Procedure Syntax

Requirements: One ID statement (see ID Statement on page 1009 )and at least one CHORO (see CHORO Statement on page 1017), BLOCK (see BLOCK Statement on page 1009 ), PRISM (see PRISM Statement on page 1022), or SURFACE (see SURFACE Statement on page 1030 )statement is required.


Reminder: The GMAP procedure can include the BY (see BY Statement on page 141 ), FORMAT, LABEL, and WHERE statements as well as the TITLE, FOOTNOTE, and NOTE Statements on page 210.

Supports: RUN- group processing, Output Delivery System (ODS)

PROC GMAP <MAP= map-data-set >

  • DATA = response-data-set feature-table

  • <ALL>

  • <ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set >

  • <GOUT=< libref .> output-catalog >

  • <IMAGEMAP= output-data-set >;

  • ID id-variable(s) geo-variable ;

    • BLOCK response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

    • CHORO response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

    • PRISM response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

    • SURFACE response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

PROC GMAP Statement

Identifies the map data set and the response data set that contain the variables associated with the map. If the response data set and the feature table have been merged, the statement identifies the merged map data set. The statement optionally causes the procedure to display all map areas and specifies annotation and an output catalog.

Requirements: Both a map data set and a response data set are required. This can include a traditional map data set and response data set or a merged response data set and feature table.

PROC GMAP <MAP= map-data-set >

  • DATA= response-data-set feature-table

  • <ALL>

  • <ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set >

  • <GOUT=< libref .> output-catalog >

  • <IMAGEMAP= output-data-set >;

Required Argument

DATA= response-data-set feature-table

  • identifies the SAS data set that contains the response values or the response values and the spatial information that are evaluated and represented on the map. If a response data set is specified, it must contain the same identification variable or variables as the map data set, along with the values of the response variable. If a feature table is specified, it must contain response data information and spatial geometry information. By default, the GMAP procedure uses the most recently created SAS data set.

    See Also: Concepts on page 999, SAS Data Sets on page 29, and About Feature Tables on page 1001.


PROC GMAP statement options affect all of the graphs that are produced by the procedure.


  • specifies that all maps generated by the procedure should include every map area from the map data set, even if the response data set does not include an observation for the map area.

    When you use the ALL option and a BY statement in a RUN group, the maps generated for each BY group include every map area from the map data set.

    See also: Displaying Map Areas and Response Data on page 1005, CEMPTY= and the MISSING options.

ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

ANNO= Annotate-data-set

  • specifies a data set to annotate all of the maps that are produced by the GMAP procedure. To annotate individual maps, use the ANNOTATE= option in the action statement.

    Note: You can use the %MAPLABEL Macro to create the Annotate-data-set . See %MAPLABEL Macro on page 686 for more information.

    See also: Chapter 24, Using Annotate Data Sets, on page 587.

GOUT=< libref .> output-catalog

  • specifies the SAS catalog in which to save the graphics output that is produced by the GMAP procedure for later replay. You can use the GREPLAY procedure to view the graphs stored in the catalog. If you do not use the GOUT= option, catalog entries are written to the default catalog WORK.GSEG, which is erased at the end of your session.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX

    See also: Storing Graphics Output in SAS Catalogs on page 53.

IMAGEMAP= output-data-set

  • creates a temporary SAS data set that contains information about the graph that is replayed from the graphics catalog. The information in the image map data set includes the shape and coordinates of the elements in the graph, along with values that were associated with those elements in variables that were identified for that purpose in the HTML= and/or HTML_LEGEND= options. The image map data set can be used to generate an HTML image map in an HTML output file using the IMAGEMAP macro. The IMAGEMAP macro takes two arguments, the name of the image map data set and the name or fileref of an HTML output file, as shown in the following example:

     %imagemap(imgmapds, myimgmap.html); 

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX

MAP= map-data-set

  • names a SAS traditional map data set that contains the Cartesian coordinates for the boundary points of each map area. The traditional map data set must contain the same identification variable or variables as the response data set being used. This statement is required if a feature table is not being used.

    See also: About Traditional Data Sets on page 999.

ID Statement

Identifies the variable or variables in the input data set(s) that define map areas.

Requirements: At least one id-variable or geo-variable is required.

ID id-variable(s) geo-variable ;

Required Arguments


  • identifies one or more variables in the map and response data sets that define map area. This argument is used only when map and response data sets are specified. If a feature table is specified, then specify the geo-variable argument.

    Every variable that is listed in the ID statement must appear in both the map and response data sets. The variable identified by the id-variable(s) argument can be of type numeric or character and should have the same name, type, and length in both the response and map data sets.

    See also: About Identification Variables on page 1005.

    Featured in: Example 1 on page 1045, Example 3 on page 1049, and Example 4 on page 1052.


  • identifies the $GEOREF formatted variable in the feature table containing the spatial geometry information for the map. The variable identified by the geo-variable argument must be of character type.

    See also: About Identification Variables on page 1005.

    Featured in: Example 11 on page 1069.

BLOCK Statement

Creates three-dimensional block maps on which levels of magnitude of the specified response variables are represented by blocks of varying height, pattern, and color .

Requirements: At least one response variable is required. The ID statement must be used in conjunction with the BLOCK statement.



The BLOCK statement specifies the variable or variables that contain the data that are represented on the map by blocks of varying height, pattern, and color. This statement automatically

  • determines the midpoints ranges

  • scales the blocks

  • assigns patterns to the block faces and map areas. (See About Block Maps and Patterns on page 1016 for more information.)

You can use statement options to enhance the appearance of the map. For example, you can specify the width and shape of the blocks, the outline colors for the blocks and the map areas, and the angle of view. Other statement options control the response levels.

In addition, you can use global statements to modify the block patterns, the map patterns, and the legend, as well as to add titles and footnotes to the map. You can also use an Annotate data set to enhance the map.

