() method, 14

  • isCommitted() method, 15

  • reset() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • resetBuffer() method, 15

  • setBufferSize() method, 15

  • setContentLength() method, 14

  • setContentType() method, 15

  • setLocale() method, 16


log() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 18

log() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 7, 9



  • addCookie() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 29

  • addDateHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 31

  • addHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 31

  • addIntHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 31

  • attributeAdded() method, HttpSessionAttributesListener interface, 35

  • attributeAdded() method, ServletContextAttributesListener interface, 9

  • attributeRemoved() method, HttpSessionAttributesListener interface, 35

  • attributeRemoved() method, ServletContextAttributesListener interface, 9

  • attributeReplaced() method, HttpSessionAttributesListener interface, 35

  • attributeReplaced() method, ServletContextAttributesListener interface, 9

  • clone() method, Cookie class, 39

  • containsHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 29

  • contextDestroyed() method, ServletContextListener interface, 10

  • contextInitialized() method, ServletContextListener interface, 10

  • destroy() method, GenericServlet class, 16

  • destroy() method, Servlet interface, 5

  • doDelete() method, HttpServlet class, 40

  • doFilter() method, Filter interface, 2

  • doFilter() method, FilterChain interface, 2

  • doGet() method, HttpServlet class, 40

  • doHead() method, HttpServlet class, 40

  • doOptions() method, HttpServlet class, 41

  • doPost() method, HttpServlet class, 40

  • doPut() method, HttpServlet class, 40

  • doTrace() method, HttpServlet class, 41

  • encodeRedirectUrl() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 32

  • encodeRedirectURL() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 30

  • encodeUrl() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 32

  • encodeURL() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 30

  • flushBuffer() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • foward() method, RequestDispatcher interface, 3

  • getAttribute() method, HttpSession interface, 33

  • getAttribute() method, ServletContext interface, 8

  • getAttribute() method, ServletRequest interface, 10

  • getAttributeNames() method, 8

  • getAttributeNames() method, HttpSession interface, 33

  • getAttributeNames() method, ServletRequest interface, 10

  • getAuthType() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 25

  • getBufferSize() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • getCharacterEncoding() method, ServletRequest interface, 10

  • getCharacterEncoding() method, ServletResponse interface, 14

  • getComment() method, Cookie class, 37

  • getContentLength() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • getContentType() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • getContext() method, ServletContext interface, 6

  • getContextPath() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 26

  • getCookies() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 25

  • getCreationTime() method, HttpSession interface, 32

  • getDateHeader() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 25

  • getDomain() method, Cookie class, 37

  • getFilterConfig() method, Filter interface, 2

  • getFilterName() method, FilterConfig interface, 3

  • getHeader() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 25

  • getHeaderNames() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 26

  • getHeaders() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 25

  • getId() method, HttpSession interface, 32

  • getIds() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 36

  • getInitParameter() method, FilterConfig interface, 3

  • getInitParameter() method, GenericServlet class, 17

  • getInitParameter() method, ServletConfig interface, 5

  • getInitParameter() method, ServletContext interface, 7

  • getInitParameterNames() method, 8

  • getInitParameterNames() method, FilterConfig interface, 3

  • getInitParameterNames() method, GenericServlet class, 17

  • getInitParameterNames() method, ServletConfig interface, 5

  • getInputStream() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • getIntHeader() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 26

  • getLastAccessedTime() method, HttpSession interface, 32

  • getLastModified() method, HttpServlet class, 41

  • getLocale() method, ServletRequest interface, 13

  • getLocale() method, ServletResponse interface, 16

  • getLocales() method, ServletRequest interface, 13

  • getMajorVersion() method, ServletContext interface, 6

  • getMaxAge() method, Cookie class, 38

  • getMaxInactiveInterval() method, HttpSession interface, 33

  • getMethod() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 26

  • getMimeType() method, ServletContext interface, 6

  • getMinorVersion() method, ServletContext interface, 6

  • getName method, HttpSessionBindingEvent class, 44

  • getName() method, Cookie class, 38

  • getName() method, ServletContextAttributeEvent class, 18

  • getNamedDispatcher() method, ServletContext interface, 7

  • getOutputStream() method, ServletResponse interface, 14

  • getParameter() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • getParameterMap() method, ServletRequest interface, 12

  • getParameterNames() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • getParamterValues() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • getPath() method, Cookie class, 38

