Examples: SQL Procedure

Example 1: Creating a Table and Inserting Data into It

Procedure features:

  • CREATE TABLE statement

    • column-modifier

  • INSERT statement

    • VALUES clause

  • SELECT clause

  • FROM clause


This example creates the table PROCLIB.PAYLIST and inserts data into it.


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Create the PROCLIB.PAYLIST table. The CREATE TABLE statement creates PROCLIB.PAYLIST with six empty columns. Each column definition indicates whether the column is character or numeric. The number in parentheses specifies the width of the column. INFORMAT= and FORMAT= assign date informats and formats to the Birth and Hired columns .

 proc sql;     create table proclib.paylist         (IdNum char(4),          Gender char(1),          Jobcode char(3),          Salary num,          Birth num informat=date7.                    format=date7.,          Hired num informat=date7.                    format=date7.); 

Insert values into the PROCLIB.PAYLIST table. The INSERT statement inserts data values into PROCLIB.PAYLIST according to the position in the VALUES clause. Therefore, in the first VALUES clause, 1639 is inserted into the first column, F into the second column, and so forth. Dates in SAS are stored as integers with 0 equal to January 1, 1960. Suffixing the date with a d is one way to use the internal value for dates.

 insert into proclib.paylist      values('1639','F','TA1',42260,'26JUN70'd,'28JAN91'd)      values('1065','M','ME3',38090,'26JAN54'd,'07JAN92'd)      values('1400','M','ME1',29769.'05NOV67'd,'16OCT90'd) 

Include missing values in the data. The value null represents a missing value for the character column Jobcode. The period represents a missing value for the numeric column Salary.

 values('1561','M',null,36514,'30NOV63'd,'07OCT87'd)  values('1221','F','FA3',.,'22SEP63'd,'04OCT94'd); 

Specify the title.

 title 'PROCLIB.PAYLIST Table'; 

Display the entire PROCLIB.PAYLIST table. The SELECT clause selects columns from PROCLIB.PAYLIST. The asterisk (*) selects all columns. The FROM clause specifies PROCLIB.PAYLIST as the table to select from.

 select *     from proclib.paylist; 

Output Table


 PROCLIB.PAYLIST Table  Id  Num   Gender  Jobcode    Salary    Birth    Hired  ------------------------------------------------- 1639  F       TA1         42260  26JUN70  28JAN91  1065  M       ME3         38090  26JAN54  07JAN92  1400  M       ME1         29769  05NOV67  16OCT90  1561  M                   36514  30NOV63  07OCT87  1221  F       FA3             .  22SEP63  04OCT94 

Example 2: Creating a Table from a Query s Result

Procedure features:

  • CREATE TABLE statement

    • AS query-expression

  • SELECT clause

    • column alias

    • FORMAT= column-modifier

    • object-item

Other features:

  • data set option

    • OBS=



This example builds a column with an arithmetic expression and creates the PROCLIB.BONUS table from the query s result.

Input Table

PROCLIB.PAYROLL (Partial Listing)

 PROCLIB.PAYROLL                    First 10 Rows Only  Id  Number  Gender   Jobcode    Salary   Birth    Hired  --------------------------------------------------- 1919    M        TA2         34376 12SEP60  04JUN87  1653    F        ME2         35108 15OCT64  09AUG90  1400    M        ME1         29769 05NOV67  16OCT90  1350    F        FA3         32886 31AUG65  29JUL90  1401    M        TA3         38822 13DEC50  17NOV85  1499    M        ME3         43025 26APR54  07JUN80  1101    M        SCP         18723 06JUN62  01OCT90  1333    M        PT2         88606 30MAR61  10FEB81  1402    M        TA2         32615 17JAN63  02DEC90  1479    F        TA3         38785 22DEC68  05OCT89 


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Create the PROCLIB.BONUS table. The CREATE TABLE statement creates the table PROCLIB.BONUS from the result of the subsequent query.

 proc sql;     create table proclib.bonus as 

Select the columns to include. The SELECT clause specifies that three columns will be in the new table: IdNumber, Salary, and Bonus. FORMAT= assigns the DOLLAR8. format to Salary. The Bonus column is built with the SQL expression salary*.025 .

 select IdNumber, Salary format=dollar8.,         salary*.025 as Bonus format=dollar8.     from proclib.payroll; 

Specify the title.

 title 'BONUS Information'; 

Display the first 10 rows of the PROCLIB.BONUS table. The SELECT clause selects columns from PROCLIB.BONUS. The asterisk (*) selects all columns. The FROM clause specifies PROCLIB.BONUS as the table to select from. The OBS= data set option limits the printing of the output to 10 rows.

 select *     from proclib.bonus(obs=10); 



 BONUS Information  Id  Number    Salary     Bonus  -------------------------- 1919     ,376      9  1653     ,108      8  1400     ,769      4  1350     ,886      2  1401     ,822      1  1499     ,025    ,076  1101     ,723      8  1333     ,606    ,215  1402     ,615      5  1479     ,785      0 

Example 3: Updating Data in a PROC SQL Table

Procedure features:

  • ALTER TABLE statement

    • DROP clause

    • MODIFY clause

  • UPDATE statement

    • SET clause

  • CASE expression


This example updates data values in the EMPLOYEES table and drops a column.


 data Employees;     input IdNum . +2 LName . FName . JobCode .            +1 Salary 5. +1 Phone .;     datalines;  1876  CHIN       JACK       TA1 42400  212/588-5634  1114  GREENWALD  JANICE     ME3 38000  212/588-1092  1556  PENNINGTON MICHAEL    ME1 29860  718/383-5681  1354  PARKER     MARY       FA3 65800  914/455-2337  1130  WOOD       DEBORAH    PT2 36514  212/587-0013  ; 


Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=40; 

