TextOutputter |
The class TextOutputter (see Figure C-34) is a subclass of Outputter . It gets test results from a TestResultCollector and outputs them in text format to an output stream.
TextOutputter belongs to the namespace CppUnit . It is declared in TextOutputter.h and implemented in TextOutputter.cpp .
class TextOutputter : public Outputter
Creates a TextOutputter to get test results from result and output them to stream .
A destructor.
Methods that print various portions of the test results to m_stream . Generally, the write() method is called instead of calling these methods directly.
A method called to output results. Calls printHeader() and printFailures( ) .
A copy constructor, scoped private to prevent its use.
A copy operator, scoped private to prevent its use.
The TestResultCollector passed in the constructor. ( private )
The output stream passed in the constructor. ( private )