Planning a Message Queuing Network

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Before developing (or purchasing) queuing applications, you should review the factors that will influence how well Message Queuing will work in your environment. Table 26-5 describes the essential points.

Table 26-5. Factors in planning a Message Queuing network

Site Factor Consideration
Communication channel The channel between sites must be permanent.
Bandwidth The available bandwidth must be sufficient to support the message traffic.
Performance The number of Message Queuing servers must be balanced against performance needs. The more servers, the more traffic. Too much server redundancy and the Active Directory replication traffic will cause a big performance hit.
Organization Users should be grouped in the same site to keep traffic down.

Hardware Issues Involved in Message Queuing

Assuming that you don't have the luxury of building a queuing operation with all new hardware, you can do several things to make sure that the machines assigned to be Message Queuing servers can handle the load:

  • Increase the amount of system RAM. (Whatever it is, it's never too much.)
  • Upgrade the processor or add additional processors.
  • Increase the speed and size of the hard disks.
  • Use disk striping. The best performance is achieved with five separate disks used for message files, message log files, transaction log files, application data files, and Windows 2000 virtual memory paging files. At a minimum, the message files, message log files, and transaction log files should be on separate disks.
  • Reduce or eliminate the other services running on the server.
  • Minimize the number of dependent clients supported by each server. (Dependent clients require continuous connection to an Message Queuing server in order to perform message queuing operations.)

For the nuts and bolts of building applications with Microsoft Message Queuing, consult Programming Distributed Applications with COM and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 by Ted Pattison (Microsoft Press, 1998).

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Administrator's Companion, Vol. 1
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Administrators Companion (IT-Administrators Companion)
ISBN: 1572318198
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 366 © 2008-2017.
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