Display the entire EMPLOYEES table. The SELECT clause displays the table before the updates. The asterisk (*) selects all columns for display. The FROM clause specifies EMPLOYEES as the table to select from.

 proc sql;     title 'Employees Table';     select * from Employees; 

Update the values in the Salary column. The UPDATE statement updates the values in EMPLOYEES. The SET clause specifies that the data in the Salary column be multiplied by 1.04 when the job code ends with a 1 and 1.025 for all other job codes. (The two underscores represent any character.) The CASE expression returns a value for each row that completes the SET clause.

 update employees        set salary=salary*        case when jobcode like '__1' then 1.04             else 1.025        end; 

Modify the format of the Salary column and delete the Phone column. The ALTER TABLE statement specifies EMPLOYEES as the table to alter. The MODIFY clause permanently modifies the format of the Salary column. The DROP clause permanently drops the Phone column.

 alter table employees     modify salary num format=dollar8.     drop phone; 

Specify the title.

 title 'Updated Employees Table'; 

Display the entire updated EMPLOYEES table. The SELECT clause displays the EMPLOYEES table after the updates. The asterisk (*) selects all columns.

 select * from employees; 


 Employees Table                            1  Id                              Job  Num   LName        FName        Code    Salary  Phone  ------------------------------------------------------------ 1876  CHIN         JACK          TA1     42400  212/588-5634  1114  GREENWALD    JANICE        ME3     38000  212/588-1092  1556  PENNINGTON   MICHAEL       ME1     29860  718/383-5681  1354  PARKER       MARY          FA3     65800  914/455-2337  1130  WOOD         DEBORAH       PT2     36514  212/587-0013 
 Updated Employees Table                               2  Id                              Job  Num   LName        FName        Code    Salary  ---------------------------------------------- 1876  CHIN         Jack         TA1    ,096  1114  GREENWALD    JANICE       ME3    ,950  1556  PENNINGTON   MICHAEL      ME1    ,054  1354  PARKER       MARY         FA3    ,445  1130  WOOD         DEBORAH      PT2    ,427 

Example 4: Joining Two Tables

Procedure features:

  • FROM clause

    • table alias

  • inner join

  • joined-table component

  • PROC SQL statement option

    • NUMBER

  • WHERE clause

    • IN condition


This example joins two tables in order to get more information about data that are common to both tables.

Input Tables

PROCLIB.STAFF (Partial Listing)

 PROCLIB.STAFF                                First 10 Rows Only  Id  Num   Lname            Fname             City            State  Hphone  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1919  ADAMS            GERALD            STAMFORD        CT     203/781-1255  1653  ALIBRANDI        MARIA             BRIDGEPORT      CT     203/675-7715  1400  ALHERTANI        ABDULLAH          NEW YORK        NY     212/586-0808  1350  ALVAREZ          MERCEDES          NEW YORK        NY     718/383-1549  1401  ALVAREZ          CARLOS            PATERSON        NJ     201/732-8787  1499  BAREFOOT         JOSEPH            PRINCETON       NJ     201/812-5665  1101  BAUCOM           WALTER            NEW YORK        NY     212/586-8060  1333  BANADYGA         JUSTIN            STAMFORD        CT     203/781-1777  1402  BLALOCK          RALPH             NEW YORK        NY     718/384-2849  1479  BALLETTI         MARIE             NEW YORK        NY     718/384-8816 

PROCLIB.PAYROLL (Partial Listing)

 PROCLIB.PAYROLL                    First 10 Rows Only  Id  Number  Gender   Jobcode    Salary   Birth    Hired  --------------------------------------------------- 1919    M        TA2         34376 12SEP60  04JUN87  1653    F        ME2         35108 15OCT64  09AUG90  1400    M        ME1         29769 05NOV67  16OCT90  1350    F        FA3         32886 31AUG65  29JUL90  1401    M        TA3         38822 13DEC50  17NOV85  1499    M        ME3         43025 26APR54  07JUN80  1101    M        SCP         18723 06JUN62  01OCT90  1333    M        PT2         88606 30MAR61  10FEB81  1402    M        TA2         32615 17JAN63  02DEC90  1479    F        TA3         38785 22DEC68  05OCT89 


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=120 pagesize=40; 

Add row numbers to PROC SQL output. NUMBER adds a column that contains the row number.

 proc sql number; 

Specify the title.

 title 'Information for Certain Employees Only'; 

Select the columns to display. The SELECT clause selects the columns to show in the output.

 select Lname, Fname, City, State,         IdNumber, Salary, Jobcode 

Specify the tables from which to obtain the data. The FROM clause lists the tables to select from.

 from proclib.staff, proclib.payroll 

Specify the join criterion and subset the query. The WHERE clause specifies that the tables are joined on the ID number from each table. WHERE also further subsets the query with the IN condition, which returns rows for only four employees.

 where idnumber=idnum and idnum in         ('1919', '1400', '1350', '1333'); 


 Information for Certain Employees Only                                                                    Id     Row  Lname            Fname            City             State  Number            Salary  Jobcode  ------------------------------------------------------------------------      1  ADAMS            GERALD           STAMFORD         CT     1919             34376  TA2       2  ALHERTANI        ABDULLAH         NEW YORK         NY     1400             29769  ME1       3  ALVAREZ          MERCEDES         NEW YORK         NY     1350             32886  FA3       4  BANADYGA         JUSTIN           STAMFORD         CT     1333             88606  PT2 

Example 5: Combining Two Tables

Procedure features:

  • DELETE statement

  • IS condition

  • RESET statement option

    • DOUBLE

  • UNION set operator


This example creates a new table, PROCLIB.NEWPAY, by concatenating two other tables: PROCLIB.PAYLIST and PROCLIB.PAYLIST2.

