

SACL (Security Access Control List), See also Win32 API

defined, 418

errors initializing, 422

errors running audits, 423–424, 424

functions for, 395, 396, 397, 399

getting/setting in registry, 431

overview of, 390

privileges, 414

setting properties, 401, 401

verifying audit entries, 424, 424

writing auditing code, 418–423

SAML (Security Assertions Markup Language), 320, 322, 451

SANS Institute Web sites, 26, 27, 380

SDCheck tool, 343

Secure Socket Layer. See SSL

Security Access Control List. See SACL

Security Configuration Editor, 403–405, 404

security descriptors, 398–399, 422–423, 428–429, 431

Security Guide for Windows site, 26

security problems. See avoiding; errors; troubleshooting

security risks, See also cracker exploits; .NET Framework security

Active Directory return values, 356

authenticating Web servers, 237, 245

authenticating Web services, 304–305

caller locations, 305

channel data interception, 304

complacency, 380

data leaks, 277–278, 353

of data streams, 286, 301

in data transfers, 434

in using DCOM and CORBA, 301

in deserializing data, 280

entire security system failure, 245

in FileAuthorizationModule class, 384

in incorrect domain procedures, 346

killing processes prematurely, 434

lack of policies, 380

learning about, 260–261, 376

memory leaks, 361, 422

in modifying Web.CONFIG files, 385

of OOB messages, 209, 254

of passwords, 237

query contamination, 303

in Remote Data Services, 266, 266

in remote debugging, 240

in using SOAP, 300

third party intervention, 305

unexpected input, 259

unmanaged code, 392

of unnecessary characters, 58, 59

untrustable Web data, 304

in using UrlAuthorizationModule class, 383–384

of usernames, 237

viruses, 304

in Web services, 302, 303, 304–305, 306

in Win32 API

old functions, 392–393

ordered rights to resources, 400–401

overview of, 399, 400

pointers, 394–395

unmanaged code, 392, 393

unsafe code, 393–394

in wireless security, 14, 365–367, 369–370, 376

in WSDL output, 328, 329

SecurityCallContext class, 223–225

SecurityException exception, 32

SecurityManager class, 32–35, 35

SecUtil tool, 101, 101

Select Users or Groups dialog box, 226, 226

serialization, 280–281, 451

servers, See also Web server security

service provider classes, 36

SetFileSecurity() function, 424–425

SetNamedSecurityInfo() function, 424–425

SHA hash algorithms, 199–200, 451

SIDs (Security Identifiers) in Win32 API

converting to readable form, 405–408

defined, 451

ordering group SIDs, 400–401

overview of, 392

SID-related functions, 397–398

well-known predefined SIDs, 407

signatures, digital, 72–73, 99, 153

sink, 64

Site evidence class, 76

sites. See Web sites

Slammer virus, 266

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

defined, 452

overview of, 63, 212, 213

Security Extensions, 318

support, adding to COM+, 326–328, 326–328

testing calls, 329–332

SoapHttpClientProtocol class, See also Web services security

adding permissions, 307

changing ports, 307

debugger attribute, 306, 307

generated by .NET IDE, 305–306

generating manually, 306–308

SoapSuds utility, 289, 328

social engineering, 70

sockets, See also LAN security; SSL

caching credentials, 210–212

defined, 452

overview of, 205

using SocketPermission class, 205–209, 208

using SSL protocol, 209–210

Special Edition Using SOAP (Mueller), 301

SQL Server CE classes, 369

SQL Server. See Web data security

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol

configuring IIS support for, 293, 294–296, 295–296

defined, 209–210, 451

getting certificates for, 294

getting client certificate information, 296–298, 298

using in wireless networks, 376, 382, 386

SSPI (Security Support Provider Interface), 274

streams, data, 286, 301, 442

strong name checks, 155

Strong Name utility, 173

StrongName evidence class, 76

StrongNameIdentityPermission class, See also code access security

checking credentials, 101–102

defined, 98

extracting public keys, 101, 101

versus Publisher evidence, 99

signed client sample code, 99–101

testing, 103

“Stupid User Tricks” article, 12

SUS (System Update Services), 15

symmetric encryption. See cryptography, symmetric

SynchronizationAttribute class, 29–31, 30

System.DirectoryServices namespace, See also AD

accessing Active Directory, 43–44, 45

examples, 42–50, 45, 50

getting AD user information, 45–49, 50

overview of, 41

path types and, 44, 45

Web site on, 42

System.Net.CredentialCache class, 210–212

System.Net.NetworkCredential class, 210–212

System.Reflection.Assembly.Evidence property, 103–106, 106

System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts namespace

defined, 28

security benefits, 29

SynchronizationAttribute class, 29–31, 30

Web site on, 28

System.Security namespace

AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute, 31–32, 281

overview of, 31–32

SecurityException exception, 32

SecurityManager class, 32–35, 35

Web site on, 32

System.Security.Cryptography namespace

class structure, 36

defined, 35

example, 37–39, 38–39

Web site on, 35

System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespace, 196–199, 197

System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace

creating/verifying XML signatures, 314–317, 316–317

data management, 313

data transformation, 314

key management, 313

System.Security.Permissions namespace, 39

System.Security.Policy namespace, 39–40

System.Security.Principal namespace, 40–41

System.Web.Security namespace, See also wireless device security

FileAuthorizationModule class, 383–384

FormsAuthentication class, 384–386

overview of, 41, 365, 382–383

Passport support in, 41, 323

UrlAuthorizationModule class, 383–384

Web site on, 41

.Net Development Security Solutions
.NET Development Security Solutions
ISBN: 0782142664
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 168 © 2008-2017.
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