BLOCK response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

The option(s) argument can be one or more of the following:

  • appearance options:

    • ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

    • BLOCKSIZE= size

    • CBLKOUT= block-outline-color SAME

    • CEMPTY= empty-area-outline-color

    • COUTLINE= area-outline-color SAME

    • SHAPE= 3D-block-shape

    • WOUTLINE= block-outline-width

    • XSIZE= map-width < units >

    • YSIZE= map-height < units >

    • XVIEW= x

    • YVIEW= y

    • ZVIEW= z

  • mapping options:

    • AREA= n response-variable-name


    • LEVELS= number-of-response-levels ALL

    • MIDPOINTS= value-list OLD


  • legend options:

    • CTEXT= text-color

    • LEGEND=LEGEND<1 99>


  • description options:

    • DESCRIPTION= entry-description

    • NAME= entry-name

  • ODS options

    • HTML= variable

    • HTML_LEGEND= variable

Required Arguments


  • specifies one or more variables in the response data set, or in the merged response and feature table, that contain response values that are to be represented on the map. Each response variable produces a separate map. All variables must be in the input data set. Multiple response variables are separated with blanks. Blocks are not drawn for missing values for the response variable unless you use the MISSING option in the BLOCK statement.

    See also: About Response Variables on page 1004.


Options in a BLOCK statement affect all of the maps that are produced by that statement. You can specify as many options as you want and list them in any order.

ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

ANNO= Annotate-data-set

  • specifies a data set to annotate onto maps that are produced by the BLOCK statement. Annotate coordinate systems 1, 2, 7, and 8 are not valid with block maps.

    Note: You can use the %MAPLABEL Macro to create the Annotate-data-set . See %MAPLABEL Macro on page 686 for more information.

    See also: Chapter 24, Using Annotate Data Sets, on page 587.

AREA= n response-variable-name

  • specifies that a different map pattern be used for the surface of each map area or group of map areas on the map.

    The value of n indicates which variable in the ID statement determines the groups that are distinguished by a surface pattern. By default, all map unit areas are drawn using the same surface fill pattern. If your ID statement has only one map area identification variable, then use AREA=1 to indicate that each map area surface uses a different pattern. If you have more than one variable in your ID statement, then use n to indicate the position of the variable that defines groups that will share a pattern. When you use the AREA= option, the map data set should be sorted in order of the variables in the ID statement.

    A column name defined in either the MAP= or DATA= data sets may be indicated with the column-name value. If the column name exists in both the MAP= and DATA= data sets, the column in the map= data set will be used. When column-name is used, the areas will be colored based on the AREA= value. Duplicate AREA= values may have different patterns assigned

    By default, using the AREA= option fills map areas by rotating the default hatch patterns through the colors list, beginning with the M2N0 pattern. The default outline color depends on the PATTERN statement:

    • If you do not specify a PATTERN statement, the default outline color is black for the Java or ActiveX devices. Otherwise, the default outline color is the foreground color (the first color in the colors list).

    • If you specify the PATTERN statement or the V6COMP graphics option, the default is COUTLINE=SAME.

  • You can specify pattern fills or colors or both with PATTERN statements that specify map/plot patterns. A separate PATTERN definition is needed for each specified area.

    See also: PATTERN Statement on page 169.

    Featured in: Example 3 on page 1049.


  • specifies the width of the blocks. The unit of size is the character cell width for the selected output device. By default, BLOCKSIZE=2.

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.

CBLKOUT= block-outline-color SAME

  • outlines all blocks in the specified color. The SAME value specifies that the outline color of a block, a block segment, or a legend is the same as the interior pattern color.

    The default outline color depends on the PATTERN statement:

  • If no PATTERN statements are specified, then the default outline color is the foreground color (the first color in the colors list).

  • If a PATTERN statement or the V6COMP graphics option is specified, then the default is CBLKOUT=SAME.

  • CBLKOUT= is not valid when SHAPE=CYLINDER.

    Note: If you specify empty block patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement), you should not change the outline color from the default value, SAME, to a single color. Otherwise all the outlines will be one color and you will only be able to distinguish between empty areas by their size. Empty block patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement) are not supported by DEVICE=ACTIVEX.

    Featured in: Example 1 on page 1045 and Example 3 on page 1049.

CEMPTY= empty-area-outline-color

  • outlines empty map areas in the specified color. This option affects only map areas that are empty. Empty map areas are generated in block maps only when a map area is omitted from the response data set and the ALL option is included in the PROC GMAP statement.

    The default outline color is the same as the default COUTLINE= color.

    Not supported by: Java

    See also: ALL on page 1008 and Displaying Map Areas and Response Data on page 1005.

COUTLINE= area-outline-color SAME

  • outlines non-empty map areas in the specified color. When COUTLINE= area-outline-color and DEVICE=JAVA or ACTIVEX, both empty and non-empty map areas are outlined. The SAME value specifies that the outline color of a map area is the same as the interior pattern color.

    The default outline color depends on the PATTERN statement:

    • If you do not specify a PATTERN statement, the default outline color is black for the Java or ActiveX devices. Otherwise, the default outline color is the foreground color (the first color in the colors list).

    • If you specify the PATTERN statement or the V6COMP graphics option, the default is COUTLINE=SAME.

  • Note: If you specify empty map patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement), then you should not change the outline color from the default value SAME. Otherwise all the outlines will be one color and you will not be able to distinguish between the empty areas. Empty block patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement) are not supported by DEVICE=ACTIVEX.

    Featured in: Example 3 on page 1049.

CTEXT= text-color

  • specifies a color for the text in the legend. If you omit the CTEXT= option, a color specification is searched for in this order:

    1. the CTEXT= option in a GOPTIONS statement

    2. the default, the first color in the colors list.

  • The CTEXT= color specification is overridden if you also use the COLOR= suboption of a LABEL= or VALUE= option in a LEGEND definition that is assigned to the map legend. The COLOR= suboption determines the color of the legend label or the color of the legend value descriptions, respectively.

    For the Java and ActiveX devices, the default color is black.

DESCRIPTION= entry-description

DES= entry-description

  • specifies a descriptive string up to 256 characters long, that appears in the description field of the catalog entry for the map. The description does not appear on the map. By default, the GMAP procedure assigns a description of the form BLOCK MAP OF variable , where variable is the name of the map variable.

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.


  • treats a numeric, formatted response variable as though it has discrete values rather than continuous values. When you use DISCRETE, the response variable values are not grouped into ranges; instead, the GMAP procedure uses a separate response level (block height, pattern, and color) for each value of the formatted response variable.

    The LEVELS= option is ignored when you use the DISCRETE option.

    Use this option only if your numeric response variable is assigned a user -written format.

    Note: If the data does not contain a value in a particular range of the format, that formatted range is not displayed in the legend.

    Featured in: Example 3 on page 1049 .

HTML= variable

  • identifies the variable in the input data set whose values create links in the HTML file created by the ODS HTML statement. These links are associated with an area of the map and point to the data or graph you wish to display when the user drills down on the area.