Input Tables


 Information for Certain Employees Only  Id  Num   Gender  Jobcode    Salary    Birth    Hired  ------------------------------------------------- 1639  F       TA1         42260   26JUN70 28JAN91  1065  M       ME3         38090   26JAN54 07JAN92  1400  M       ME1         29769   05NOV67 16OCT90  1561  M                   36514   30NOV63 07OCT87  1221  F       FA3             .   22SEP63 04OCT94 


 PROCLIB.PAYLIST2 Table  Id  Num   Gender  Jobcode    Salary    Birth    Hired  ------------------------------------------------- 1919  M       TA2         34376  12SEP66  04JUN87  1653  F       ME2         31896  15OCT64  09AUG92  1350  F       FA3         36886  31AUG55  29JUL91  1401  M       TA3         38822  13DEC55  17NOV93  1499  M       ME1         23025  26APR74  07JUN92 


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Create the PROCLIB.NEWPAY table. The SELECT clauses select all the columns from the tables that are listed in the FROM clauses. The UNION set operator concatenates the query results that are produced by the two SELECT clauses.

 proc sql;     create table proclib.newpay as        select * from proclib.paylist        union        select * from proclib.paylist2; 

Delete rows with missing Jobcode or Salary values. The DELETE statement deletes rows from PROCLIB.NEWPAY that satisfy the WHERE expression. The IS condition specifies rows that contain missing values in the Jobcode or Salary column.

 delete     from proclib.newpay     where jobcode is missing or salary is missing; 

Reset the PROC SQL environment and double-space the output. RESET changes the procedure environment without stopping and restarting PROC SQL. The DOUBLE option double-spaces the output. (The DOUBLE option has no effect on ODS output.)

 reset double; 

Specify the title.

 title 'Personnel Data'; 

Display the entire PROCLIB.NEWPAY table. The SELECT clause selects all columns from the newly created table, PROCLIB.NEWPAY.

 select *     from proclib.newpay; 


 Personnel Data  Id  Num   Gender  Jobcode    Salary    Birth    Hired  ------------------------------------------------- 1065  M       ME3         38090  26JAN54  07JAN92  1350  F       FA3         36886  31AUG55  29JUL91  1400  M       ME1         29769  05NOV67  16OCT90  1401  M       TA3         38822  13DEC55  17NOV93  1499  M       ME1         23025  26APR74  07JUN92  1639  F       TA1         42260  26JUN70  28JAN91  1653  F       ME2         31896  15OCT64  09AUG92  1919  M       TA2         34376  12SEP66  04JUN87 

Example 6: Reporting from DICTIONARY Tables

Procedure features:

  • DESCRIBE TABLE statement

  • DICTIONARY. table- name component


This example uses DICTIONARY tables to show a list of the SAS files in a SAS data library. If you do not know the names of the columns in the DICTIONARY table that you are querying, then use a DESCRIBE TABLE statement with the table.


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page. SOURCE writes the programming statements to the SAS log.

 options nodate pageno=1 source linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

List the column names from the DICTIONARY.MEMBERS table. DESCRIBE TABLE writes the column names from DICTIONARY.MEMBERS to the SAS log.

 proc sql;     describe table dictionary.members; 

Specify the title.

 title 'SAS Files in the PROCLIB Library'; 

Display a list of files in the PROCLIB library. The SELECT clause selects the MEMNAME and MEMTYPE columns. The FROM clause specifies DICTIONARY.MEMBERS as the table to select from. The WHERE clause subsets the output to include only those rows that have a libref of PROCLIB in the LIBNAME column.

 select memname, memtype     from dictionary.members     where libname='PROCLIB'; 


 277  options nodate pageno=1 source linesize=80 pagesize=60;  278  279  proc sql;  280     describe table dictionary.members;  NOTE: SQL table DICTIONARY.MEMBERS was created like:  create table DICTIONARY.MEMBERS    (     libname char(8) label='Library Name',     memname char(32) label='Member Name',     memtype char(8) label='Member Type',     engine char(8) label='Engine Name',     index char(32) label='Indexes',     path char(1024) label='Path Name'    );  281     title 'SAS Files in the PROCLIB Library';  282  283     select memname, memtype  284        from dictionary.members  285        where libname='PROCLIB'; 


 SAS Files in the PROCLIB Library                                    Member  Member Name                       Type  ------------------------------------------ ALL                               DATA  BONUS                             DATA  BONUS95                           DATA  DELAY                             DATA  HOUSES                            DATA  INTERNAT                          DATA  MARCH                             DATA  NEWPAY                            DATA  PAYLIST                           DATA  PAYLIST2                          DATA  PAYROLL                           DATA  PAYROLL2                          DATA  SCHEDULE                          DATA  SCHEDULE2                         DATA  STAFF                             DATA  STAFF2                            DATA  SUPERV                            DATA  SUPERV2                           DATA 

Example 7: Performing an Outer Join

Procedure features:

  • joined-table component

  • left outer join

  • SELECT clause

    • COALESCE function

  • WHERE clause

    • CONTAINS condition


This example illustrates a left outer join of the PROCLIB.PAYROLL and PROCLIB.PAYROLL2 tables.

