

calculated columns
SQL 1086
CALCULATED component 1086
CALEDATA= option
PROC CALENDAR statement 86
calendar, defined 104
calendar data set 86, 109
multiple calendars 105, 106
CALENDAR procedure 84
activities data set 107
activity lines 113
calendar data set 109
calendar types 79, 102
concepts 102
customizing calendar appearance 113
default calendars 103
duration 94
examples 114
holiday duration 96
holidays data set 108
input data sets 107
missing values 112
multiple calendars 79, 92, 104
ODS portability 114
output, format of 113
output, quantity of 112
overview 79
project management 83
results 112
schedule calendars 102
scheduling 83, 137
summary calendars 103
syntax 84
task tables 84, 85
workdays data set 111
calendar reports 104
CALID statement
CALENDAR procedure 93
CALL DEFINE statement
REPORT procedure 905
CAPS option
PROC FSLIST statement 491
Cartesian product 1097, 1098
case-control studies 1172
CASE expression 1087
CATALOG= argument
PROC DISPLAY statement 394
catalog concatenation 167
catalog entries
displaying contents of 172
excluding, for copying 162
exporting 291, 294
importing 221
modifying descriptions of 162, 172
moving, from multiple catalogs 168
renaming 157, 172
routing log or output to entries 795
saving from deletion 163
switching names of 161
CATALOG= option
CONTENTS statement (CATALOG) 158
PROC PMENU statement 683
CATALOG procedure 154
catalog concatenation 167
concepts 164
ending a step 164
entry type specification 165
error handling 165
examples 168
interactive processing with RUN groups 164
overview 153
results 168
syntax 154
concatenating 167
exporting multiple 290
format catalogs 456
listing contents of 157
PMENU entries 683, 690, 696
repairing 349
categories 1199
headings for 1241
categories of procedures 3
CC option
FSLIST command 493
PROC FSLIST statement 491
CENTER option
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 914
PROC REPORT statement 888
centiles 340
CONTENTS statement (DATASETS) 320
CFREQ option
CHART procedure 191
CHANGE statement
CATALOG procedure 157
DATASETS procedure 318
character data
converting to numeric values 470
character strings
converting to lowercase 1107
converting to uppercase 1128
formats for 448
ranges for 480
returning a substring 1120
trimming 1085
character values
formats for 466
character variables
sorting orders for 1028
CHART procedure 183
bar charts 178, 204
concepts 195
customizing charts 189
examples 196
formatting characters 183
frequency counts 196
horizontal bar charts 187, 207
missing values 193, 195
ODS output 196
ODS table names 196
options 190
overview 177
percentage bar charts 199
pie charts 180, 187
results 195
star charts 181, 188
syntax 183
task table 189
variable characteristics 195
vertical bar charts 189, 201
customizing 189
horizontal bar charts 187, 207
missing values 193
pie charts 180, 187
star charts 181, 188
vertical bar charts 189, 201
PROC MEANS statement 528
check boxes 684, 686
active vs. inactive 684
color of 684
CHECKBOX statement
PMENU procedure 684
CIMPORT procedure 214
examples 220
file transport process 213
overview 213
results 219
syntax 214
task table 214
CLASS statement
MEANS procedure 536
TABULATE procedure 1211
TIMEPLOT procedure 1306
class variables 536
BY statement (MEANS) with 563
CLASSDATA= option (MEANS) with 565
combinations of 546, 549, 1249
computing descriptive statistics 560
formatting in TABULATE 1228
level value headings 1215
MEANS procedure 550
missing 1238, 1239, 1240
missing values 539, 579, 1214
multilabel value formats with 568
ordering values 551
preloaded formats with 571, 1251
TABULATE procedure 1211
TIMEPLOT procedure 1306
PROC MEANS statement 529, 565
PROC TABULATE statement 1202
classifying formatted data 27
CLASSLEV statement
TABULATE procedure 1215
PROC REGISTRY statement 848
client/server model
exporting data 408
CLM keyword 1361
CLONE option
COPY statement (DATASETS) 324
CNTLIN= option
PROC FORMAT statement 433
CNTLOUT= option
PROC FORMAT statement 433, 434, 448
COALESCE function (SQL) 1088
coefficient of variation 1356, 1369
collating sequence 1021
collision states 643
COLOR= option
BREAK statement (REPORT) 901
CHECKBOX statement (PMENU) 684
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 914
RBREAK statement (REPORT) 924
RBUTTON statement (PMENU) 692