HTML_LEGEND= variable

  • identifies the variable in the input data set whose values create links in the HTML file created by the ODS HTML statement. These links are associated with a legend value and point to the data or graph you want to display in response to drill-down input from the user.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX


  • specifies the LEGEND statement to associate with the map. The LEGEND= option is ignored if the specified LEGEND definition is not currently in effect. In the GMAP procedure, the BLOCK statement produces a legend unless you use the NOLEGEND option. If you use the SHAPE= option in a LEGEND statement, only the value BAR is valid. Most of the LEGEND options described in LEGEND Statement on page 151 are supported by both Java and ActiveX. If a LEGEND option is not supported by Java or ActiveX, it is noted in the LEGEND option definition.

    Not supported by: Java (partial), ActiveX (partial)

    See also: LEGEND Statement on page 151.

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1047 and Example 5 on page 1054.

LEVELS= number-of-response-levels ALL

  • number-of-response-levels specifies the number of response levels that are to be graphed when the response variables are continuous. Each level is assigned a different block height, pattern, and color combination.

    If you specify DEVICE=ACTIVEX or DEVICE=ACTXIMG, and if you specify LEVELS=ALL, then a color ramp is used to assign each response value a continuous color scheme. The response values are assigned lighter and darker values of a color scheme to express lower and higher response values. When used with all other devices, the LEVELS=ALL and DISCRETE options behave exactly the same. For more information, see the DISCRETE option on page 1013.

    If you do not use the LEVELS= option or the DISCRETE option, the GMAP procedure determines the number of response levels by using the formula FLOOR(1 + 3.3 log( n )), where n is the number of unique identification variable values for map areas.

    The LEVELS= option is ignored when you use the DISCRETE or MIDPOINTS= value-list option. When MIDPOINTS=OLD is used with the LEVELS= option, default midpoints are generated using the Nelder algorithm ( Applied Statistics 25:94 “7, 1976).

    Note: LEVELS=ALL is a .

MIDPOINTS= value-list OLD

  • specifies the response levels for the range of response values that are represented by each level (block height, pattern, and color combination).

    For numeric response variables , value-list is either an explicit list of values or a starting and an ending value with an interval increment, or a combination of both forms:

    • n < n >

    • n TO n <BY increment >

    • n < n >TO n <BY increment >< n < n >>

  • By default, the increment value is 1. You can specify discrete numeric values in any order. In all forms, n can be separated by blanks or commas. For example,

     midpoints=(2 4 6)  midpoints=(2,4,6)  midpoints=(2 to 10 by 2) 

    If a numeric variable has an associated format, the specified values must be the unformatted values. With numeric response values, DEVICE=JAVA only uses midpoints that fall in the range of the data being used. Thus, if your data ranged from 30-80, but midpoints were specified at 25, 50, 75,and 100, only 50 and 75 are used.

    For character response variables , value-list is a list of unique character values enclosed in quotes and separated by blanks:

    value-1 < value-n >

     midpoints='Midwest' 'Northeast' 'Northwest' 

    Specify the values in any order. If a character variable has an associated format, the specified values must be the formatted values. Character response values specified with the MIDPOINTS= option are not supported by DEVICE=JAVA.

    You can selectively exclude some response variable values from the map, as shown here:


    Only those observations for which the response variable exactly matches one of the values listed in the MIDPOINTS= option are shown on the map. As a result, observations may be excluded inadvertently if values in the list are misspelled or if the case does not match exactly.

    Specifying MIDPOINTS=OLD generates default midpoints using the Nelder algorithm ( Applied Statistics 25:94 “7, 1976). Specifying GOPTIONS V6COMP serves the same purpose.

    Not supported by: Java (partial)

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.


  • accepts a missing value as a valid level for the response variable.

  • See also: Displaying Map Areas and Response Data on page 1005.

NAME= entry-name

  • If you specify DEVICE=ACTXIMG or DEVICE=JAVAIMG, then the name that you specify will be used for the client image output even in the file exists. For all other devices, if the name duplicates an existing entry name, SAS/GRAPH specifies the name of the catalog entry for the map. The maximum length for entry-name is 8 characters. The default name is GMAP. If the specified name duplicates the name of an existing entry, SAS/GRAPH appends a number to the duplicate name to create a unique name, for example, GMAP1.

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.


  • suppresses the legend.

SHAPE= 3D-block-shape

  • specifies the shape of the blocks. Use this option to enhance the look of the block shape, or to specify a different shape. When using the SHAPE= option, only solid fill patterns will be used. The value of 3D-block-shape can be one of the following:

    • BLOCK B



    • PRISM P

    • STAR S

  • The CBLKOUT= option is not valid when SHAPE=CYLINDER.

WOUTLINE= block-outline-width

  • specifies the width, in pixels, of the outline for all outlined blocks and for the outline of the map areas.

    Not supported by: Java

XSIZE= map-width < units >

YSIZE= map-height < units >

  • specify the physical dimensions of the map to be drawn. By default, the map uses the entire procedure output area.

    Valid units are CELLS (character cells), CM (centimeters), IN (inches), or PCT (percentage of the graphics output area). The default unit is CELLS .

    If you specify values for map-width or map-height that are greater than the dimensions of the procedure output area, the map is drawn using the default size.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX




  • specify coordinates of the viewing position in the reference coordinate system. In this system, the four corners of the map lie on the X-Y plane at coordinates (0,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0), and (1,0,0). No axes are actually drawn on the maps that are produced by PROC GMAP. Your viewing position cannot coincide with the viewing reference point at coordinates (0.5,0.5,0), the center of the map. The value for z cannot be negative.

    If you omit the XVIEW=, YVIEW=, and ZVIEW= options, the default coordinates are (0.5, ˆ’ 2, 3). This viewing position is well above and to the south of the center of the map. You can specify one, two, or all three of the view coordinates; any that you do not specify are assigned the default values. While you can use the XVIEW= and YVIEW= options with DEVICE=JAVA, ZVIEW= can not be used with DEVICE=JAVA.

    Not supported by: Java (partial)

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1047.

    Figure 35.5 on page 1016 shows the position of the viewing reference point, as well as the default viewing position.

click to expand
Figure 35.5: Viewing Position and Viewing Reference Point

About Block Maps and Patterns

Block maps are different from other maps in that they display two different types of areas that use patterns:

  • the blocks themselves , which represent the response levels

  • the map areas from which the blocks rise.