Input Tables

PROCLIB.PAYROLL (Partial Listing)

 PROCLIB.PAYROLL                   First 10 Rows Only  Id  Number  Gender  Jobcode    Salary    Birth    Hired  --------------------------------------------------- 1009    M       TA1         28880  02MAR59  26MAR92  1017    M       TA3         40858  28DEC57  16OCT81  1036    F       TA3         39392  19MAY65  23OCT84  1037    F       TA1         28558  10APR64  13SEP92  1038    F       TA1         26533  09NOV69  23NOV91  1050    M       ME2         35167  14JUL63  24AUG86  1065    M       ME2         35090  26JAN44  07JAN87  1076    M       PT1         66558  14OCT55  03OCT91  1094    M       FA1         22268  02APR70  17APR91  1100    M       BCK         25004  01DEC60  07MAY88 


 PROCLIB.PAYROLL2  Id  Num   Sex  Jobcode    Salary    Birth    Hired  ---------------------------------------------- 1036  F    TA3         42465  19MAY65  23OCT84  1065  M    ME3         38090  26JAN44  07JAN87  1076  M    PT1         69742  14OCT55  03OCT91  1106  M    PT3         94039  06NOV57  16AUG84  1129  F    ME3         36758  08DEC61  17AUG91  1221  F    FA3         29896  22SEP67  04OCT91  1350  F    FA3         36098  31AUG65  29JUL90  1369  M    TA3         36598  28DEC61  13MAR87  1447  F    FA1         22123  07AUG72  29OCT92  1561  M    TA3         36514  30NOV63  07OCT87  1639  F    TA3         42260  26JUN57  28JAN84  1998  M    SCP         23100  10SEP70  02NOV92 


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Limit the number of output rows. OUTOBS= limits the output to 10 rows.

 proc sql outobs=10; 

Specify the title for the first query.

 title 'Most Current Jobcode and Salary Information'; 

Select the columns. The SELECT clause lists the columns to select. Some column names are prefixed with a table alias because they are in both tables. LABEL= and FORMAT= are column modifiers.

 select p.IdNumber, p.Jobcode, p.Salary,         p2.jobcode label='New Jobcode',         p2.salary label='New Salary' format=dollar8. 

Specify the type of join. The FROM clause lists the tables to join and assigns table aliases. The keywords LEFT JOIN specify the type of join. The order of the tables in the FROM clause is important. PROCLIB.PAYROLL is listed first and is considered the left table. PROCLIB.PAYROLL2 is the right table.

 from proclib.payroll as p left join proclib.payroll2 as p2 

Specify the join criterion. The ON clause specifies that the join be performed based on the values of the ID numbers from each table.

 on p.IdNumber=p2.idnum; 


As the output shows, all rows from the left table, PROCLIB.PAYROLL, are returned. PROC SQL assigns missing values for rows in the left table, PAYROLL, that have no matching values for IdNum in PAYROLL2.

 Most Current Jobcode and Salary Information  Id                         New           New  Number  Jobcode    Salary  Jobcode    Salary  -------------------------------------------- 1009    TA1         28880                  .  1017    TA3         40858                  .  1036    TA3         39392  TA3       ,465  1037    TA1         28558                  .  1038    TA1         26533                  .  1050    ME2         35167                  .  1065    ME2         35090  ME3       ,090  1076    PT1         66558  PT1       ,742  1094    FA1         22268                  .  1100    BCK         25004                  . 

Specify the title for the second query.

 title 'Most Current Jobcode and Salary Information'; 

Select the columns and coalesce the Jobcode columns. The SELECT clause lists the columns to select. COALESCE overlays the like-named columns. For each row, COALESCE returns the first nonmissing value of either P2.JOBCODE or P.JOBCODE. Because P2.JOBCODE is the first argument, if there is a nonmissing value for P2.JOBCODE, COALESCE returns that value. Thus, the output contains the most recent job code information for every employee. LABEL= assigns a column label.

 select p.idnumber, coalesce(p2.jobcode,p.jobcode)       label='Current Jobcode', 

Coalesce the Salary columns. For each row, COALESCE returns the first nonmissing value of either P2.SALARY or P.SALARY. Because P2.SALARY is the first argument, if there is a nonmissing value for P2.SALARY, then COALESCE returns that value. Thus, the output contains the most recent salary information for every employee.

 coalesce(p2.salary,p.salary) label='Current Salary'          format=dollar8. 

Specify the type of join and the join criterion. The FROM clause lists the tables to join and assigns table aliases. The keywords LEFT JOIN specify the type of join. The ON clause specifies that the join is based on the ID numbers from each table.

 from proclib.payroll p left join proclib.payroll2 p2  on p.IdNumber=p2.idnum; 


 Most Current Jobcode and Salary Information           Id      Current   Current           Number  Jobcode    Salary           -------------------------          1009    TA1       ,880           1017    TA3       ,858           1036    TA3       ,465           1037    TA1       ,558           1038    TA1       ,533           1050    ME2       ,167           1065    ME3       ,090           1076    PT1       ,742           1094    FA1       ,268           1100    BCK       ,004 

Subset the query. The WHERE clause subsets the left join to include only those rows containing the value TA .

 title 'Most Current Information for Ticket Agents';  select p.IdNumber,         coalesce(p2.jobcode,p.jobcode) label='Current Jobcode',         coalesce(p2.salary,p.salary) label='Current Salary'     from proclib.payroll p left join proclib.payroll2 p2     on p.IdNumber=p2.idnum     where p2.jobcode contains 'TA'; 


 Most Current Information for Ticket Agents          Id      Current   Current          Number  Jobcode    Salary          -------------------------         1036    TA3         42465          1369    TA3         36598          1561    TA3         36514          1639    TA3         42260 

Example 8: Creating a View from a Query s Result

Procedure features:

  • CREATE VIEW statement

  • GROUP BY clause

  • SELECT clause

    • COUNT function

  • HAVING clause

Other features:

  • AVG summary function

  • data set option

    • PW=


This example creates the PROC SQL view PROCLIB.JOBS from the result of a query-expression.

