Hiding Methods from the Base Class

Hiding Methods from the Base Class

When you derive one class from another the derived class inherits all the non-private members of the base class. The derived class can then declare methods specific to the derived class to extend the base class. But what happens if the author of the base class adds a method with the same name as a method in the derived class? And what happens if the base class and the derived class have members that have the same name? The answer is that C# by default uses a mechanism called hide-by-signature.

Hide-by-signature means that the compiler will try to combine all the methods from the base class and the derived class as long as the methods don't conflict in some way. Two methods would conflict if they had the exact same name and parameters. Another source of conflict would be if one of the members of the class were a field and the derived class had a method with the same name. This would be a conflict because you can't have a method and field with the same name. When there is a conflict, the compiler will choose what version of the method to use depending on how you declare the variable to use the class. If the variable is of the type of the base class, then only the base class method can be invoked. If the variable is of type of the derived class, then only the derived version of the function can be invoked. Even though this is the default behavior, the compiler issues a warning that hiding is occurringwhich leads us to the steps of this topic.

To suppress the warning resulting from hiding:

  • In the derived class's method type new after the access modifier and before the function's type ( Figure 5.23 ).

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  • Hiding isn't usually done on purpose; normally what you want to do is override a function from the base class instead. Overriding means that you replace a function in the base from one in the derived class. With hiding there is basically a duplicate function. Hiding normally happens backwards : a person writing the derived class adds a method called Connect, for example, and later the developer of the base class decides to add a method with the same name. If the developers are from different companies, there is no way for the base class developer to know that the derived class already has a method with the same name.

  • Using the new keyword in a function declaration isn't just for suppressing a warning; it is also for suppressing method overriding, as you will see in the next section.

Figure 5.23 When a method in the derived class is identical to a method in the base class the compiler warns you that method hiding is taking place. You can tell the compiler that you meant to do that by adding the new keyword in front of the function's return type.
 class Account {    protected decimal m_balance = 0.0m;    // default implementation of    // MakeDeposit    public void  MakeDeposit  (decimal                           amount)    {      m_balance +=amount;    } } class Checking : Account {    // specialized Checking implementation    // of MakeDeposit    public  new  void  MakeDeposit  (decimal                               amount)    {      if (amount > 500.0m)            m_balance +=amount;      else            // do some validation first            if (ValidateDeposit())                 m_balance +=amount;            else             throw new             InvalidOperationException();    }    public bool ValidateDeposit()    {       // include some validation on the       // deposit       return true;    } } 

C# & VB.NET Conversion Pocket Reference
ISBN: 0596003196
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 198
Authors: Jose Mojica

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