

WAIT option
SYSTASK statement 306
displaying in uppercase 346
WBROWSE command 219
WCOPY command 219
WCUT command 219
WDEF command 220
Web browsers
invoking 219
in pathnames 134
window colors
modifying with Resource Helper 64
window element definitions 86
window managers 31
window sizes
customizing 93
window types 32
windowing environment
copying text 44
customizing 31
cut-and-paste 44
drag and drop 45
e-mail 47
help 50
interface 30
opening files 39
search and replace 46
selecting text 42
working directory 41
X Window System and 31
windowing environment fonts 80, 81
changing 81
specifying for current session 216
color and highlighting of 203
container windows 32
copying contents into external files 161, 210
copying external file contents into 214
copying marked contents to buffer 219
e-mailing contents of 48
host editor, specifying 326
iconizing 33
interior windows 32
invoking on host editor 213
line size 339
mapping 33
pasting buffer contents into 220
positioning 32
printing contents of 157, 160
resizing 32, 220
top-level 32
types of 32
Work data library 120
deleting unused Work directories 400
initializing 382
name of 381
permissions, setting when created 383
Work libref 118
WORK system option 381
working directory 41
changing 41, 204
WORKINIT system option 382
WORKPERMS system option 383
sharing files 124
WPASTE command 220
write passwords
assigning to SAS files 227
writing binary data 198
WSAVE ALL command 97
WUNDO command 221

SAS 9.1 Companion for UNIX Environments
SAS 9.1 Companion For Unix Enivronments
ISBN: 1590472101
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 185
Authors: SAS Institute © 2008-2017.
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