

t statistic
approximate, 4784
for equality of means, 4783
t test
MULTTEST procedure, 2946, 2955, 2968
power and sample size (POWER), 3432, 3437, 3448, 3455, 3463, 3471, 3508, 3509, 3518, 3526
SURVEYMEANS procedure, 4339
t test for correlation
power and sample size (POWER), 3426, 3429, 3503
t value
CALIS procedure, 649
displaying (CALIS), 686
t -square statistic
CLUSTER procedure, 972, 984
table names
MIXED procedure, 2752
table scores, 1469
crosstabulation (SURVEYFREQ), 4227
frequency and crosstabulation (FREQ), 1431, 1450
frequency and crosstabulation (SURVEYFREQ), 4196
multiway , 1518, 1520, 1521
one-way frequency, 1517, 1518
one-way frequency (SURVEYFREQ), 4226
one-way, tests, 1469, 1470
two-way, tests, 1470, 1471
TABLES statement, use
CORRESP procedure, 1072
TABULATE procedure, 22
Tarone's adjustment
Breslow-Day test, 1508
Tarone-Ware test for homogeneity
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2168
power and sample size (POWER), 3473, 3483, 3533
Taylor series method
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4206
Template Editor window, 340, 365
TEMPLATE procedure
examples, ODS Graphics, 363, 369, 371, 373, 379
graph template language, 342
template stores, 338
Sashelp.Tmplmst, 338, 341, 345, 346, 365
Sasuser.Templat, 340, 341, 346
user -defined, 341, 342
displaying contents of template, 278
in SASUSER library, 278
modifying, 278, 303, 309
style templates, 279
table templates, 279
TEMPLATE procedure, 278
Templates window, 339, 340, 345, 365
termination criteria (CALIS),
See optimization
test components
MIXED procedure, 2702
test indices
constraints (CALIS), 584
test set classification
DISCRIM procedure, 1163
test set validation
PLS procedure, 3384
testing linear hypotheses
LOGISTIC procedure, 2327, 2358
MIANALYZE procedure, 2618, 2628
SURVEYLOGISTIC procedure, 4266, 4288
tests, hypothesis
examples (GLM), 1850
GLM procedure, 1749
tetrachoric correlation coefficient, 1460, 1482
theoretical correlation
INBREED procedure, 1977
thin-plate smoothing splines, 4497
bootstrap, 4531, 4535
large data sets, 4527
theoretical foundation, 4511
three-way multidimensional scaling
MDS procedure, 2471
threshold response rate, 3705
tick marks, modifying
examples, ODS Graphics, 373
checking for in CLUSTER procedure, 971
MDS procedure, 2485
PHREG procedure, 3216, 3219, 3228, 3241, 3268
TPHREG procedure, 4486
time requirements
ACECLUS procedure, 411
CLUSTER procedure, 986
FACTOR procedure, 1331, 1335
VARCLUS procedure, 4815, 4818
time series data
REG procedure, 3915
time-dependent covariates
PHREG procedure, 3216, 3220, 3222, 3224, 3233, 3236
time-series plot
MI procedure, 2556
Tobit model
LIFEREG procedure, 2085, 2129
Toeplitz structure
example (MIXED), 2819
MIXED procedure, 2721
total covariance matrix
MIANALYZE procedure, 2627
total variance
MI procedure, 2561
MIANALYZE procedure, 2625
SURVEYFREQ procedure, 4209
TPHREG procedure
displayed output, 4486
estimability checking, 4481
global null hypothesis, 4486
hierarchy, 4475
iteration history, 4486
likelihood ratio test, 4486
miscellaneous changes from PROC PHREG, 4485
model hierarchy, 4473, 4475
ODS table names, 4488
parameter estimates, 4486, 4487
score test, 4486
singular contrast matrix, 4481
standard error, 4487
standard error ratio, 4487
ties, 4486
Wald test, 4486
TPSPLINE procedure
bootstrap, 4531, 4535
computational formulas, 4511
large data sets, 4527
nonhomogeneous variance, 4514
ODS table names, 4515
partial spline model, 4515
smoothing parameter, 4514
smoothing penalty, 4525
trace record
examples, ODS Graphics, 330, 352, 363
trace W method,
See Ward's method
traditional high-resolution graphics
LIFETEST procedure, 2159
traditional high-resolution graphics (LIFETEST), 2159
catalog, 2161
description, 2160
global annotate, 2160
local annotate, 2162
training data set
DISCRIM procedure, 1139
MI procedure, 2533
transformation matrix
orthonormalizing, 438, 1761
transformation options
PRINQUAL procedure, 3663
TRANSREG procedure, 4564
transformation standardization