By default, the blocks use solid pattern fills and the map areas use a hatch pattern of slanting lines. The map areas in block maps are the only map areas that by default do not use solid fills. The map areas and their outlines use the first color in the colors list regardless of whether the list is the device's default colors list or one specified with the COLORS= option in a GOPTIONS statement.

The BLOCK statement has the following options that explicitly control the outline colors used by the blocks and the map areas.




In addition the AREA= option controls how the map areas are patterned .

When you use PATTERN statements to define the patterns for the map, you must be sure to specify the correct type of pattern for the area. The blocks use bar/block patterns and the map areas use map/plot patterns. See PATTERN Statement on page 169 for more information on specifying patterns.

Note: If you specify only one PATTERN statement and include only the COLOR= option, that color will be used for both the blocks and the map areas. For example, this statement makes the blocks solid blue and the map areas blue hatch.

 pattern1 color=blue; 

Note: Empty block patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement) are not supported by DEVICE=ACTIVEX.

CHORO Statement

Creates two-dimensional maps in which values of the specified response variables are represented by var ying patterns and colors.

Requirements: At least one response variable is required. The ID statement must be used in conjunction with the CHORO statement



The CHORO statement specifies the variable or variables that contain the data represented on the map by patterns that fill the map areas. This statement automatically

  • determines the midpoints

  • assigns patterns to the map areas.

You can use statement options to enhance the appearance of the map, for example, by selecting the colors and patterns that fill the map areas. Other statement options control the selection of ranges for the response variable.

In addition, you can use global statements to modify the map area patterns and legend, as well as add titles and footnotes to the map. You can also use an Annotate data set to enhance the map.

CHORO response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

option(s) can be one or more from any of the following categories:

  • appearance options:

    • ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

    • CEMPTY= empty-area-outline-color

    • COUTLINE= area-outline-color SAME

    • WOUTLINE= area-outline-width

    • XSIZE= map-width < units >

    • YSIZE= map-height < units >

    • XVIEW= x

    • YVIEW= y

    • ZVIEW= z

  • mapping options:


    • LEVELS= number-of-response-levels ALL

    • MIDPOINTS= value-list OLD


  • legend options:

    • CTEXT= text-color

    • LEGEND=LEGEND<1 99>


  • description options:

    • DESCRIPTION= entry-description

    • NAME= entry-name

  • ODS options

    • HTML= variable

    • HTML_LEGEND= variable

Required Arguments


  • specifies one or more variables in the response data set, or in the merged response and feature table, that contain response values that are to be represented on the map. Each response variable produces a separate map. All variables must be in the input data set. Multiple response variables are separated with blanks.

    Missing values for the response variable are not considered valid response values unless you use the MISSING option on the CHORO statement.

    Response variables can be either numeric or character in type. Numeric response variables are normally grouped into ranges, or response levels, as determined by the MIDPOINTS= or LEVELS= options. Each response level is assigned a different combination of pattern and color. Character response variables are assigned unique response levels, as are numeric variables when the DISCRETE option is specified.

    See also: About Response Variables on page 1004.


Options in a CHORO statement affect all graphs that are produced by that statement. You can specify as many options as you want and list them in any order.

ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

ANNO= Annotate-data-set

  • specifies a data set to annotate onto maps that are produced by the CHORO statement.

    Note: You can use the %MAPLABEL Macro to create the Annotate-data-set . See %MAPLABEL Macro on page 686 for more information.

    See also: Chapter 24, Using Annotate Data Sets, on page 587.

    Featured in: Example 6 on page 1061.

CEMPTY= empty-area-outline-color

  • outlines empty map areas in the specified color. This option affects only the empty map areas, which are generated in choro maps either

    • when there is no response value for a map area and the MISSING option is not used, or

    • when a map area is omitted from the response data set and the ALL option is included in the PROC GMAP statement.

  • The default outline color is the same as the default COUTLINE= color.

    Not supported by: Java

    See also: ALL on page 1008 and Displaying Map Areas and Response Data on page 1005.

COUTLINE= area-outline-color SAME

  • outlines non-empty map areas in the specified color. When COUTLINE= area-outline-color and DEVICE=JAVA or ACTIVEX, both empty and non-empty map areas are outlined. The value SAME specifies that the outline color of a map area is the same as the interior pattern color.

    The default outline color depends on the PATTERN statement:

    • If no PATTERN statement is specified, the default outline color is the foreground color (the first color in the colors list).

    • If a PATTERN statement or the V6COMP graphics option is specified, the default is COUTLINE=SAME.

  • Note: If you specify empty map patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement), then you should not change the outline color from the default value SAME to a single color. Otherwise all the outlines will be one color and you will not be able to distinguish between the empty areas.

    Featured in: Example 4 on page 1052.

CTEXT= text-color

  • specifies a color for the text in the legend. If you omit the CTEXT= option, a color specification is searched for in this order:

    1. the CTEXT= option in a GOPTIONS statement

    2. the default, the first color in the colors list.

  • The CTEXT= color specification is overridden if you also use the COLOR= suboption of a LABEL= or VALUE= option in a LEGEND definition that is assigned to the map legend. The COLOR= suboption determines the color of the legend label or the color of the legend value descriptions, respectively.

    For the Java and ActiveX devices, the default color is black.

DESCRIPTION= entry-description

DES= entry-description

  • specifies a descriptive string up to 256 characters long that appears in the description field of the catalog entry for the map. The description does not appear on the map. By default, the GMAP procedure assigns a description of the form CHOROPLETH MAP OF map_variable .

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.


  • generates a unique response value (pattern and color combination) for each numeric response variable.

    The LEVELS= option is ignored when you use the DISCRETE option.

    Be sure to use this option if your numeric response variable is assigned a user-written format.

    Note: If the data does not contain a value in a particular range of the format, that formatted range is not displayed in the legend.

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054 and Example 11 on page 1069.

HTML= variable

  • identifies the variable in the input data set whose values create links in the HTML file created by the ODS HTML statement. These links are associated with an area of the map and point to the data or graph you wish to display when you drill down on the area.

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.

HTML_LEGEND= variable

  • identifies the variable in the input data set whose values create links in the HTML file created by the ODS HTML statement. These links are associated with a legend value and point to the data or graph you wish to display when you drill down on the value.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.


