Abort( ) method, 1535

abstract classes, 117

access, array elements, 135

access, code. See code access security

access, data. See data access

access, Internet. SeeInternet access

access control lists. See ACLs (access control lists)

access modifiers, 1640

access rules, site security, 1278

Accumulate( ) method, 260261, 966967

ACID properties, transactions, 677

acknowledged messages

acknowledgement queues and, 1507–1508

defined, 1487

response queues and, 1508

ACLs (access control lists), 824829

adding and removing from files, 827–829

overview of, 824–825

reading from directories, 826–827

reading from files, 825–826

<activated> element

client configuration, 1433

defined, 1431

server configuration, 1432–1433

activation, configuring with Component Services Explorer, 14641465


application URL, 1417

client-activated object, 1416–1419

client-activated objects, 1432–1433

context, 1406

defined, 1402–1403

proxy object, 1419

remote client, 1409

well-known object, 1417

Active Directory, 15941610

accessing through DSML, 1615–1618

in administration tools, 1591–1593

ADSI objects, 1605–1606

binding, 1595–1600

building user search application, 1610–1614

cache, 1603

characteristics of data in, 1589

classes in System.DirectoryServices, 1595

configuration, 1585–1586

creating new objects, 1603–1605

domain controllers, 1586

domain trees, 1587

domains, 1586

features, 1584

forests, 1587

getting directory entries, 1600–1601

global catalogs, 1587–1588

object collections, 1601–1602

objects, 1585

overview of, 1594–1595

public queues, 1487, 1491–1492

replication, 1588

schema, 1585, 1589–1590

searches, 1606–1610

sites, 1587

Active Directory Integration, message queues, 1486

Active Directory Service Interface. See ADSI (Active Directory Service Interface)

Active Directory Users and Computers, 15911592

active phase, transactions, 676

Active Server Pages (ASP), 22, 1213


ActiveXMessageFormatter, 1495

controls in Windows Forms, 767–770

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), 848

activities, WF

ActivityToolboxItem and icons, 1555–1557

binding parameters to, 1570–1571

CallExternalMethodActivity, 1547

composite, 1557–1565

custom, 1550–1552

defined, 1541

DelayActivity, 1547–1548

executing, 1549–1550

IfElseActivity, 1544–1545

ListenActivity, 1548–1549

overview of, 1543–1544

ParallelActivity, 1545–1547

themes and designers, 1554–1555

validating, 1552–1554

ActivityBind object, 1571

ActivityDesigner, 15541555

ActivityDesignerTheme, 15541555

ActivityToolboxItem, 1555, 15601561

Add( ) method, elements to lists, 274275

Add new project wizard, creating new service, 720721

Add Web Reference menu, 13821383

AddAcessRule( ) method, 828829

AddData( ) method, Web services, 1391

AddEvent( ) method, Web services, 1383, 1385

$addHandler( ) function, AJAX Library, 1325

AddHandler statement, event syntax in Visual Basic, 16481649

addition (+) operator, 163

address operator (&), 333

AddressOf operator, Visual Basic, 1646


Active Directory tools, 1591–1593

privileges in Windows Vista, 1656–1658

queue, 1488

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 848


C# combined with, 25

converting data from XML, 938–941

converting data to XML, 931–938

data binding. See data binding, ADO.NET and

reading and writing DiffGram, 941–943

reading and writing to database, 1513

transactions, 680–681

XML and, 931

ADSI (Active Directory Service Interface)

accessing native objects, 1605–1606

caching object properties, 1603

defined, 1584

overview of, 1594

specifying provider for binding, 1596

ADSI Edit, 15921593

aggregates, user-defined

creating, 966–967

overview of, 965–966

working with, 967–968

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 13021304.