Input Table

PROCLIB.PAYROLL (Partial Listing)

 PROCLIB.PAYROLL                   First 10 Rows Only  Id  Number  Gender  Jobcode    Salary    Birth    Hired  --------------------------------------------------- 1009    M       TA1         28880  02MAR59  26MAR92  1017    M       TA3         40858  28DEC57  16OCT81  1036    F       TA3         39392  19MAY65  23OCT84  1037    F       TA1         28558  10APR64  13SEP92  1038    F       TA1         26533  09NOV69  23NOV91  1050    M       ME2         35167  14JUL63  24AUG86  1065    M       ME2         35090  26JAN44  07JAN87  1076    M       PT1         66558  14OCT55  03OCT91  1094    M       FA1         22268  02APR70  17APR91  1100    M       BCK         25004  01DEC60  07MAY88 


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Create the PROCLIB.JOBS view. CREATE VIEW creates the PROC SQL view PROCLIB.JOBS. The PW= data set option assigns password protection to the data that is generated by this view.

 proc sql;     create view proclib.jobs(pw=red) as 

Select the columns. The SELECT clause specifies four columns for the view: Jobcode and three columns, Number, AVGAGE, and AVGSAL, whose values are the products functions. COUNT returns the number of nonmissing values for each job code because the data is grouped by Jobcode. LABEL= assigns a label to the column.

 select Jobcode,         count(jobcode) as number label='Number', 

Calculate the Avgage and Avgsal columns. The AVG summary function calculates the average age and average salary for each job code.

 avg(int((today()-birth)/365.25)) as avgage     format=2. label='Average Age',  avg(salary) as avgsal     format=dollar8. label='Average Salary' 

Specify the table from which the data is obtained. The FROM clause specifies PAYROLL as the table to select from. PROC SQL assumes the libref of PAYROLL to be PROCLIB because PROCLIB is used in the CREATE VIEW statement.

 from payroll 

Organize the data into groups and specify the groups to include in the output. The GROUP BY clause groups the data by the values of Jobcode. Thus, any summary statistics are calculated for each grouping of rows by value of Jobcode. The HAVING clause subsets the grouped data and returns rows for job codes that contain an average age of greater than or equal to 30.

 group by jobcode  having avgage ge 30; 

Specify the titles.

 title 'Current Summary Information for Each Job Category';  title2 'Average Age Greater Than or Equal to 30'; 

Display the entire PROCLIB.JOBS view. The SELECT statement selects all columns from PROCLIB.JOBS. PW=RED is necessary because the view is password protected.

 select * from proclib.jobs(pw=red); 


 Current Summary Information for Each Job Category       Average Age Greater Than Or Equal to 30                            Average   Average         Jobcode    Number      Age    Salary         ------------------------------------        BCK             9       36   ,794         FA1            11       33   ,039         FA2            16       37   ,987         FA3             7       39   ,934         ME1             8       34   ,500         ME2            14       39   ,577         ME3             7       42   ,411         NA1             5       30   ,032         NA2             3       42   ,383         PT1             8       38   ,908         PT2            10       43   ,925         PT3             2       54   ,505         SCP             7       37   ,309         TA1             9       36   ,721         TA2            20       36   ,575         TA3            12       40   ,680 

Example 9: Joining Three Tables

Procedure features:

  • FROM clause

  • joined-table component

  • WHERE clause


This example joins three tables and produces a report that contains columns from each table.

Input Tables


 PROCLIB.STAFF2  Id  Num   Lname            Fname            City             State  Hphone  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1106  MARSHBURN        JASPER           STAMFORD         CT     203/781-1457  1430  DABROWSKI        SANDRA           BRIDGEPORT       CT     203/675-1647  1118  DENNIS           ROGER            NEW YORK         NY     718/383-1122  1126  KIMANI           ANNE             NEW YORK         NY     212/586-1229  1402  BLALOCK          RALPH            NEW YORK         NY     718/384-2849  1882  TUCKER           ALAN             NEW YORK         NY     718/384-0216  1479  BALLETTI         MARIE            NEW YORK         NY     718/384-8816  1420  ROUSE            JEREMY           PATERSON         NJ     201/732-9834  1403  BOWDEN           EARL             BRIDGEPORT       CT     203/675-3434  1616  FUENTAS          CARLA            NEW YORK         NY     718/384-3329 


 PROCLIB.SCHEDULE2                           Id  Flight     Date  Dest   Num  --------------------------- 132     01MAR94  BOS   1118  132     01MAR94  BOS   1402  219     02MAR94  PAR   1616  219     02MAR94  PAR   1478  622     03MAR94  LON   1430  622     03MAR94  LON   1882  271     04MAR94  NYC   1430  271     04MAR94  NYC   1118  579     05MAR94  RDU   1126  579     05MAR94  RDU   1106 


 PROCLIB.SUPERV2  Supervisor         Job  Id          State  Category  --------------------------- 1417        NJ     NA  1352        NY     NA  1106        CT     PT  1442        NJ     PT  1118        NY     PT  1405        NJ     SC  1564        NY     SC  1639        CT     TA  1126        NY     TA  1882        NY     ME 


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Select the columns. The SELECT clause specifies the columns to select. IdNum is prefixed with a table alias because it appears in two tables.

 proc sql;  title 'All Flights for Each Supervisor';  select s.IdNum, Lname, City 'Hometown', Jobcat,         Flight, Date 

Specify the tables to include in the join. The FROM clause lists the three tables for the join and assigns an alias to each table.

 from proclib.schedule2 s, proclib.staff2 t, proclib.superv2 v 

Specify the join criteria. The WHERE clause specifies the columns that join the tables. The STAFF2 and SCHEDULE2 tables have an IdNum column, which has related values in both tables. The STAFF2 and SUPERV2 tables have the IdNum and SUPID columns, which have related values in both tables.

 where s.idnum=t.idnum and t.idnum=v.supid; 


 All Flights for Each Supervisor  Id                                      Job  Num   Lname            Hometown         Category  Flight     Date  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1106  MARSHBURN        STAMFORD         PT        579     05MAR94  1118  DENNIS           NEW YORK         PT        132     01MAR94  1118  DENNIS           NEW YORK         PT        271     04MAR94  1126  KIMANI           NEW YORK         TA        579     05MAR94  1882  TUCKER           NEW YORK         ME        622     03MAR94 

Example 10: Querying an In-Line View

Procedure features:

  • FROM clause

    • in-line view


This example shows an alternative way to construct the query that is explained in Example 9 on page 1159 by joining one of the tables with the results of an in-line view. The example also shows how to rename columns with an in-line view.