TEXT statement (PMENU) 695
column aliases 1073
column attributes 1056, 1090
reports 905
column-definition component 1089
column-header option
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 915
column headings
customizing 1258
customizing text in 743
page layout 738
column-modifier component 1090
column modifiers 1137
column- name component 1092
COLUMN statement
REPORT procedure 908
column width 738
aliases 1073
altering 1053
calculated 1086
combinations of values 1168
for each variable value 974
in reports 908
indexes on 1056, 1057, 1071
inserting values 1070
length of 1091
modifiers 1137
renaming 1056
returning values 1088
selecting 1072, 1092
SQL procedure 1043
storing values of 1073
updating values 1083
COLWIDTH= option
PROC REPORT statement 888
COMMAND option
PROC REPORT statement 889
COMMIT statement (SQL) 1138
COMPARE= option
PROC COMPARE statement 230
COMPARE procedure 227
BY processing 235
comparing selected variables 238
comparing unsorted data 236
comparing variables 238
comparisons with 238
concepts 238
customizing output 225
differences report 255
duplicate ID values 236
equality criterion 240
examples 255
information provided by 224
listing variables for matching observations 236
log and 242
macro return codes 242
ODS table names 251
output 244
output data set 252
output statistics data set 253
overview 224
position of observations 238
restricting comparisons 237
results 242
syntax 227
task tables 227, 228
variable formats 242
PROC REGISTRY statement 848
PROC REGISTRY statement 849
PROC REGISTRY statement 849
comparison data set 224
PROC REPORT statement 889
PROC REPORT statement 889
PROC MEANS statement 529
composite indexes 1058
compound names 878
compressed data sets
appending 312
compute blocks 874
contents of 874
processing 876
referencing report items in 875
starting 910
COMPUTE statement
REPORT procedure 910
COMPUTE window
REPORT procedure 931
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 916
REPORT procedure 931
computed variables 871, 916
storing 998
concatenating catalogs 167
concatenating data sets 383
TABLE statement (TABULATE) 1219
confidence limits 553, 574
keywords and formulas 1361
one-sided, above the mean 1362
one-sided, below the mean 1361
TABULATE procedure 1202
two-sided 1361
CONNECT statement
SQL procedure 1057
CONNECTION TO component 1093
COPY statement (DATASETS) 326
PROC CPORT statement 284
CONTAINS condition 1093
CONTENTS= option
PROC PRINT statement 723
PROC REPORT statement 889
PROC TABULATE statement 1203
TABLE statement (TABULATE) 1219
CONTENTS procedure 274
overview 273
syntax 274
task table 274
versus CONTENTS statement (DATASETS) 323
CONTENTS statement
CATALOG procedure 157
DATASETS procedure 319
contingency tables 1283
continuation messages 1199
CONTOUR= option
PLOT statement (PLOT) 631
contour plots 631, 658
converting files 213, 281
COPY 276
COPY procedure 276
concepts 276
example 277
overview 275
syntax 276
transporting data sets 276
versus COPY statement (DATASETS) 329
COPY statement
CATALOG procedure 159
DATASETS procedure 323
TRANSPOSE procedure 1332
copying data libraries
entire data library 327
copying data sets
between hosts 277
long variable names 328
copying files 323
COPY statement vs. COPY procedure 329
excluding files 335
member type 327
password-protected files 328
selected files 327, 352
corrected sum of squares 1356
MODIFY statement (DATASETS) 345
correlated subqueries 1118
CORRESPONDING keyword 1109
COUNT(*) function 1122
CHART procedure 191
CPM procedure 83, 137
CPORT procedure 282
concepts 290
Data Control Blocks 290
examples 290
file transport process 282
overview 281
password-protected data sets 290
results 290
syntax 282
task table 282
CREATE INDEX statement
SQL procedure 1057
CREATE TABLE statement
SQL procedure 1059
CREATE VIEW statement
SQL procedure 1063
PROC COMPARE statement 230, 240
cross joins 1101
crosstabulation tables 1283
CSS keyword 1356
cumulative distribution function 1363
customized output 51
for output objects 53
customizing charts 189
CV keyword 1356

Base SAS 9.1.3 Procedures Guide (Vol. 2)
Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4
ISBN: 1590472047
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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