The Java Language

This section introduces the most important features of the Java language. As you learn Java, you will notice many similarities with other modern object-oriented languages, most notably C++. If you have never done any object-oriented programming but are familiar with C, you will still notice similarities in the syntax.


As with other programming languages, you are encouraged to include comments in your source file to explain the operation of your code. Java permits three types of comments, two of which may be familiar from other languages. A single-line comment begins with //, which causes Java to ignore the remaining characters on the same line. A multiline comment begins with /* and causes Java to ignore any following text, including newlines, until the character sequence */ ends the comment.

A documentation comment is similar to a multiline comment, except that it begins with the three-character sequence /**. The JDK includes a tool named javadoc that can create documentation for your program by extracting these comments from your source files.

Simple Types

Table 25–1 summarizes the simple types defined by Java.

Table 25–1: Java Simple Types




8-bit signed integer


16-bit signed integer


32-bit signed integer


64-bit signed integer


16-bit Unicode character


32-bit single-precision floating-point number


64-bit double-precision floating-point number


true or false

To declare a variable of one of these types, use the following syntax:

 type varName; 

The variable may be declared and initialized in one line:

 type varName = value; 

Here, type is the type of the variable and varName is its name. The value of the variable is given by value. The keyword final makes a variable into a constant, as in

 final double pi = 3.14159265358979;

The following program illustrates how to declare and initialize variables of each simple type:

 class SimpleTypes{   public static void main (String args []) {     byte b = 3;     short s = 300;     int i = 300000;     long 1 = 2000000000;     char c = ;A';     float f = −3.4f;     double d = 5.6E-10;     boolean bool = false;   } }

Note that Java does not support strings as a simple type. Instead, it provides a String class in the package java.lang. Packages in general, and this class in particular, will be covered later in this chapter.


You can create arrays of simple types (or of objects) by declaring a variable name with square brackets:

 int ArrayOf Integers[] = new int [10];

This will create an array of ten integers, with indices from 0 to 9. You can use and assign elements of an array just as you would any other variable:

 ArrayOf Integers[3] = 4; System.out.println("The fourth element in the array is " + ArrayOf Integers[3]);


Java provides most of the operators found in C. As in C, the=operator is used for assignment. The operators +, , *, and / are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, respectively Java also includes the operator % for modular division. Each of these operators can be combined with =. For example,

 int i = 5; i * = 2; System.out.println(i);}

would print the number 10. The operator ++ increments a variable by 1 (same as +=1), and -- decrements by 1. Parentheses can be used for grouping.

Table 25–2 shows the relational and logical operators in Java. Note that, unlike C, Java uses & and | for the logical AND and OR operations. Java always evaluates both arguments to these operators. The C-style && and || operators “short-circuit,” meaning that when possible they only evaluate the first argument. Java also supports bitwise operators, although they will not be discussed here.

Table 25–2: Relational and Logical Operators






is equal to




does not equal




is greater than




is less than


exclusive OR


is greater than or equal to


AND (short circuit)


is less than or equal to


OR (short circuit)

The ternary operator is can be used in Java as shown:

 expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 

In this statement, expr1 can be any Boolean expression. If expr1 is true, expr2 is evaluated and returned. Otherwise, expr3 is evaluated and returned. You can use this operator for assignment; for example,

 int largest = x > y ? x : y;

which assigns the greater of x and y to the variable largest.

Control Statements

Java provides the same control statements found in C/C++: if, for, while, do, and switch.

The if statement has the general form shown here:

 if(expr) {   // statement block } else {   // statement block }

Here, expr is an expression. The first statement block is executed if expr is true. Otherwise, the second statement block is executed. The else clause and second block are optional.

You can chain together multiple if statements when there are many cases you wish to test for. Here is an example of several combined if statements:

 if (x > 0 && y > 0){   System.out.println("First Quadrant"); } else if (y > 0) {   System.out.println("Second Quadrant"); } else if (x > 0) {   System.out.println("Fourth Quadrant"); } else {   System.out.println("Third Quadrant"); }

A for loop has the general form shown here:

 for(initialization, test, increment) {   // statement block }

Here, the initialization is executed only when the for loop begins execution. The test is executed before each iteration of the loop. If test is false, the loop terminates and program control passes to the statement immediately after the for loop. The increment is executed after each iteration of the loop and before the test. The increment typically updates the variables that control termination of the loop.

A typical for statement might look something like

 for (int i = 0, int sum = 0; i < 10; i++) {   sum += i; } System.out.println("The sum of the integers from 0 to 9 is " + sum);

This is the general form for a while loop:

 while (expr) {   // statement block }

The loop iterates as long as expr is true.

This is a do loop:

 do {   // statement block } while (expr) ;

It is exactly the same as a while loop, but the loop will always iterate at least once, even if expr is false.