  • getPathInfo() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 26

  • getPathTranslated() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 26

  • getProtocol() method, ServletRequest interface, 12

  • getQueryString() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 27

  • getReader() method, ServletRequest interface, 12

  • getRealPath() method, ServletContext interface, 7

  • getRealPath() method, ServletRequest interface, 14

  • getRemoteAddr() method, ServletRequest interface, 12

  • getRemoteHost() method, ServletRequest interface, 13

  • getRemoteUser() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 27

  • getRequest() method, ServletRequestWrapper class, 21

  • getRequestDispatcher() method, ServletContext interface, 7

  • getRequestDispatcher() method, ServletRequest interface, 13

  • getRequestedSessionId() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 27

  • getRequestURI() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 27

  • getRequestURL() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 27

  • getResource() method, ServletContext interface, 6

  • getResourceAsStream() method, ServletContext interface, 7

  • getResourcePaths() method, ServletContext interface, 6

  • getResponse() method, ServletResponseWrapper class, 22

  • getRootCause() method, ServletException exception class, 23

  • getScheme() method, ServletRequest interface, 12

  • getSecure() method, Cookie class, 38

  • getServerInfo() method, ServletContext interface, 7

  • getServerName() method, ServletRequest interface, 12

  • getServerPort() method, ServletRequest interface, 12

  • getServlet() method, ServletContext interface, 9

  • getServletConfig() method, GenericServlet class, 17

  • getServletConfig() method, Servlet interface, 4

  • getServletContext() method, FilterConfig interface, 3

  • getServletContext() method, GenericServlet class, 17

  • getServletContext() method, ServletConfig interface, 5

  • getServletContext() method, ServletContextEvent class, 19

  • getServletContextName() method, ServletContext interface, 8

  • getServletInfo() method, GenericServlet class, 17

  • getServletInfo() method, Servlet interface, 4

  • getServletName() method, GenericServlet class, 18

  • getServletName() method, ServletConfig interface, 5

  • getServletNames() method, ServletContext interface, 9

  • getServletPath() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 28

  • getServlets() method, ServletContext interface, 9

  • getSession method, HttpSessionEvent class, 44

  • getSession() method, 36

  • getSession() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 28

  • getSession() method, HttpSessionContext interface, 36

  • getSessionContext() method, HttpSession interface, 34

  • getUnavailableSeconds() method, UnavailableException exception class, 24

  • getUserPrincipal() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 27

  • getValue method, HttpSessionBindingEvent class, 44

  • getValue() method, Cookie class, 39

  • getValue() method, HttpSession interface, 34

  • getValue() method, ServletContextAttributeEvent class, 18

  • getValueNames() method, HttpSession interface, 34

  • getVersion() method, Cookie class, 39

  • getWriter() method, ServletResponse interface, 14

  • include() method, RequestDispatcher interface, 4

  • init() method, GenericServlet class, 16, 17

  • init() method, Servlet interface, 4

  • invalidate() method, HttpSession interface, 33

  • isCommitted() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • isNew() method, HttpSession interface, 33

  • isPermanent() method, UnavailableException exception class, 24

  • isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 28

  • isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 28

  • isRequestedSessionIdValid() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 28

  • isSecure() method, ServletRequest interface, 13

  • isUserInRole() method, HttpServletRequest interface, 27

  • log() method, GenericServlet class, 18

  • log() method, ServletContext interface, 7, 9

  • print() method, ServletOutputStream class, 20

  • println() method, ServletOutputStream class, 20

  • putValue() method, HttpSession interface, 34

  • readLine() method, ServletInputStream class, 19

  • removeAttribute() method, 8

  • removeAttribute() method, HttpSession interface, 33

  • removeAttribute() method, ServletRequest interface, 13

  • removeValue() method, HttpSession interface, 34

  • reset() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • resetBuffer() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • sendError() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 30

  • sendRedirect() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 30

  • service() method, GenericServlet class, 18

  • service() method, HttpServlet class, 41

  • service() method, Servlet interface, 4

  • servicegetSession method, HttpSessionBindingEvent class, 43

  • sessionCreated() method, HttpSessionListener interface, 36

  • sessionDestroyed() method, HttpSessionListener interface, 36

  • sessionDidActivate() method, HttpSessionActivationListener interface, 34

  • sessionDidActivate() method, HttpSessionAttributesListener interface, 35

  • sessionWillPassivate() method, HttpSessionActivationListener interface, 34

  • setAttribute() method, HttpSession interface, 33

  • setAttribute() method, ServletContext interface, 8

  • setAttribute() method, ServletRequest interface, 13

  • setBufferSize() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • setCharacterEncoding() method, ServletRequest interface, 11

