MAC (media access control)
MAU (media access unit or media attachment unit)
Mb (megabit) 1,000,000 bits
MB (megabyte) 1,000,000 bytes
MBR (master boot record)
MC (microcartridge)
MCA (MicroChannel Architecture)
MCGA (multicolor graphics array)
MCH (memory controller hub)
MCI (media control interface)
MCM (multichip module)
MDA (monochrome display adapter)
MEB (Mid-Level Electronics Bay)
MESI (modified exclusive shared invalid)
MFM (modified frequency modulation)
MFT (master file table)
MGA (monochrome graphics adapter)
MHz (megahertz)
Mib (mebibit) 1,048,576 bits
MI/MIC (mode indicate/mode indicate common)
MiB (mebibyte) 1,048,576 bytes
MIC (memory in cassette)
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
MIPS (million instructions per second)
MMC (MultiMediaCard)
MMDS (multichannel multipoint distribution service)
MMO (mobile module)
MMU (memory management unit)
MMX (multimedia extensions or matrix math extensions)
MNP (Microcom Network Protocol)
MO (magneto-optical) modem (modulator/demodulator)
MOESI (modified owned exclusive shared invalid)
MOS (metal-oxide semiconductor)
MOV (metal-oxide varistor)
MP (megapixel)
MPC (Multimedia Personal Computer)
MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group)
MPS (Multiprocessor Specification)
MR (Microid Research)
MRH-R (memory repeater hub RDRAM-based)
MRH-S (memory repeater hub SDRAM-based)
MS (Microsoft)
MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system)
MSAU (multistation access unit)
MTBF (mean time between failures)
MTH (memory translator hub)
MTTF (mean time to failure)
MTTR (mean time to repair)
MVA (multidomain vertical alignment)