  • assigns the specified LEGEND statement that is to be applied to the map. The LEGEND= option is ignored if the specified LEGEND definition is not currently in effect. In the GMAP procedure, the CHORO statement produces a legend by default unless you specify the NOLEGEND option. If you use the SHAPE= option in a LEGEND statement, then only the value BAR is valid. Most of the LEGEND options described in LEGEND Statement on page 151 are supported by both Java and ActiveX. If a LEGEND option is not supported by Java or ActiveX, it is noted in the LEGEND option definition.

    Not supported by: Java (partial), ActiveX (partial)

    See also: LEGEND Statement on page 151.

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1047.

LEVELS= number-of-response-levels ALL

  • specifies the number of response levels to be graphed for numeric response variables, when the DISCRETE or MIDPOINTS= options are not specified. Each response level is assigned a different combination of color and fill pattern.

    If you specify DEVICE=ACTIVEX or DEVICE=ACTXIMG, and if you specify LEVELS=ALL, then a color ramp is used to assign each response value a continuous color scheme. The response values are assigned lighter and darker values of a color scheme to express lower and higher response values. When used with all other devices, the LEVELS=ALL and DISCRETE options behave exactly the same. For more information, see the DISCRETE option on page 1019.

    If the LEVELS= option is not used, the GMAP procedure determines the number of response levels by using the formula FLOOR(1+3.3 log( n )), where n is the number of unique map area identification variable values.

    The LEVELS= option is ignored when you use the DISCRETE or MIDPOINTS= value-list option. When MIDPOINTS=OLD is used with the LEVELS= option, default midpoints are generated using the Nelder algorithm ( Applied Statistics 25:94 “7, 1976).

    Note: LEVELS=ALL is a .

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1047.

MIDPOINTS= value-list OLD

  • specifies the response levels for the range of response values that are represented by each level (pattern and color combination).

    For numeric response variables , the value-list argument is either an explicit list of values, a starting and an ending value with an interval increment, or a combination of both forms:

    • n < n >

    • n TO n <BY increment >

    • n < n >TO n <BY increment > n < n >

  • By default the increment value is 1. You can specify discrete numeric values in any order. In all forms, n can be separated by blanks or commas. For example,

     midpoints=(2 4 6)  midpoints=(2,4,6)  midpoints=(2 to 10 by 2) 

    If a numeric variable has an associated format, the specified values must be the unformatted values. With numeric response values, DEVICE=JAVA only uses midpoints that fall in the range of the data being used. Thus, if your data ranged from 30-80, but midpoints were specified at 25, 50, 75,and 100, only 50 and 75 are used.

    For character response variables, value-list is a list of unique character values enclosed in quotation marks and separated by blanks:

    value-1 < value-n >

    The values are character strings enclosed in single quotation marks and separated by blanks. For example,

     midpoints='Midwest' 'Northeast' 'Northwest' 

    Specify the values in any order. If a character variable has an associated format, the specified values must be the formatted values. Character response values specified with the MIDPOINTS= option are not supported by DEVICE=JAVA.

    You can selectively exclude some response variable values from the map, as shown here:


    The only observations that are shown on the map are those observations for which the response variable exactly matches one of the values that are listed in the MIDPOINTS= option. As a result, observations may be excluded inadvertently if values in the list are misspelled or if the case does not match exactly.

    Specifying MIDPOINTS=OLD generates default midpoints using the Nelder algorithm ( Applied Statistics 25:94 “7, 1976). Specifying GOPTIONS V6COMP serves the same purpose.

    Not supported by: Java (partial)

    Featured in: Example 8 on page 1065.


  • accepts a missing value as a valid level for the response variable.

    See also: Displaying Map Areas and Response Data on page 1005.

NAME= entry-name

  • If you specify DEVICE=ACTXIMG or DEVICE=JAVAIMG, then the name that you specify will be used for the client image output even in the file exists. For all other devices, if the name duplicates an existing entry name, SAS/GRAPH specifies the name of the catalog entry for the map. The maximum length of the entry-name value is eight characters. The default name is GMAP. If the specified name duplicates the name of an existing entry, SAS/GRAPH appends a number to the duplicate name to create a unique entry, for example, GMAP1.

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054.


  • suppresses the legend.

    Featured in: Example 6 on page 1061.

WOUTLINE= area-outline-width

  • specifies the width of all map area outlines, in pixels.

    Not supported by: Java

XSIZE= map-width < units >

YSIZE= map-height < units >

  • specify the physical dimensions of the map. By default, the map uses the entire procedure output area.

    Valid units are CELLS (character cells), CM (centimeters), IN (inches), or PCT (percentage of the graphics output area). The default unit is CELLS.

    If you specify values for units that are greater than the dimensions of the procedure output area, the map is drawn using the default size.

    If you specify either the XSIZE= or YSIZE= option without specifying the other option, the GMAP procedure scales the dimension for the option that was not specified to retain the original shape of the map.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX




  • specify coordinates of the viewing position in the reference coordinate system. In this system, the four corners of the map lie on the X-Y plane at coordinates (0,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0), and (1,0,0). No axes are actually drawn on the maps that are produced by PROC GMAP. Your viewing position cannot coincide with the viewing reference point at coordinates (0.5,0.5,0), the center of the map. The value for z cannot be negative.

    If you omit the XVIEW=, YVIEW=, and ZVIEW= options, the default coordinates are (0.5, ˆ’ 2, 3). This viewing position is well above and to the south of the center of the map. You can specify one, two, or all three of the view coordinates; any that you do not specify are assigned the default values. While you can use the XVIEW= and YVIEW= options with DEVICE=JAVA, ZVIEW= can not be used with DEVICE=JAVA.

    Figure 35.5 on page 1016 shows the position of the viewing reference point, as well as the default viewing position.

    Not supported by: Java (partial)

PRISM Statement

Creates three-dimensional prism maps in which levels of magnitude of the specified response variables are represented by polyhedrons (raised polygons) of varying height, pattern, and color.

Requirements: At least one response variable is required. You must use the ID statement in conjunction with the PRISM statement.



The PRISM statement specifies the variable or variables that contain the data that are represented on the map by raised map areas. This statement automatically

  • determines the midpoints ranges or midpoints

  • assigns patterns to the map areas.

You can use statement options to control the ranges of the response values, specify the angle of view, and enhance the appearance of the map.

In addition, you can use global statements to modify the map area patterns and the legend, as well as add titles and footnotes to the map. You can also use an Annotate data set to enhance the map.

