Chapter 28: The FASTCLUS Procedure


The FASTCLUS procedure performs a disjoint cluster analysis on the basis of distances computed from one or more quantitative variables . The observations are divided into clusters such that every observation belongs to one and only one cluster; the clusters do not form a tree structure as they do in the CLUSTER procedure. If you want separate analyses for different numbers of clusters, you can run PROC FASTCLUS once for each analysis. Alternatively, to do hierarchical clustering on a large data set, use PROC FASTCLUS to find initial clusters, then use those initial clusters as input to PROC CLUSTER.

By default, the FASTCLUS procedure uses Euclidean distances, so the cluster centers are based on least-squares estimation. This kind of clustering method is often called a k-means model , since the cluster centers are the means of the observations assigned to each cluster when the algorithm is run to complete convergence. Each iteration reduces the least-squares criterion until convergence is achieved.

Often there is no need to run the FASTCLUS procedure to convergence. PROC FASTCLUS is designed to find good clusters (but not necessarily the best possible clusters) with only two or three passes over the data set. The initialization method of PROC FASTCLUS guarantees that, if there exist clusters such that all distances between observations in the same cluster are less than all distances between observations in different clusters, and if you tell PROC FASTCLUS the correct number of clusters to find, it can always find such a clustering without iterating. Even with clusters that are not as well separated, PROC FASTCLUS usually finds initial seeds that are sufficiently good so that few iterations are required. Hence, by default, PROC FASTCLUS performs only one iteration.

The initialization method used by the FASTCLUS procedure makes it sensitive to outliers. PROC FASTCLUS can be an effective procedure for detecting outliers because outliers often appear as clusters with only one member.

The FASTCLUS procedure can use an L p (least p th powers) clustering criterion (Spath 1985, pp. 62 “63) instead of the least-squares ( L 2 ) criterion used in k -means clustering methods . The LEAST= p option specifies the power p to be used. Using the LEAST= option increases execution time since more iterations are usually required, and the default iteration limit is increased when you specify LEAST= p . Values of p less than 2 reduce the effect of outliers on the cluster centers compared with least-squares methods; values of p greater than 2 increase the effect of outliers.

The FASTCLUS procedure is intended for use with large data sets, with 100 or more observations. With small data sets, the results may be highly sensitive to the order of the observations in the data set.

PROC FASTCLUS produces brief summaries of the clusters it finds. For more extensive examination of the clusters, you can request an output data set containing a cluster membership variable.


The FASTCLUS procedure combines an effective method for finding initial clusters with a standard iterative algorithm for minimizing the sum of squared distances from the cluster means. The result is an efficient procedure for disjoint clustering of large data sets. PROC FASTCLUS was directly inspired by Hartigan s (1975) leader algorithm and MacQueen s (1967) k-means algorithm . PROC FASTCLUS uses a method that Anderberg (1973) calls nearest centroid sorting . A set of points called cluster seeds is selected as a first guess of the means of the clusters. Each observation is assigned to the nearest seed to form temporary clusters. The seeds are then replaced by the means of the temporary clusters, and the process is repeated until no further changes occur in the clusters. Similar techniques are described in most references on clustering (Anderberg 1973; Hartigan 1975; Everitt 1980; Spath 1980).

The FASTCLUS procedure differs from other nearest centroid sorting methods in the way the initial cluster seeds are selected. The importance of initial seed selection is demonstrated by Milligan (1980).

The clustering is done on the basis of Euclidean distances computed from one or more numeric variables. If there are missing values, PROC FASTCLUS computes an adjusted distance using the nonmissing values. Observations that are very close to each other are usually assigned to the same cluster, while observations that are far apart are in different clusters.

The FASTCLUS procedure operates in four steps:

  1. Observations called cluster seeds are selected.

  2. If you specify the DRIFT option, temporary clusters are formed by assigning each observation to the cluster with the nearest seed. Each time an observation is assigned, the cluster seed is updated as the current mean of the cluster. This method is sometimes called incremental , on-line , or adaptive training.

  3. If the maximum number of iterations is greater than zero, clusters are formed by assigning each observation to the nearest seed. After all observations are assigned, the cluster seeds are replaced by either the cluster means or other location estimates (cluster centers) appropriate to the LEAST= p option. This step can be repeated until the changes in the cluster seeds become small or zero (MAXITER= n 1).

  4. Final clusters are formed by assigning each observation to the nearest seed.

If PROC FASTCLUS runs to complete convergence, the final cluster seeds will equal the cluster means or cluster centers. If PROC FASTCLUS terminates before complete convergence, which often happens with the default settings, the final cluster seeds may not equal the cluster means or cluster centers. If you want complete converegnce, specify CONVERGE=0 and a large value for the MAXITER= option.

The initial cluster seeds must be observations with no missing values. You can specify the maximum number of seeds (and, hence, clusters) using the MAXCLUSTERS= option. You can also specify a minimum distance by which the seeds must be separated using the RADIUS= option.

PROC FASTCLUS always selects the first complete (no missing values) observation as the first seed. The next complete observation that is separated from the first seed by at least the distance specified in the RADIUS= option becomes the second seed. Later observations are selected as new seeds if they are separated from all previous seeds by at least the radius, as long as the maximum number of seeds is not exceeded.

If an observation is complete but fails to qualify as a new seed, PROC FASTCLUS considers using it to replace one of the old seeds. Two tests are made to see if the observation can qualify as a new seed.

First, an old seed is replaced if the distance between the observation and the closest seed is greater than the minimum distance between seeds. The seed that is replaced is selected from the two seeds that are closest to each other. The seed that is replaced is the one of these two with the shortest distance to the closest of the remaining seeds when the other seed is replaced by the current observation.

If the observation fails the first test for seed replacement, a second test is made. The observation replaces the nearest seed if the smallest distance from the observation to all seeds other than the nearest one is greater than the shortest distance from the nearest seed to all other seeds. If the observation fails this test, PROC FASTCLUS goes on to the next observation.

You can specify the REPLACE= option to limit seed replacement. You can omit the second test for seed replacement (REPLACE=PART), causing PROC FASTCLUS to run faster, but the seeds selected may not be as widely separated as those obtained by the default method. You can also suppress seed replacement entirely by specifying REPLACE=NONE. In this case, PROC FASTCLUS runs much faster, but you must choose a good value for the RADIUS= option in order to get good clusters. This method is similar to Hartigan s (1975, pp. 74 “78) leader algorithm and the simple cluster seeking algorithm described by Tou and Gonzalez (1974, pp. 90 “92).

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 2)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide Volume 2 only
Year: 2004
Pages: 92 © 2008-2017.
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