The switch statement can be used to compare a single expression to many different variables. Although the same thing can be accomplished with nested if statements, switch is shorter and more efficient:

 switch(expr) {   case constant1:     // statement block     break;   case constant2:     // statement block     break;   ...   default:     // statement block     break; }

Here, expr is an expression. The value of expr is compared in sequence to the constants in each of the case clauses. If a match is found, the associated statement block is executed. The optional break statement causes program control to pass to the statement immediately after the switch block. If break is left out, the switch statement continues to evaluate the remaining statement blocks. (Incidentally break can also be used in loops, to exit the loop and resume execution at the next statement.) If the value of expr is not equal to any of the constants in the case clauses, the default statement block is executed.

Creating Classes and Objects

The next step in programming with Java is to define your own classes. A class definition may contain variables and methods. The variables are for storing data, and the methods are for accessing and working with that data.

Class definitions can also contain a special type of method called a constructor. A constructor is used to initialize a new instance of a class (meaning an object) when it is created. Constructors have the same name as the class. A class may have multiple constructors that take different arguments. For example, it might have one constructor that takes no arguments and initializes the variables in the object with default values, and a second constructor that takes a list of arguments and uses them to initialize the variables in the object.

The new operator creates an object. You cannot use an instance of an object until you have created it with new. It has the following syntax:

 clsName obj = new clsName(args);

Here, clsName is the name of the class to be instantiated. A reference to the new object is assigned to the variable obj. new calls the constructor for the object with the arguments in args. Because Java has automatic garbage collection, you don’t need to tell it when you’re done using an object. Therefore, there is no equivalent for the “delete” operator from C++.

When you create an instance of an object, it comes with variables and methods that are defined in the class. The variables (called instance variables) are accessed like this:


Here, obj is a reference to an object and varName is the name of the instance variable.

The instance methods can be called like this:

 obj.mthName (args)

Here, obj is a reference to an object and mthName is the name of the method. The optional arguments to the method are args.

This example shows how to define a class named StudentFile. This class has two variables, two constructors, and three methods:

 public class StudentFile{   private String name;        // This string holds the name of the student.   private int IDnum;          // This integer is the ID number for the student.   public StudentFile() {      // This is a constructor for StudentFile.     name="";                  // It sets the variables to default values.     IDnum=0;   }   public StudentFile(String sName, int sIDnum) {     // An alternate constructor.     this.SetStudentData (sName, sIDnum);       // Call the method SetStudentData.   }   public void SetStudentData(String sName, int sIDnum) {     name=sName;                           // Save the student's name.     IDnum=sIDnum;                         // Save the ID number.   }   public String GetStudentName()          // Returns the student's name.     return name;   }   public int GetStudentID()               // This method returns the ID number.     return IDnum;   } }

Notice that the keyword this refers to the current object, although it is often optional. The keyword public makes a variable or method visible to any part of your code. The keyword private makes a variable or method usable only within the class in which it is defined. The keyword protected is similar to private, except that subclasses can also use the variable or method.

In the preceding example, the private in front of the variable definitions provides encapsulation. This means that those variables are hidden from your other classes. You might think that you could save a lot of space by defining the class StudentFile as

 class StudentFile{   public String name;   public int IDnum; }

so that your other classes can use the variables directly In a short example like this, that might not be so bad. But the benefit of encapsulation is that other classes don’t need to understand the inner workings of your class. Even if you completely change how you represent data internally, other classes can still use the same methods for working with your class.

This example shows how you could instantiate and use objects of the class StudentFile just defined:

 class StudentDemo {   public static void main (String args []) {     StudentFile FirstStudent = new StudentFile("Robin", 221486);     StudentFile SecondStudent = new StudentFile();     SecondStudent.SetStudentData("Ben", FirstStudent.GetStudentID 0+1) ;   } }

The StudentDemo class defines the main() method for this application. The first and second lines in this method instantiate two StudentFile objects with the new operator. Variables FirstStudent and SecondStudent hold references to these objects.

Class Inheritance

Inheritance is a key advantage of object-oriented programming. It enables a class to reuse the state and behavior that is defined by a parent class. The parent class is called a superclass, and the child class is called a subclass. Unlike C++, Java does not support multiple inheritance. Each class can have only one superclass.

A subclass can be declared with the following syntax:

 class clsName2 extends clsName1 {   // body of clsName2 }

Here, clsName2 is a subclass of clsName1. The subclass clsName2 will inherit all of the nonprivate variables and methods from clsName1. You can then use any of these variables and methods for clsName2 just as you would if they were defined in the class itself.

If a class declaration does not include an extends clause, the Java compiler assumes that java.lang.Object is the superclass.

The following application illustrates a class inheritance hierarchy Class A extends Object. Class B extends A. Class C extends B. Each of these classes defines one instance variable.

The main() method of InheritanceDemo instantiates C. That new object has one copy of each instance variable defined by each of its superclasses. Those variables are initialized and displayed.

 class Animal{   int age; } class Dog extends Animal {   String name;   void PrintInfo () {     System.out.println(name + "is " + age + "years old.");   } } class Papillon extends Dog {   boolean pet; } class InheritanceDemo {   public static void main (String args []) {     Papillon puppy = new Papillon() ;     puppy.age = 2; = "Kili"; = true;     puppy.PrintInfo();   } }

The output from this application would look like:

 Kili is 2 years old.