TRANSREG procedure, 4572
affine(DISTANCE), 1250
ANOVA procedure, 448
cluster analysis, 958
for multivariate ANOVA, 437, 1759
identity(DISTANCE), 1250
linear(DISTANCE), 1250
many-to-one (DISTANCE), 1249
MDS procedure, 2472, 2481, 2482, 2484, 2487- 2489
monotone increasing(DISTANCE), 1249
oblique , 1294, 1298
one-to-one(DISTANCE), 1249
orthogonal, 1294, 1298
power(DISTANCE), 1250
repeated measures, 1830-1832
strictly increasing(DISTANCE), 1249
transformations for repeated measures
GLM procedure, 1779
transformed data
MDS procedure, 2491
transformed distances
MDS procedure, 2491
transforming ordinal variables to interval
DISTANCE procedure, 1250
TRANSREG procedure
additive models, 4574
algorithms, 4576
alpha level, 4574
ANOVA, 4650
ANOVA codings, 4662
ANOVA table, 4580, 4615
ANOVA table in OUTTEST= data set, 4626
asterisk (*) operator, 4558
at sign (@) operator, 4558
B-spline basis, 4560, 4614
bar () operator, 4558
Box Cox Example, 4721
Box Cox transformations, 4595
Box-Cox alpha, 4570
Box-Cox convenient lambda, 4570
Box-Cox convenient lambda list, 4570
Box-Cox geometric mean, 4571
Box-Cox lambda, 4571
Box-Cox parameter, 4566
CANALS method, 4576
canonical correlation, 4584, 4593
canonical variables, 4584
casewise deletion, 4578
cell -means coding, 4569, 4594, 4662
center-point coding, 4568, 4668, 4670
centering, 4675
character OPSCORE variables, 4604
choice experiments, 4660
CLASS variables, prefix, 4575
classification variables, 4560, 4569
coefficients, redundancy, 4590
confidence limits, 4575
confidence limits, individual, 4585
confidence limits, mean, 4585
confidence limits, prefix, 4584, 4585, 4587, 4588
conjoint analysis, 4581, 4593, 4690, 4694
constant transformations, avoiding, 4603
constant variables, 4578, 4604
degrees of freedom, 4615
dependent variable list, 4588
dependent variable name , 4587
design matrix, 4586
details of model, 4575
deviations-from-means coding, 4568, 4594, 4654, 4668, 4670
displaying iteration histories, 4576
dummy variables, 4560, 4569, 4586
dummy variables example, 4654
duplicate variable names, 4626
effect coding, 4549, 4568, 4654, 4668, 4670
excluded observations, 4605
excluding nonscore observations, 4581
expansions, 4560
explicit intercept, 4605
frequency variable, 4557
full-rank coding, 4568
GLMMOD alternative, 4586, 4654
history, iteration, 4576
hypothesis tests, 4580, 4615
id variables, 4557
ideal point model, 4593
ideal points, 4717
identity transformation, 4564
implicit intercept, 4605
independent variable list, 4588
individaul model fitting, 4576
initialization, 4575
interaction effects, 4558, 4594
interactions, quantitative, 4594
intercept, 4605
intercept, none, 4577
iterations, 4601
iterations, maximum number of, 4576
iterations, restarting, 4579, 4602
knots, 4567, 4568, 4613, 4678
less-than -full-rank model, 4569, 4594, 4672
leverage, 4587
limiting displayed output, 4579
linear regression, 4592
linear transformation, 4563, 4610
macros, 4588
main effects, 4558, 4594
maximum redundancy analysis, 4576
METHOD=MORALS rolled output data set, 4622
METHOD=MORALS variable names, 4626
metric conjoint analysis, 4694
missing value restoration option, 4590
missing values, 4576, 4578, 4599, 4600, 4605
monotone regression function, 4629
monotone transformations, 4593
monotonic B-spline transformation, 4563, 4611
monotonic transformation, ties not preserved, 4564, 4610
monotonic transformation, ties preserved, 4563, 4610
MORALS dependent variable name, 4587
MORALS method, 4576
multiple redundancy coefficients, 4590
multiple regression, 4593
multivariate multiple regression, 4593
names of variables, 4571
nonlinear regression functions, 4593, 4628
nonlinear transformations, 4593
nonmetric conjoint analysis, 4690
nonoptimal transformations, 4562
optimal scaling, 4609
optimal scoring, 4563, 4610
optimal transformations, 4563
order of CLASS levels, 4569, 4578
OUT= data set, 4582, 4623
output table names, 4676
OUTTEST= data set, 4556
part-worth utilities, 4691
passive observations, 4605
piecewise polynomial splines, 4561, 4614