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Select the columns. The SELECT clause selects all columns that are returned by the in-line view (which will have the alias Three assigned to it), plus one column from the third table (which will have the alias V assigned to it).

 proc sql;     title 'All Flights for Each Supervisor';     select three.*, v.jobcat 

Specify the in-line query. Instead of including the name of a table or view, the FROM clause includes a query that joins two of the three tables. In the in-line query, the SELECT clause lists the columns to select. IdNum is prefixed with a table alias because it appears in both tables. The FROM clause lists the two tables for the join and assigns an alias to each table. The WHERE clause specifies the columns that join the tables. The STAFF2 and SCHEDULE2 tables have an IdNum column, which has related values in both tables.

 from (select lname, s.idnum, city, flight, date           from proclib.schedule2 s, proclib.staff2 t           where s.idnum=t.idnum) 

Specify an alias for the query and names for the columns. The alias Three refers to the results of the in-line view. The names in parentheses become the names for the columns in the view.

 as three (Surname, Emp_ID, Hometown,             FlightNumber, FlightDate), 

Join the results of the in-line view with the third table. The WHERE clause specifies the columns that join the table with the in-line view. Note that the WHERE clause specifies the renamed Emp_ID column from the in-line view.

 proclib.superv2 v  where three.Emp_ID=v.supid; 


 All Flights for Each Supervisor                         1                                                                      Job  Surname          Emp_ID  Hometown         FlightNumber  FlightDate  Category  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARSHBURN        1106    STAMFORD         579              05MAR94  PT  DENNIS           1118    NEW YORK         132              01MAR94  PT  DENNIS           1118    NEW YORK         271              04MAR94  PT  KIMANI           1126    NEW YORK         579              05MAR94  TA  TUCKER           1882    NEW YORK         622              03MAR94  ME 

Example 11: Retrieving Values with the SOUNDS-LIKE Operator

Procedure features:

  • ORDER BY clause

  • SOUNDS-LIKE operator


This example returns rows based on the functionality of the SOUNDS-LIKE operator in a WHERE clause.

Note: The SOUNDS-LIKE operator is based on the SOUNDEX algorithm for identifying words that sound alike. The SOUNDEX algorithm is English- biased and is less useful for languages other than English. For more information on the SOUNDEX algorithm, see SAS Language Reference: Dictionary .

Input Table


 PROCLIB.STAFF                                First 10 Rows Only  Id  Num   Lname            Fname             City            State  Hphone  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1919  ADAMS            GERALD            STAMFORD        CT     203/781-1255  1653  ALIBRANDI        MARIA             BRIDGEPORT      CT     203/675-7715  1400  ALHERTANI        ABDULLAH          NEW YORK        NY     212/586-0808  1350  ALVAREZ          MERCEDES          NEW YORK        NY     718/383-1549  1401  ALVAREZ          CARLOS            PATERSON        NJ     201/732-8787  1499  BAREFOOT         JOSEPH            PRINCETON       NJ     201/812-5665  1101  BAUCOM           WALTER            NEW YORK        NY     212/586-8060  1333  BANADYGA         JUSTIN            STAMFORD        CT     203/781-1777  1402  BLALOCK          RALPH             NEW YORK        NY     718/384-2849  1479  BALLETTI         MARIE             NEW YORK        NY     718/384-8816 


Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  ';  options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Select the columns and the table from which the data is obtained. The SELECT clause selects all columns from the table in the FROM clause, PROCLIB.STAFF.

 proc sql;     title "Employees Whose Last Name Sounds Like 'Johnson'";     select idnum, upcase(lname), fname        from proclib.staff 

Subset the query and sort the output. The WHERE clause uses the SOUNDS-LIKE operator to subset the table by those employees whose last name sounds like Johnson . The ORDER BY clause orders the output by the second column.

 where lname=*"Johnson"  order by 2; 


 Employees Whose Last Name Sounds Like 'Johnson'              1       Id       Num                    Fname       --------------------------------------      1411  JOHNSEN          JACK       1113  JOHNSON          LESLIE       1369  JONSON           ANTHONY 

SOUNDS-LIKE is useful, but there might be instances where it does not return every row that seems to satisfy the condition. PROCLIB.STAFF has an employee with the last name SANDERS and an employee with the last name SANYERS . The algorithm does not find SANYERS , but it does find SANDERS and SANDERSON .

 title "Employees Whose Last Name Sounds Like 'Sanders'";  select *     from proclib.staff     where lname=*"Sanders"     order by 2; 
 Employees Whose Last Name Sounds Like 'Sanders'                 2  Id  Num   Lname            Fname            City             State  Hphone  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1561  SANDERS          RAYMOND          NEW YORK         NY     212/588-6615  1414  SANDERSON        NATHAN           BRIDGEPORT       CT     203/675-1715  1434  SANDERSON        EDITH            STAMFORD         CT     203/781-1333 

Example 12: Joining Two Tables and Calculating a New Value

Procedure features:

  • GROUP BY clause

  • HAVING clause

  • SELECT clause

    • ABS function

    • FORMAT= column-modifier

    • LABEL= column-modifier

    • MIN summary function

    • ** operator, exponentiation

    • SQRT function


This example joins two tables in order to compare and analyze values that are unique to each table yet have a relationship with a column that is common to both tables.

 options ls=80 ps=60 nodate pageno=1 ;  data stores;    input Store $ x y;    datalines;  store1 5 1  store2 5 3  store3 3 5  store4 7 5  ;  data houses;     input House $ x y;     datalines;  house1 1 1  house2 3 3  house3 2 3  house4 7 7  ; 

Input Tables


The tables contain X and Y coordinates that represent the location of the stores and houses.