  • setComment() method, Cookie class, 37

  • setContentLength() method, ServletResponse interface, 14

  • setContentType() method, ServletResponse interface, 15

  • setDateHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 30

  • setDomain() method, Cookie class, 37

  • setFilterConfig() method, Filter interface, 2

  • setHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 31

  • setIntHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 31

  • setLocale() method, ServletResponse interface, 16

  • setMaxAge() method, Cookie class, 38

  • setMaxInactiveInterval() method, HttpSession interface, 32

  • setPath() method, Cookie class, 38

  • setRequest() method, ServletRequestWrapper class, 21

  • setResponse() method, ServletResponseWrapper class, 22

  • setSecure() method, Cookie class, 38

  • setStatus() method, HttpServletResponse interface, 31, 32

  • setValue() method, Cookie class, 38

  • setVersion() method, Cookie class, 39

  • valueBound() method, HttpSessionBindingListener interface, 35

  • valueUnbound() method, HttpSessionBindingListener interface, 35



  • javax.servlet package, 1-24

  • javax.servlet.http package, 24-44

print() method, ServletOutputStream class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 20

println() method, ServletOutputStream class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 20

putValue() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34


readLine() method, ServletInputStream class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 19

removeAttribute() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 33

removeAttribute() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 8

removeAttribute() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 13

removeValue() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34

RequestDispatcher interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 3

  • foward() method, 3

  • include() method, 4

reset() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 15

resetBuffer() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 15


sendError() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 30

sendRedirect() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 30

service() method, GenericServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 18

service() method, HttpServlet class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 41

service() method, Servlet interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 4

servicegetSession method, HttpSessionBindingEvent class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 43

Servlet 2.3 API

  • reference appendix, 1

Servlet interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 4

  • destroy() method, 5

  • getServletConfig() method, 4

  • getServletInfo() method, 4

  • init() method, 4

  • service() method, 4

ServletConfig interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 5

  • getInitParameter() method, 5

  • getInitParameterNames() method, 5

  • getServletContext() method, 5

  • getServletName() method, 5

ServletContext interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 6

  • deprecated methods, 9

ServletContextAttributeEvent class, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 18

  • getName() method, 18

  • getValue() method, 18

ServletContextAttributesListener interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 9

ServletContextEvent class, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 19

  • getServletContext() method, 19

ServletContextListener interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 10

ServletException exception class, javax.servlet

  • getRootCause() method, 23

ServletException exception, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 23

ServletInputStream class, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 19

  • readLine() method, 19

ServletOutputStream class, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 20

  • getRequest() method, 21

  • getResponse() method, 22

  • print() method, 20

  • println() method, 20

  • setRequest() method, 21

  • setResponse() method, 22

ServletRequest interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 10

  • deprecated method, 14

ServletRequestWrapper class, javax.servlet

  • !see also wrapped ServletRequest classes, 22

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 21

  • overridden methods, 22

ServletResponse interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 14

ServletResponseWrapper class, javax.servlet

  • !see also wrapped ServletResponse methods, 23

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 22

  • overridden methods, 23

sessionCreated() method, HttpSessionListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36

sessionDestroyed() method, HttpSessionListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36

sessionDidActivate() method, HttpSessionActivationListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34

sessionWillPassivate() method, HttpSessionActivationListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 34

setAttribute() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 33

setAttribute() method, ServletContext interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 8

setAttribute() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 13

setBufferSize() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 15

setCharacterEncoding() method, ServletRequest interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 11

setComment() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 37

setContentLength() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 14

setContentType() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 14

setDateHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 30

setDomain() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 37

setFilterConfig() method, Filter interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 2

setHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 31

setIntHeader() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 31

setLocale() method, ServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 16

setMaxAge() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

setMaxInactiveInterval() method, HttpSession interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 32

setPath() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

setRequest() method, ServletRequestWrapper class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 21

setResponse() method, ServletResponseWrapper class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 22

setSecure() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

setStatus() method, HttpServletResponse interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 31, 32

setValue() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 38

setVersion() method, Cookie class

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 39

SingleThreadModel interface, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 16


UnavailableException exception class, javax.servlet

  • deprecated constructors and method, 24

  • getUnavailableSeconds() method, 24

  • isPermanent() method, 24

UnavailableException exception, javax.servlet

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 23


valueBound() method, HttpSessionBindingListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 35

valueUnbound() method, HttpSessionBindingListener interface

  • appendix - servlet 2.3 API reference, 36

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Professional Java Servlets 2.3
Professional Java Servlets 2.3
ISBN: 186100561X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 130 © 2008-2017.
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