%PLOTIT macro, 4617, 4717, 4718
point models, 4605
polynomial-spline basis, 4561, 4614
predicted values, 4591
preference mapping, 4593, 4717
preference models, 4586
prefix, canonical variables, 4584, 4585
prefix, redundancy variables, 4592
prefix, residuals, 4591
redundancy analysis, 4576, 4590, 4592, 4593, 4606
redundancy analysis, standardization, 4591
reference level, 4569, 4579, 4591
reference-cell coding, 4569, 4594, 4664, 4666
regression table, 4580
regression table in OUTTEST= data set, 4626
reiteration, 4579, 4602
renaming and reusing variables, 4571
residuals, 4592
residuals, prefix, 4591
separate regression functions, 4633
short output, 4579
singularity criterion, 4579
smoothing spline transformation, 4564
smoothing splines, 4596
spline t-options , 4566
spline transformation, 4564, 4611
splines, 4560, 4561, 4614, 4637, 4678, 4709
standardization, redundancy variables, 4591
standardization, transformation, 4572, 4580
star (*) operator, 4558
transformation options, 4564
transformation standardization, 4572, 4580
Type II sums of squares, 4580
types of observations, 4581
utilities, 4581, 4691, 4694
utilities in OUTTEST= data set, 4626
variable list macros, 4588
variable names, 4625
vector preference models, 4586
weight variable, 4592
_TYPE_ , 4623
treatments in a design
specifying in PLAN procedure, 3345
tree diagram
binary tree, 4743
branch, 4743
children, 4743
definitions, 4743
leaves , 4743
node, 4743
parent, 4743
root, 4743
tree diagrams
cluster analysis, 4743
TREE procedure, 4743
missing values, 4756
OUT= data sets, 4756
output data sets, 4756
output table names, 4757
trend test, 1490, 1543
trend tests
LIFETEST procedure, 2150, 2168, 2179, 2187
TRIM= option
and other options (CLUSTER), 969, 970, 972
triweight kernel (DISCRIM), 1160
trust region (TR), 3073
trust region algorithm
CALIS procedure, 578, 581, 665
TTEST procedure
alpha level, 4780
Cochran and Cox t approximation , 4775, 4780, 4785
compared to other procedures, 1735
computational method, 4783
confidence intervals, 4780
input data set, 4783
introductory example, 4776
missing values, 4783
ODS table names, 4789
paired comparisons, 4775, 4793
paired t test, 4782
paired-difference t test, 4775
Satterthwaite's approximation, 4775, 4785
uniformly most powerful unbiased test, 4786
Tucker and Lewis's Reliability Coefficient, 1337
Tukey's adjustment
GLM procedure, 1754
MIXED procedure, 2688
Tukey's studentized range test, 445, 1769, 1811, 1812
Tukey-Kramer test, 445, 1769, 1811, 1812
2D geometric anisotropic structure
MIXED procedure, 2721
two-sample t -test, 4775, 4789
power and sample size (POWER), 3415, 3463, 3471, 3472, 3526, 3527, 3529, 3566
two-stage density linkage
CLUSTER procedure, 967, 982
Type 1 analysis
GENMOD procedure, 1615, 1665
Type 1 error, 3488
Type 1 error rate
repeated multiple comparisons, 1808
Type 1 estimation
MIXED procedure, 2677
Type 2 error, 3488
Type 2 estimation
MIXED procedure, 2677
Type 3 analysis
GENMOD procedure, 1615, 1665
Type 3 estimation
MIXED procedure, 2677
Type H covariance structure, 1829
Type I sum of squares
computing in GLM, 1835
displaying (GLM), 1772
estimable functions for, 1771
estimable functions for (GLM), 1794
examples, 1858
Type I testing
MIXED procedure, 2696
Type II sum of squares
computing in GLM, 1835
displaying (GLM), 1773
estimable functions for, 1771
estimable functions for (GLM), 1796
examples, 1858
Type II sums of squares
TRANSREG procedure, 4580
Type II testing
MIXED procedure, 2696
Type III sum of squares
displaying (GLM), 1773
estimable functions for, 1771
estimable functions for (GLM), 1797
examples, 1858
Type III testing
MIXED procedure, 2696, 2751
Type IV sum of squares
computing in GLM, 1835
displaying (GLM), 1773
estimable functions for, 1771
estimable functions for (GLM), 1797
examples, 1858
TYPE= data sets
FACTOR procedure, 1325

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 7)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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