Using Password-Protected SAS Files in DATA and PROC Steps

To access password-protected files, use the same data set options that you use to assign protection.

  •  /* Assign a read and alter password          /* to the stored program file*/ /*STOR         pgm=stored.source         (read=green alter=red);     <  ... more data step statements ...  >           /*Access password-protected file*/        proc sort data=mylib.score(write=yellow alter=red);           by number;        run; 
  •  /* Print read-protected data set MYLIB.AUTOS */              proc print; run; 
  •  /* Append ANIMALS to the write-protected */           /* data set ZOO */        proc append base=mylib.zoo(write=yellow)                    data=mylib.animals;        run; 
  •  /* Delete alter-protected data set MYLIB.BOTANY */        proc datasets library=mylib;           delete botany(alter=red);        run; 

Passwords are hierarchical in terms of gaining access. For example, specifying the ALTER password gives you read and write access. The following example creates the data set STATES, with three different passwords, and then reads the data set to produce a plot:

 data mylib.states(read=green write=yellow alter=red);      input density crime name $;      datalines;   151.4 6451.3 Colorado  ... more data lines ...  ;   proc plot data=mylib.states(alter=red);      plot crime*density;   run; 

SAS 9.1.3 Language Reference. Concepts
SAS 9.1.3 Language Reference: Concepts, Third Edition, Volumes 1 and 2
ISBN: 1590478401
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 258 © 2008-2017.
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