abstraction, 274
vs. reality, 126-127
in game-world, 125
accomplishment, sense of, 148
action games , 51, 142-144, 250, 455-456
action/adventure games, 200, 456-457
action/exploration games, 457, 460
Activision, 179-180, 189, 194
of 2D games, 299-300, 344-345
of fiction , 175
of games, 26
of non-computer games, 142
addictive quality of games, 26-27, 58
Advanced Squirrel Hunting , 294
adventure games, 47, 191, 194, 198, 200, 227-228, 229-230, 233, 235-236, 326, 339, 470
Age of Empires , 125, 253
AI, see artificial intelligence
Alexander, Christopher, 425-426
Alice in Wonderland , 188
Alpha Centauri , 151, 155 , 365
anticipatory game design, 10, 116-117, 205-206, 481
antisocial nature of games, 5, 237-238
arcade games, 103, 108, 216, 239 see also classic arcade games
vs. home market, 103-104, 111-112, 113
arcades, 58, 102-103, 104, 144
architecture, 426, 469
designer, 473
modifying, 471
refining, 469-470
Art of Computer Game Design, The , 71, 257, 264
artificial intelligence, 5, 93-94, 112, 147-148, 151-171, 239, 258, 278, 288, 332, 516, 520-521
agents , 153, 244-245
challenging, 155
collaborative, 155, 368
describing in design document, 366-368
equal vs. unequal , 154-156, 162-163, 368
goals of, 153-162, 163
irrational, 158
logic of, 158-159
player expectations of, 153-154
programming, 152-153
providing challenge for player, 154-156
scripted, 168-171
simple, 153-154
sophistication of, 163-164, 166-167, 167-168
stupidity of, 156-157
unpredictability of, 157-159
vs. gameplay, 163-164
artificial stupidity, 171
assets, throwing away, 284-285, 287, 290, 471
assumptions in design document, 366
Asteroids , 87, 88 , 91 , 91-93, 92 , 108, 109 , 321
saucer in, 91, 95
Atari, 80, 87-88, 95, 98, 100-101, 102, 103, 107, 258-264, 321
Atari Program Exchange, 261
Atari Research Division, 261, 264
audience, 193, 205, 222, 294, 302, 418-419, 488
audio, 208, 336-337, 417 see also sound
output, 139-140
authorship, abdicating , 124, 383-384, 451, 529-530
autonomous behavior, 389-390