Note: For maps that contain intersecting polygons or polygons within polygons, extremely complicated maps, or maps that contain line segments that cross, use the GREDUCE procedure to reduce and simplify the map if necessary.

PRISM response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

The option(s) can be one or more options from any or all of the following categories:

  • appearance options:

    • ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

    • CEMPTY= empty-area-outline-color

    • COUTLINE= area-outline-color SAME

    • WOUTLINE= area-outline-width

    • XLIGHT= x

    • YLIGHT= y

    • XSIZE= map-width < units >

    • YSIZE= map-height < units >

    • XVIEW= x

    • YVIEW= y

    • ZVIEW= x

  • mapping options:

    • AREA= n response-variable-name


    • LEVELS= number-of-response-levels ALL

    • MIDPOINTS= value-list OLD


  • legend options:

    • CTEXT= text-color

    • LEGEND=LEGEND<1 99>


  • description options:

    • DESCRIPTION= entry-description

    • NAME= entry-name

  • ODS options

    • HTML= variable

    • HTML_LEGEND= variable

Required Arguments


  • specifies one or more variables in the response data set, or in the merged response and feature table, that contain response values that are to be represented on the map. Each response variable produces a separate map. All variables must be in the input data set. Multiple response variables are separated with blanks.

    Missing values for the response variable are not considered valid unless you use the MISSING option.

    Response variables can be either numeric or character. By default, and as determined by the LEVELS= or MIDPOINTS= values, numeric response variables are grouped into ranges, or response levels. Each response level is assigned a different prism height and a different pattern and color combination.

    Character variables and numeric variables (when you use the DISCRETE option) have a unique response level for each unique response variable value.

    See also: About Response Variables on page 1004.


Options in a PRISM statement affect all of the graphs that are produced by that statement. You can specify as many options as you want and list them in any order.

ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

ANNO= Annotate-data-set

  • specifies a data set to annotate onto the maps that are produced by the PRISM statement. Annotate coordinate systems 1, 2, 7, and 8 are not valid with Prism maps.

    Note: You can use the %MAPLABEL Macro to create the Annotate-data-set . See %MAPLABEL Macro on page 686 for more information.

    See also: Chapter 24, Using Annotate Data Sets, on page 587.

AREA= n response-variable-name

  • specifies that a different map pattern be used for the surface of each map area or group of map areas on the map.

    The value of n indicates which variable in the ID statement determines the groups that are distinguished by a surface pattern. By default, all map unit areas are drawn using the same surface fill pattern. If your ID statement has only one map area identification variable, then use AREA=1 to indicate that each map area surface uses a different pattern. If you have more than one variable in your ID statement, then use n to indicate the position of the variable that defines groups that will share a pattern. When you use the AREA= option, the map data set should be sorted in order of the variables in the ID statement.

    A column name defined in either the MAP= or DATA= data sets may be indicated with the response-variable-name value. If the column name exists in both the MAP= and DATA= data sets, then the column in the MAP= data set will be used. When column-name is used, the areas will be colored based on the AREA= value. Duplicate AREA= values may have different patterns assigned.

    By default, the AREA= option fills map areas by rotating the default hatch patterns through the colors list, beginning with the M2N0 pattern. The default outline color depends on the PATTERN statement:

    • If no PATTERN statement is specified, the default outline color is the foreground color (the first color in the colors list).

    • If a PATTERN statement or the V6COMP graphics option is specified, the default is COUTLINE=SAME.

  • You can specify pattern fills or colors or both with PATTERN statements that specify map/plot patterns. A separate PATTERN definition is needed for each specified area.

    See also: PATTERN Statement on page 169.

    Featured in: Example 3 on page 1049.

CEMPTY= empty-area-outline-color

  • outlines empty map areas in the specified color. Empty map areas are generated in prism maps either

    • when there is no response value for a map area and the MISSING option is not used, or

    • when a map area is omitted from the response data set and the ALL option is included in the PROC GMAP statement.

  • The default outline color is the same as the default COUTLINE= color.

    Not supported by: Java

    See also: ALL on page 1008 and Displaying Map Areas and Response Data on page 1005.

COUTLINE= area-outline-color SAME

  • outlines non-empty map areas in the specified color. When COUTLINE= area-outline-color and DEVICE=JAVA or ACTIVEX, both empty and non-empty map areas are outlined. SAME specifies that the outline color of a map area is the same as the interior pattern color.

    • The default outline color depends on the PATTERN statement:

    • If no PATTERN statement is specified, the default outline color is the foreground color (the first color in the colors list).

    • If a PATTERN statement or the V6COMP graphics option is specified, the default is COUTLINE=SAME.

  • Note: If you specify empty map patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement), you should not change the outline color from the default value SAME to a single color. Otherwise, all the outlines will be one color and you will not be able to distinguish between the empty areas. Empty block patterns (VALUE=EMPTY in a PATTERN statement) are not supported by DEVICE=ACTIVEX.

    Featured in: Example 7 on page 1063.

CTEXT= text-color

  • specifies a color for the text in the legend. If you omit the CTEXT= option, a color specification is searched for in this order:

    1. the CTEXT= option in a GOPTIONS statement

    2. the default, the first color in the colors list.

  • The CTEXT= color specification is overridden if you also use the COLOR= suboption of a LABEL= or VALUE= option in a LEGEND definition assigned to the map legend. The COLOR= suboption determines the color of the legend label or the color of the legend value descriptions, respectively.

    For the Java and ActiveX devices, the default color is black.

DESCRIPTION= entry-description

DES= entry-description

  • specifies the description of the catalog entry for the map. The maximum length for entry-description is 256 characters. By default, the GMAP procedure assigns a description of the form PRISM MAP OF map_variable .


  • generates a separate response level (prism height, color, and surface pattern) for each different value of the formatted response variable. The LEVELS= option is ignored when you use the DISCRETE option.

    Use this option if your numeric response variable is assigned a user-written format.

    Note: If the data does not contain a value in a particular range of the format, that formatted range is not displayed in the legend.

    Featured in: Example 5 on page 1054 and Example 11 on page 1069 (with the CHORO statements).

HTML= variable

  • identifies the variable in the input data set whose values create links in the HTML file created by the ODS HTML statement. These links are associated with an area of the map and point to the data or graph that are displayed in response to drill-down input.

