A simple attribute translator example

 < Day Day Up > 

To better understand attribute translation, it's helpful to look at an example. The following translator is Pound Conditional (Poco) markup, a syntax that's somewhat similar to ASP or PHP.

You create the attribute translator by performing the following steps:

  • Creating the tagspec tag

  • Creating the icon

  • Creating the attribute translator

Creating the tagspec tag

The first step in making this translator work properly is to create a tagspec tag for Poco markup, which prevents Dreamweaver from parsing the untranslated Poco statements.

To create the tagspec tag:


Create a new blank file.


Enter the following:

<tagspec tag_name="poco" start_string="<#" end_string="#>" detect_in_attribute="true" icon="poco.gif" icon_width="17" icon_height="15"></tagspec>


Save the file as poco.xml in the Configuration/ThirdPartyTags folder.

Creating the icon

Next, you create the icon for Poco tags.

To create the icon:


Create an image file that is 18 x 18 pixels for the Poco tags icon.


Save the file as poco.gif in the Configuration/ThirdPartyTags folder.

Creating the attribute translator

You create an HTML file that contains the functions necessary for the attribute translator.

To create the HTML file:


Create a new blank file.


Enter the following:

 <html> <head> <title>Conditional Translator</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="> <script language="JavaScript"> /*************************************************************  * This translator handles the following statement syntaxes: *  * <# if (condition) then foo else bar #>                    *  * <# if (condition) then att="foo" else att="bar" #>        *  * <# if (condition) then att1="foo" att2="jinkies"          *  * att3="jeepers" else att1="bar" att2="zoinks" #>           *  *                                                           *  * It does not handle statements with no else clause.        *  *************************************************************/ var count = 1; function translateMarkup(docNameStr, siteRootStr, inStr){ var count = 1; // Counter to ensure unique mmTranslatedValues var outStr = inStr; // String that will be manipulated var spacer = ""; // String to manage space between encoded attributes var start = inStr.indexOf('<# if'); // 1st instance of Pound Conditional code // Declared but not initalized. // var attAndValue; // Boolean indicating whether the attribute is part of // the conditional statement var trueStart; // The beginning of the true case var falseStart; // The beginning of the false case var trueValue; // The HTML that would render in the true case var attName; // The name of the attribute that is being' // set conditionally. var equalSign; // The position of the equal sign just to the // left of the <#, if there is one var transAtt; // The entire translated attribute var transValue; // The value that must be URL-encoded var back3FromStart; // Three characters back from the start position // (used to find equal sign to the left of <# var tokens; // An array of all the attributes set in the true case var end; // The end of the current conditional statement. // As long as there's still a <# conditional that hasn't been // translated while (start != -1){    back3FromStart = start-3;    end = outStr.indexOf(' #>',start);    equalSign = outStr.indexOf('="<# if',back3FromStart);    attAndValue = (equalSign != -1)?false:true;    trueStart = outStr.indexOf('then', start);    falseStart = outStr.indexOf(' else', start);    trueValue = outStr.substring(trueStart+5, falseStart);    tokens = dreamweaver.getTokens(trueValue,' ');    // If attAndValue is false, find out what attribute you're    // translating by backing up from the equal sign to the    // first space. The substring between the space and the    // equal sign is the attribute.   if (!attAndValue){      for (var i=equalSign; i > 0; i--){        if (outStr.charAt(i) == " "){          attName = outStr.substring(i+1,equalSign);          break;        }      }      transValue = attName + '="' + trueValue + '"';      transAtt = ' mmTranslatedValue' + count + '="' + escape(transValue) + '"';      outStr = outStr.substring(0,end+4) + transAtt + outStr.substring(end+4);    // If attAndValue is true, and tokens is greater than    // 1, then trueValue is a series of attribute/value    // pairs, not just one. In that case, each attribute/value    // pair must be encoded separately and then added back    // together to make the translated value.    }else if (tokens.length > 1){      transAtt = ' mmTranslatedValue' + count + '="'      for (var j=0; j < tokens.length; j++){        tokens[j] = escape(tokens[j]);        if (j>0){          spacer=" ";        }        transAtt += spacer + tokens[j];       }      transAtt += '"';      outStr = outStr.substring(0,end+3) + transAtt + outStr.substring(end+3)    // If attAndValue is true and tokens is not greater    // than 1, then trueValue is a single attribute/value pair.    // This is the simplest case, where all that is necessary is    // to encode trueValue.    }else{      transValue = trueValue;      transAtt = ' mmTranslatedValue' + count + '="' + escape(transValue) + '"'      outStr = outStr.substring(0,end+3) + transAtt +1 outStr.substring(end+3);    }    // Increment the counter so that the next instance    // of mmTranslatedValue will have a unique name, and    // then find the next <# conditional in the code.    count++;    start = outStr.indexOf('<# if',end);   }  // Return the translated string.  return outStr } function getTranslatorInfo(){  returnArray = new Array(7);  returnArray[0] = "Pound_Conditional";     // The translatorClass  returnArray[1] = "Pound Conditional Translator"; // The title  returnArray[2] = "2";               // The number of extensions  returnArray[3] = "html";            // The first extension  returnArray[4] = "htm";             // The second extension  returnArray[5] = "1";               // The number of expressions  returnArray[6] = "<#";              // The first expression  returnArray[7] = "byString";              //  returnArray[8] = "50";              //  return returnArray } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> 


Save the file as Poco.htm in the Configuration/Translators folder.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Developing Extensions for Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
    Developing Extensions for Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
    ISBN: 0321395409
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 282

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