algorithms, bubble-sorting, 205


defining, 1622

namespaces, 61–62

Align property, Button, 999

AllowAutoRedirect property, HTTP, 1344

alpha blending, 1096

ambient transactions

nested scopes, 693–695

overview of, 691–693

Anchor property, controls, 996

animations, creating with WPF, 11831189

anonymous methods, delegates, 201202

anonymous types, in LINQ expressions, 17001701

App_Themes directory, 12851286

App-Data folder, 1237


control, 996

form, 1020

text document, 1112

AppearanceEditorPart control, 1292, 1296

AppendFormat( ) method, StringBuilder class, 227, 230231

application cache, ClickOnce, 461

Application classes

AJAX Library, 1328–1331

methods and properties, 989

processing Windows messages, 1135

application configuration, ASP.NET pages, 12501252

application configuration files

overview of, 512–515

types of, 509

application domains

assemblies and, 473–476

communicating between. See .NET Remoting

contexts within, 1405

defined, 1401

.NET runtime host and, 956

overview of, 14–16

application manifest, Windows Vista, 1654

Application_Start( ) event handler, 1384

<application> element, 1430

ApplicationCommands, WPF, 11581159

Application.Run( ) method, 989


ASP.NET, 22–23

deploying. See deploying applications

.NET applications, 21

Windows message-based, 211

applications, built with Visual Studio

WF applications, 438–439

Windows applications, 410

WPF applications, 436–437

ApplyTheme( ) method, 1288

AQS (Advanced Query Syntax), 16711673


message queuing, 1487–1488

tiered development, 894–895

Windows Services, 710–711

architecture, .NET Remoting, 14101429

channels, 1410–1414

ChannelServices, 1415–1416

formatters, 1415

lifetime management, 1426–1429

message sinks, 1421

messages, 1420

object activation, 1417–1419

passing objects in remote methods, 1421–1425

RemotingConfiguration, 1416

server for client-activated objects, 1416–1417

server for well-known objects, 1416


event, 1446–1447

passing to Main( ) method, 63–64

arithmetic operators

list of, 156

overloading, 180

pointers and, 336–337

Array class

collection interfaces, 145

creating arrays, 140–141

declaring arrays, 139

generic delegates and, 261–265

properties, 139–140

array keyword, 1634

ArrayList class

compared with arrays, 269

creating lists, 273–274

for dynamic lists, 272

arrays, 133153

accessing array elements, 135

collection interfaces, 145

comparing C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1634

copying, 141–142

creating, 140–141

DataGridView control and, 1040–1041

declaring, 133, 139

enumerations, 146–147

foreach statement and, 148

ICollection interface, 145

IEnumerable interface, 145

IEnumerator interface, 147

IList interface, 146

initializing, 134–135

jagged, 138–139

multidimensional, 137–138

object and collection intializers, 1699–1700

overview of, 58–59

properties, 139–140

reference types for declaring, 135–137

sorting, 142–145

stack-based, 345–348

summary, 153

yield statement, 148–153

ArraySegment<T>, 267268

as operator, 161

.asbx files, 1316

.ascx file, 1257

.ascx.cs file, 1257

.asmx files, 1319, 1333

ASP (Active Server Pages), 22, 1213

ASP.NET, 2223

COM Interop and, 770

Configuration tool, 1276–1279

features, 22–23

hosting servers in, 1438–1440

hosting workflows in, 1579–1580

localization and, 666–669

Web Forms, 23

Web server controls, 23

Web services. See Web services

Web Site application, 1216–1217

XML Web services, 23

ASP.NET, development, 12551300

custom controls, 1264–1268

master pages, 1268–1272

security, 1276–1284

site navigation, 1273–1275

themes, 1284–1289

user controls, 1256–1264

Web parts, 1289–1299

ASP.NET, pages, 12131254

application configuration, 1250–1252

code model, 1219–1220

data binding and ADO.NET. See data binding, ADO.NET and

overview of, 1213–1214

server control example, 1231–1236

server controls, 1220–1231

state management, 1215

Web Forms, 1215–1218

ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit

configuration, 1316–1317

defined, 1305

extender controls, 1322–1324

overview of, 1308

Web Site template, 1310

ASP.NET AJAX Extensions, 13051307, 1325


configuration, 1316

defined, 1304–1305

Enabled Web Site template, 1310

overview of, 1308–1309

ASP.NET AJAX Library, 13231335

asynchronous Web method calls, 1332–1334

defined, 1305

global utility functions, 1325–1326

JavaScript added to Web page, 1325

JavaScript debugging, 1331–1332