HTML_LEGEND= variable

  • identifies the variable in the input data set whose values create links in the HTML file created by the ODS HTML statement. These links are associated with legend values and point to the data or graphs that are displayed in response to drill-down input.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX


  • specifies the LEGEND definition to associate with the map. LEGEND= is ignored if the specified LEGEND definition is not currently in effect. In the GMAP procedure, the PRISM statement produces a legend unless you use the NOLEGEND option. If you use the SHAPE= option in a LEGEND statement, only the value BAR is valid. Most of the LEGEND options described in LEGEND Statement on page 151 are supported by both Java and ActiveX. If a LEGEND option is not supported by Java or ActiveX, it is noted in the LEGEND option definition.

    Not supported by: Java (partial), ActiveX (partial)

    See also: LEGEND Statement on page 151

    Featured in: Example 8 on page 1065.

LEVELS= number-of-response-levels ALL

  • specifies the number of response levels to be graphed when the response variables are numeric and the DISCRETE and MIDPOINTS= options are not specified. Each response level is assigned a different prism height, surface pattern, and color combination.

    If you specify DEVICE=ACTIVEX or DEVICE=ACTXIMG, and if you specify LEVELS=ALL, then a color ramp is used to assign each response value a continuous color scheme. The response values are assigned lighter and darker values of a color scheme to express lower and higher response values. When used with all other devices, the LEVELS=ALL and DISCRETE options behave exactly the same. For more information, see the DISCRETE option on page 1026.

    If neither the LEVELS= option nor the DISCRETE option is used, then the GMAP procedure determines the number of response levels by using the formula FLOOR(1+3.3 log( n )), where n is the number of unique map area identification variable values.

    The LEVELS= option is ignored when you use the DISCRETE or MIDPOINTS= value-list option. When MIDPOINTS=OLD is used with the LEVELS= option, default midpoints are generated using the Nelder algorithm ( Applied Statistics 25:94 “7, 1976).

    Note: LEVELS=ALL is a .

    Featured in: Example 2 on page 1047.

MIDPOINTS= value-list OLD

  • specifies the response levels for the range of response values that are represented by each level (prism height, pattern, and color combination).

    For numeric response variables , value-list is either an explicit list of values, or a starting and an ending value with an interval increment, or an combination of both forms:

    • n < n >

    • n TO n <BY increment >

    • n < n >TO n <BY increment > n < n >

  • By default the increment value is 1. You can specify discrete numeric values in any order. In all forms, n can be separated by blanks or commas. For example,

     midpoints=(2 4 6)  midpoints=(2,4,6)  midpoints=(2 to 10 by 2) 

    If a numeric variable has an associated format, the specified values must be the unformatted values. With numeric response values, DEVICE=JAVA only uses midpoints that fall in the range of the data being used. Thus, if your data ranged from 30-80, but midpoints were specified at 25, 50, 75,and 100, only 50 and 75 are used.

    For character response variables , value-list has this form:

    value-1 < value-n >

    The values are character strings enclosed in single quotation marks and separated by blanks. For example,

     midpoints='Midwest' 'Northeast' 'Northwest' 

    Specify the values in any order. If a character variable has an associated format, the specified values must be the formatted values. Character response values specified with the MIDPOINTS= option are not supported by DEVICE=JAVA.

    You can selectively exclude some response variable values from the map, as shown here:


    Only those observations for which the response variable exactly matches one of the values listed in the MIDPOINTS= option are shown on the map. As a result, observations may be inadvertently excluded if values in the list are misspelled or if the case does not match exactly.

    Specifying MIDPOINTS=OLD generates default midpoints using the Nelder algorithm ( Applied Statistics 25:94 “7, 1976). Specifying GOPTIONS V6COMP serves the same purpose.

    Not supported by: Java (partial)

    Featured in: Example 8 on page 1065.


  • accepts a missing value as a valid level for the response variable.

    See also: Displaying Map Areas and Response Data on page 1005.

NAME= entry-name

When you specify DEVICE=ACTXIMG or DEVICE=JAVAIMG, specifies the name that will be used for the client image output even in the file exists. For all other devices, if the name duplicates an existing entry name, then SAS/GRAPH specifies the name of the catalog entry for the map. The maximum length for entry-name is eight characters. The default name is GMAP. If the specified name duplicates an existing name, then SAS/GRAPH software appends a number to the duplicate name to create a unique entry, for example, GMAP1.


  • suppresses the legend.

WOUTLINE= area-outline-width

  • specifies the width, in pixels, of all map area outlines.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX



  • specify the coordinates of the imaginary light source in the map coordinate system. The position of the light source affects the way the sides of the map polygons are shaded. Although you can specify any point for the light source using the XLIGHT= and YLIGHT= options, the light source is actually placed in one of only four positions .

    Table 35.3 on page 1028 shows how the point you specify is positioned.

    Table 35.3: Light Source Coordinates

    Specified Light Source

    Light Source Position

    in quadrants I or II, or on the X or +Y axis

    behind the map (point A), and all side polygons are shadowed

    on or within approximately 10 degrees of the Y axis

    the viewing position (point D), and none of the side polygons are shadowed

    in quadrant III (except within 10 degrees of the Y axis)

    to the left of the map (point B), and the right- facing sides of polygons are shadowed

    in quadrant IV (except within 10 degrees of the Y axis)

    to the right of the map (point C), and the left-facing side polygons are shadowed

    Figure 35.6 on page 1029 illustrates the light source positions. Assume that your viewing position, selected by the XVIEW=, YVIEW=, and ZVIEW= options, is point D.

    click to expand
    Figure 35.6: Coordinates of Imagined Light Source in a Map Coordinate System

    By default, the light source position is the same as the viewing position specified by the XVIEW=, YVIEW=, and ZVIEW= options. The light source position cannot coincide with the viewing reference point (0.5,0.5), which corresponds with the position directly above the center of the map.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX

    See also: XVIEW= on page 1029.

    Featured in: Example 8 on page 1065.

XSIZE= map-width < units >

YSIZE= map-height < units >

  • specify the dimensions of the map that you are drawing. By default, the map uses the entire procedure output area.

    Valid units are CELLS (character cells), CM (centimeters), IN (inches), or PCT (percentage of the graphics output area). The default unit is CELLS.

    If you specify values for map-width and map height that are greater than the dimensions of the procedure output area, the map is drawn using the default size. If you specify one value and not the other, the dimension is adjusted to maintain the correct aspect ratio.