 STORES Table                      1     Coordinates of Stores  Store            x         y  ---------------------------- store1           6         1  store2           5         2  store3           3         5  store4           7         5 
 HOUSES Table                      2     Coordinates of Houses  House            x        y  ---------------------------- house1           1        1  house2           3        3  house3           2        3  house4           7        7 


Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Specify the query. The SELECT clause specifies three columns: HOUSE, STORE, and DIST. The arithmetic expression uses the square root function (SQRT) to create the values of DIST, which contain the distance from HOUSE to STORE for each row. The double asterisk (**) represents exponentiation. LABEL= assigns a label to STORE and to DIST.

 proc sql;     title 'Each House and the Closest Store';     select house, store label='Closest Store',            sqrt((abs(s.x-h.x)**2)+(abs(h.y-s.y)**2)) as dist                label='Distance' format=4.2        from stores s, houses h 

Organize the data into groups and subset the query. The minimum distance from each house to all the stores is calculated because the data are grouped by house. The HAVING clause specifies that each row be evaluated to determine if its value of DIST is the same as the minimum distance from that house to any store.

 group by house  having dist=min(dist); 


Note that two stores are tied for shortest distance from house2.

 Each House and the Closest Store           1              Closest    House     Store     Distance    ----------------------------   house1    store1        4.00    house2    store2        2.00    house2    store3        2.00    house3    store3        2.24    house4    store4        2.00 

Example 13: Producing All the Possible Combinations of the Values in a Column

Procedure features:

  • CASE expression

  • joined-table component

  • Cross join

    SELECT clause

    • DISTINCT keyword


This example joins a table with itself to get all the possible combinations of the values in a column.

Input Table

PROCLIB.MARCH (Partial Listing)

 PROCLIB.MARCH                                 1                          First 10 Rows Only  Flight     Date  Depart  Orig  Dest     Miles   Boarded  Capacity  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 114     01MAR94    7:10  LGA   LAX       2475       172       210  202     01MAR94   10:43  LGA   ORD        740       151       210  219     01MAR94    9:31  LGA   LON       3442       198       250  622     01MAR94   12:19  LGA   FRA       3857       207       250  132     01MAR94   15:35  LGA   YYZ        366       115       178  271     01MAR94   13:17  LGA   PAR       3635       138       250  302     01MAR94   20:22  LGA   WAS        229       105       180  114     02MAR94    7:10  LGA   LAX       2475       119       210  202     02MAR94   10:43  LGA   ORD        740       120       210  219     02MAR94    9:31  LGA   LON       3442       147       250 

Program to Create the Flights Table

Declare the PROCLIB library. The PROCLIB library is used in these examples to store created tables.

 libname proclib '  SAS-data-library  '; 

Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Create the FLIGHTS table. The CREATE TABLE statement creates the table FLIGHTS from the output of the query. The SELECT clause selects the unique values of Dest. DISTINCT specifies that only one row for each value of city be returned by the query and stored in the table FLIGHTS. The FROM clause specifies PROCLIB.MARCH as the table to select from.

 proc sql;     create table flights as        select distinct dest           from proclib.march; 

Specify the title.

 title 'Cities Serviced by the Airline'; 

Display the entire FLIGHTS table.

 select * from flights; 



 Cities Serviced by the Airline               1               Dest               ----              FRA               LAX               LON               ORD               PAR               WAS               YYZ 

Program Using Conventional Join

Specify the title.

 title 'All Possible Connections'; 

Select the columns. The SELECT clause specifies three columns for the output. The prefixes on DEST are table aliases to specify which table to take the values of Dest from. The CASE expression creates a column that contains the character string to and from .

 select f1.Dest, case                     when f1.dest ne ' ' then 'to and from'                  end,         f2.Dest 

Specify the type of join. The FROM clause joins FLIGHTS with itself and creates a table that contains every possible combination of rows (a Cartesian product). The table contains two rows for each possible route, for example, PAR < - > WAS and WAS < - > PAR .

 from flights as f1, flights as f2 

Specify the join criterion. The WHERE clause subsets the internal table by choosing only those rows where the name in F1.Dest sorts before the name in F2.Dest. Thus, there is only one row for each possible route.

 where f1.dest < f2.dest 

Sort the output. ORDER BY sorts the result by the values of F1.Dest.

 order by f1.dest; 


 All Possible Connections                2  Dest               Dest  ----------------------- FRA   to and from  LAX  FRA   to and from  LON  FRA   to and from  WAS  FRA   to and from  ORD  FRA   to and from  PAR  FRA   to and from  YYZ  LAX   to and from  LON  LAX   to and from  PAR  LAX   to and from  WAS  LAX   to and from  ORD  LAX   to and from  YYZ  LON   to and from  ORD  LON   to and from  WAS  LON   to and from  PAR  LON   to and from  YYZ  ORD   to and from  WAS  ORD   to and from  PAR  ORD   to and from  YYZ  PAR   to and from  WAS  PAR   to and from  YYZ  WAS   to and from  YYZ 

Program Using Cross Join

Specify a cross join. Because a cross join is functionally the same as a Cartesian product join, the cross join syntax can be substituted for the conventional join syntax.

 proc sql;     title 'All Possible Connections';     select f1.Dest, case                        when f1.dest ne ' ' then 'to and from'                     end,         f2.Dest         from flights as f1 cross join flights as f2         where f1.dest < f2.dest         order by f1.dest; 


 All Possible Connections                              1  Dest               Dest  ----------------------- FRA   to and from  LAX  FRA   to and from  LON  FRA   to and from  WAS  FRA   to and from  ORD  FRA   to and from  PAR  FRA   to and from  YYZ  LAX   to and from  LON  LAX   to and from  PAR  LAX   to and from  WAS  LAX   to and from  ORD  LAX   to and from  YYZ  LON   to and from  ORD  LON   to and from  WAS  LON   to and from  PAR  LON   to and from  YYZ  ORD   to and from  WAS  ORD   to and from  PAR  ORD   to and from  YYZ  PAR   to and from  WAS  PAR   to and from  YYZ  WAS   to and from  YYZ 

Example 14: Matching Case Rows and Control Rows

Procedure features:

  • joined-table component

Tables: MATCH_11 on page 1402, MATCH

This example uses a table that contains data for a case-control study. Each row contains information for a case or a control. To perform statistical analysis, you need a table with one row for each case-control pair. PROC SQL joins the table with itself in order to match the cases with their appropriate controls. After the rows are matched, differencing can be performed on the appropriate columns.