JavaScript OOP extensions, 1326–1328

overview of, 1307–1308

PageRequestManager and application objects, 1328–1331

ASP.NET AJAX, vs. Ajax, 13021304

ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web sites, 13091336

ASP.NET application services, 1334

asynchronous Web method calls, 1332–1334

configuration, 1313–1315

configuring AJAX Control Toolkit, 1317–1318

configuring CTP-enabled Web sites, 1316

example of, 1309–1313

ExtenderControl, 1322–1324

global utility functions, 1325–1326

JavaScript added to Web page, 1325

JavaScript debugging, 1331–1332

JavaScript OOP extensions, 1326–1328

overview of, 1309

PageRequestManager and application objects, 1328–1331

ScriptManager control added to, 1317–1319

UpdatePanel controls, 1319–1321

UpdateProgress control, 1321–1322

.aspx files

.ascx and .ascx.cs files vs., 1257–1258

ASP.NET Web Forms, 1216

defined, 1214

using master pages, 1268–1270

viewing, 1217–1218

assemblies, 471522

adding to XML declarations, 1197

application configuration files and, 512–515

application domains and, 473–476

Assembly Cache Viewer, 498–499

attributes, 483–485, 1459

building, 480

CLS requirements, 495–497

configuration categories, 509–510

configuring <codeBase> directory, 519–520

configuring <probing> directory, 520–521

creating, 480–482

creating with Visual Studio 2005, 482–485

CTS and CLS and, 485–486

delayed signing of private keys, 507

directory configuration, 519

DLL hell and, 472–473

encrypting, 501–502

features, 473

GAC (global assembly cache), 497

ildasm symbols, 480

language interoperability and, 485–486

manifests, 478

namespaces and components compared with, 478–479

Ngen.exe and, 497–498

overview of, 17–18, 471–472

permissions, 617

private. See private assemblies

publisher policy files for overriding versioning, 515–518

references to, 508

registering COM assemblies, 778

runtime versions, 518–519

satellite assemblies for each language, 662

shared. See shared assemblies

signing, 1458

structure of, 476–477

summary, 520–521

VectorClass, 356–358

versioning, 510–512

viewing, 479

viewing assembly code groups, 595–597

WhatsNewAttributes library, 355–356

Windows Workflow and, 1544

writing C# class, 493–495

writing C++/CLI class, 486–490

writing Visual Basic class, 490–493

Assembly Cache Viewer, 498499

Assembly class, 363365

GetCustomAttributes( ) method, 364–365

GetType( ) method, 364

overview of, 363–364

AssemblyInfo.cs, 482

asserts, tracing, 530531

assignment operators

list of, 157

operator precedence, 163

overloading, 178, 180

asynchronous callback, threading and, 551553

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax), 13021304.


asynchronous methods, for threading, 549, 552

asynchronous page requests, WebRequest, 1345

asynchronous read, message queues, 1498

asynchronous Web method calls, 13321334

asynchronous.NET Remoting, 14411442

AsyncPostBackTrigger control, ASP.NET AJAX, 1307

AsyncProcessMessage( ) method, 1415

atomicity, ACID properties, 677

attached properties

overview of, 1561–1565

WPF programming and, 1137–1138

attribute=”value”, ASP.NET server controls, 1220


adding to custom controls, 1024

applying to user controls, 1035

assemblies, 483–485, 1459

COM Interop, 775–778

context, 1405, 1406

context menus, 1066

creating with xsd.exe tool, 944

custom. See custom attributes

directional, 1425

retrieving data in XmlReader, 910–911

site map XML file, 1273

strongly typed Active Directory, 1584

support in .NET, 17

within <system.runtime.remoting>, 1430–1431

transaction, 1466–1467

using, 1068

XAML syntax, 1136

attributeSchema, 1585, 15891590

AttributeUsage, 351353


Active Directory binding, 1599

ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web sites, 1315

exchanging data using SOAP headers and, 1392–1397

Kerberos for, 1584

Security Setup Wizard and, 1276–1279

SQL Server, 852

WebRequest, 1345

AuthenticationToken class, 13921397

automatic deployment, Enterprise Services, 1461

automatic fallback, for resources, 666

automatic transactions, Enterprise Services, 1456

AutoScroll, Panel, 1010

AutoScrollMinSize property

drawing scrollable windows, 1091

drawing shapes and lines, 1102

enumerating font families, 1110

aximp.exe (Windows Forms ActiveX Control Importer), 767

Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
ISBN: 470124725
Year: 2007
Pages: 427

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