    Not supported by: Java, ActiveX




  • specify the viewing position coordinates for the map. In this system, the four corners of the map lie on the X-Y plane at coordinates (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 1, 0), and (1, 0, 0).

    The viewing position cannot coincide with the viewing reference point at coordinates (0.5, 0.5, 0).

    The value for z cannot be negative.

    If you omit the XVIEW=, YVIEW=, and ZVIEW= options, the default coordinates are (0.5, ˆ’ 2,3). This viewing position is well above and to the south of the center of the map. One, two, or all three view coordinates can be specified; any that are not specified are assigned the default values.

    Figure 35.5 on page 1016 shows the position of the viewing reference point, as well as the default viewing position.

    To ensure that the polygon edges are distinguishable , the angle from vertical must be less than or equal to 45 degrees. If you specify a ZVIEW= value such that this condition cannot be satisfied (that is, a very small value), PROC GMAP increases the ZVIEW= value automatically so that the angle is 45 degrees or less. While you can use the XVIEW= and YVIEW= options with DEVICE=JAVA, ZVIEW= can not be used with DEVICE=JAVA.

    Not supported by: Java (partial)

    Featured in: Example 8 on page 1065.

SURFACE Statement

Creates three-dimensional surface maps in which levels of magnitude of the specified response variables are represented by spikes of var ying height.

Requirements: At least one response variable is required and must be numeric. The ID statement must be used in conjunction with the SURFACE statement.

Global statements: FOOTNOTE, TITLE

Not supported by: Java, ActiveX


The SURFACE statement specifies the variable or variables that contain the data that are represented on the map by raised map areas. This statement automatically determines the midpoints. You can use statement options to control spike proportions , specify the angle of view, and modify the general appearance of the map. For example, you can select the color and number of lines for the representation of the surface area. You can control the selection of spike heights and base widths.

In addition, you can use global statements to add titles and footnotes to the map. You can also enhance the map with an Annotate data set.

SURFACE response-variable(s) </ option(s) >;

option(s) can be one or more of the following:

  • appearance options:

    • ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

    • CBODY= surface-map-color

    • CONSTANT= n

    • NLINES= number-of-lines

    • ROTATE= degrees

    • TILT= degrees

    • XSIZE= map-width < units >

    • YSIZE= map-height < units >

  • description options:

    • DESCRIPTION= entry-description

    • NAME= entry-name

Required Arguments


  • specifies one or more variables in the response data set, or in the merged response and feature table, that contain response values that are to be represented on the map. The response-variable must be numeric and must contain only positive values. Each response variable produces a separate map. All variables must be in the input data set. Multiple response variables are separated with blanks.

    The GMAP procedure scales response variables for presentation on the map. The height of the spikes on the map correspond to the relative value of the response variable, not to the actual value of the response variable. However, when the viewing angle is changed, the spikes may not appear this way. The spikes in the front may appear to be higher than the spikes in the back, which represent greater values.

    See also: About Response Variables on page 1004.


  • SURFACE statement options affect all maps that are produced by that statement.

ANNOTATE= Annotate-data-set

ANNO= Annotate-data-set

  • specifies a data set to annotate onto maps that are produced by the SURFACE statement. Annotate coordinate systems 1, 2, 7, and 8 are not valid with surface maps.

    Note: You can use the %MAPLABEL Macro to create the Annotate-data-set . See %MAPLABEL Macro on page 686 for more information.

    See also: Chapter 24, Using Annotate Data Sets, on page 587.

CBODY= surface-map-color

  • specifies the color that is used to draw the surface map. By default, the first color in the current colors list is used.


  • specifies a denominator to use in the distance decay function. This function determines the base width of the spike that is drawn at each map area center.

    By default, CONSTANT=10. Values greater than 10 yield spikes that are wider at the base. Values less than 10 yield spikes that are narrower at the base.

    Let x k and y k represent the coordinates, and z k represent the function value at the center of each map area. The z k values are scaled from 1 to 11. A square grid of x by y points (where the size of the grid is the NLINES= option value) and the associated function value f(x,y) are generated from the map area center value using this formula:

    click to expand


    click to expand


    click to expand

    Featured in: Example 10 on page 1068.

DESCRIPTION= entry-description

DES= entry-description

  • specifies the description of the catalog entry for the map. The maximum length for entry-description is 256 characters. By default, the GMAP procedure assigns a description of the form SURFACE MAP OF variable , where variable is the name of the map variable.

NAME= entry-name

  • When you specify DEVICE=ACTXIMG or DEVICE=JAVAIMG, specifies the name that will be used for the client image output even in the file exists. For all other devices, if the name duplicates an existing entry name, then SAS/GRAPH specifies the name of the catalog entry for the map. The maximum length for entry-name is eight characters. The default name is GMAP. If the specified name duplicates the name of an existing entry, then SAS/GRAPH software appends a number to the duplicate name to create a unique entry, for example, GMAP1.

NLINES= number-of-lines

N= number-of-lines

  • specifies the number of lines used to draw the surface map. Values can range from 50 to 100; the higher the value, the more solid the map appears and the more resources used. By default, NLINES=50.

    Featured in: Example 10 on page 1068.

ROTATE= degrees

  • specifies the degrees of the angle at which to rotate the map about the Z axis in the map coordinate system. The degrees argument can be any angle. Positive values indicate rotation in the counterclockwise direction. By default, ROTATE=70. The ROTATE= option also affects the direction of the lines that are used to draw the surface map.

    Featured in: Example 10 on page 1068.

TILT= degrees

  • specifies the degrees of the angle at which to tilt the map about the X axis in the map coordinate system. The value of degrees can be 0 to 90. Increasing values cause the map to tilt backward and makes the spikes more prominent. Decreasing values make the map shape more distinguishable and the spikes less prominent. TILT=90 corresponds to viewing the map edge-on, while TILT=0 corresponds to viewing the map from directly overhead. By default, TILT=70.

    Featured in: Example 10 on page 1068.

XSIZE= map-width < units >

YSIZE= map-height < units >

  • specify the physical dimensions of the map. By default, the map uses the entire procedure output area.

    Valid units are CELLS (character cells), CM (centimeters), IN (inches), or PCT (percentage of the graphics output area). The default unit is CELLS.

    If you specify values for map-width and map-height that are greater than the dimensions of the procedure output area, the map is drawn using the default size. And if you specify only one dimension, the other is scaled to maintain the aspect ratio.

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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