The input table MATCH_11 contains one row for each case and one row for each control. Pair contains a number that associates the case with its control. Low is 0 for the controls and 1 for the cases. The remaining columns contain information about the cases and controls.

Input Table

 MATCH_11 Table                                                    1                                              First 10 Rows Only      Pair       Low      Age       Lwt      Race     Smoke       Ptd        Ht        UI     race1     race2  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        1          0      14       135         1         0         0         0         0         0         0         1          1      14       101         3         1         1         0         0         0         1         2          0      15        98         2         0         0         0         0         1         0         2          1      15       115         3         0         0         0         1         0         1         3          0      16        95         3         0         0         0         0         0         1         3          1      16       130         3         0         0         0         0         0         1         4          0      17       103         3         0         0         0         0         0         1         4          1      17       130         3         1         1         0         1         0         1         5          0      17       122         1         1         0         0         0         0         0         5          1      17       110         1         1         0         0         0         0         0 


Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Create the MATCH table. The SELECT clause specifies the columns for the table MATCH. SQL expressions in the SELECT clause calculate the differences for the appropriate columns and create new columns.

 proc sql;     create table match as        select           one.Low,           one.Pair,           (one.lwt - two.lwt) as Lwt_d,           (one.smoke - two.smoke) as Smoke_d,           (one.ptd - two.ptd) as Ptd_d,           (one.ht - two.ht) as Ht_d,           (one.ui - two.ui) as UI_d 

Specify the type of join and the join criterion. The FROM clause lists the table MATCH_11 twice. Thus, the table is joined with itself. The WHERE clause returns only the rows for each pair that show the difference when the values for control are subtracted from the values for case.

 from match_11 one, match_11 two  where (one.pair=two.pair and one.low>two.low); 

Specify the title.

 title 'Differences for Cases and Controls'; 

Display the first five rows of the MATCH table. The SELECT clause selects all the columns from MATCH. The OBS= data set option limits the printing of the output to five rows.

 select *     from match(obs=5); 



 Differences for Cases and Controls                     1       Low      Pair     Lwt_d   Smoke_d    Ptd_d      Ht_d      UI_d  -------------------------------------------------------------------        1         1       -34         1        1         0         0         1         2        17         0        0         0         1         1         3        35         0        0         0         0         1         4        27         1        1         0         1         1         5       -12         0        0         0         0 

Example 15: Counting Missing Values with a SAS Macro

Procedure feature:

  • COUNT function


This example uses a SAS macro to create columns. The SAS macro is not explained here. See SAS Macro Language: Reference for information on SAS macros.

Input Table

SURVEY contains data from a questionnaire about diet and exercise habits. SAS enables you to use a special notation for missing values. In the EDUC column, the .x notation indicates that the respondent gave an answer that is not valid, and .n indicates that the respondent did not answer the question. A period as a missing value indicates a data entry error.

 data survey;    input id $ diet $ exer $ hours xwk educ;    datalines;  1001 yes yes 1 3 1  1002 no  yes 1 4 2  1003 no  no  . . .n  1004 yes yes 2 3 .x  1005 no  yes 2 3 .x  1006 yes yes 2 4 .x  1007 no  yes .5 3 .  1008 no  no  . .  .  ; 


Set the SAS system options. The NODATE option suppresses the display of the date and time in the output. PAGENO= specifies the starting page number. LINESIZE= specifies the output line length, and PAGESIZE= specifies the number of lines on an output page.

 options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60; 

Count the nonmissing responses. The COUNTM macro uses the COUNT function to perform various counts for a column. Each COUNT function uses a CASE expression to select the rows to be counted. The first COUNT function uses only the column as an argument to return the number of nonmissing rows.

 %macro countm(col);     count(&col) "Valid Responses for &col", 

Count missing or invalid responses. The NMSS function returns the number of rows for which the column has any type of missing value: .n , .x , or a period.

 nmiss(&col) "Missing or NOT VALID Responses for &col", 

Count the occurrences of various sources of missing or invalid responses. The last three COUNT functions use CASE expressions to count the occurrences of the three notations for missing values. The count me character string gives the COUNT function a nonmissing value to count.

 count(case              when &col=.n then "count me"              end) "Coded as NO ANSWER for &col",     count(case              when &col=.x then "count me"              end) "Coded as NOT VALID answers for &col",     count(case              when &col=. then "count me"              end) "Data Entry Errors for &col"  %mend; 

Use the COUNTM macro to create the columns. The SELECT clause specifies the columns that are in the output. COUNT(*) returns the total number of rows in the table. The COUNTM macro uses the values of the EDUC column to create the columns that are defined in the macro.

 proc sql;     title 'Counts for Each Type of Missing Response';     select count(*) "Total No. of Rows",            %countm(educ)        from survey; 


 Counts for Each Type of Missing Response                   1                          Missing            Coded as                           or NOT  Coded as       NOT      Data     Total       Valid      VALID        NO     VALID     Entry    No. of   Responses  Responses    ANSWER   answers    Errors      Rows    for educ   for educ  for educ  for educ  for educ  -------------------------------------------------------------        8          2           6         1          3        2 

Base SAS 9.1.3 Procedures Guide (Vol. 1)
Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4
ISBN: 1590472047
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 260

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