Method Overriding

Method overriding occurs when a subclass declares a method with the same method name and argument list as a method declared in one of its superclasses. When the method gets called, the new method is executed instead of the superclass method.

Java provides a mechanism that allows a subclass method to explicitly invoke an overridden superclass method. This is done by using the super keyword with the following syntax:

 super.mthName (args);

Here, mthName is the name of the overridden method and args is the optional list of arguments.

The following application illustrates this concept. Class X extends Object. Class Y extends X. Class Z extends Y. Each of these classes defines and initializes one instance variable. Observe that class Y overrides the display() method defined by its superclass (X) but also calls that method in X. Similarly, class Z overrides the display() method defined by its superclass (Y) but also calls that method in Y.

The main() method of OverridingDemo instantiates Z and invokes its display() method:

 class X {   int x = 1;   void display() {     System.out.println("x = " + x);   } } class Y extends X {   int y = 2;   void display() {     super.display();     System.out.println("y = " + y);   } } class Z extends Y {   int z = 3;   void display() {     super.display();     System.out.println("z = " + z)   } } class OverridingDemo {   public static void main (String args [] {     Z obj = new Z();     obj . display() ;   } }

Output from this application is shown here:

 X = 1; y = 2; z = 3;

Static Methods and Variables

A class variable is associated with a class, rather than an object. Class variables are defined with the keyword static. This is often used with the keyword final to define constants that will be used by any object of a given class.

A class variable is accessed in this way:


Here, clsName is the name of the class and varName is the name of the class variable. Note that we do not need to instantiate the class as an object in order to use varName.

You can also use static when declaring a method to create a class method. For example, Java includes a class called Math, which defines a class method named max(). Because it is a class method, you do not need to create a Math object in order to use max():

 class StaticMethodDemo{   public static void main (String args []) {     System.out.println(Math.max(9, 3));   } }


An interface is a group of constants and method declarations. It cannot define any implementations for those methods. In effect, an interface defines what must be done but not how it is done. A class can be declared to implement one or more interfaces.

The following application illustrates these concepts. The AntiTheftDevice interface declares two methods, and the Navigation interface declares one method. Class Automobile has subclasses named Model1 and Model2. The former implements both interfaces. The latter implements only the Navigation interface.

The main() method of the InterfaceDemo class creates Model1 and Model2 objects and invokes their methods:

 interface AntiTheftDevice {   void lock();   void unlock() ; } interface Navigation {   void locate () ; } class Automobile { } class Model1 extends Automobile implements AntiTheftDevice, Navigation {   public void lock() {     System.out.println("Model1: lock");   }   public void unlock() {     System.out.println("Model1: unlock");   }   public void locate () {     System.out.println("Model1: locate");   } } class Model2 extends Automobile implements Navigation   public void locate () {     System.out.println("Model2: locate");   } } class InterfaceDemo {   public static void main (String args []) {     Model1 auto1 = new Model1() ;     auto1.lock();     auto1.unlock();     auto1.locate();     Navigation auto2 = new Model2();     auto2.locate ();   } }

Interfaces can inherit from other interfaces with the extends keyword. Unlike classes, which can have only one superclass, a single interface can extend multiple interfaces.


A package is a group of classes and interfaces that are bundled together. Many packages are included by default in the Java API libraries, which come with the JDK. Table 25–3 summarizes some of these packages. Consult the official documentation at http://java.sun.eom/j2se/l.5.0/docs/api/index.html for a complete list of packages and classes.

Table 25–3: Java Packages




Allows you to build applets


Enables you to build graphical user interfaces

Supports input and output


Provides core functionality

Enables networking


Offers utility functionality


Build customizable GUI controls

You can use the classes and interfaces in a package by specifying their fully qualified name (e.g., java.awt.Graphics.drawString). However, this can become tedious. To use an abbreviated name (such as drawString), add the import statement at the top of your file. It has either of the following two forms:

 import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.*;

The first form enables you to use an abbreviated name for an class or interface. It also allows you to document exactly which classes your code depends on. The second form allows you to use abbreviated names for all of the types in a given package.

The java.lang package is automatically imported into every source file. This provides convenient access to its classes and interfaces. These classes include Math, which has methods like sqrt, log, and cos, and String, which is discussed in the next section.


One of the most commonly used classes in java.lang is String. All string literals such as “Hello, world” are implemented as instances of this class. Java will automatically convert basic types to strings when necessary Java also supports the+operator, which concatenates two strings together.

The following sample application demonstrates some basic string commands:

 class StringSample {   public static void main (String args []) {     String s = "String Sample";     System.out.println("The first character is: " + s.charAt(0));     System.out.println(s.substring(7) + s.substring (0, 6));     s = s.replace(" ", "_");     System.out.println(s.toUpperCase());   } }

The output would look like this:

 The first character is: S SampleString STRING__SAMPLE

As you can see, the charAt method returns the character at the given index. The substring method returns part of a string. The first argument is the character index where the substring begins, and the option second argument is the length of the substring. The replace method replaces all occurrences of the first argument with the second argument, and the method called toUpperCase converts a string to uppercase.


The package java.util defines a number of useful classes, one of which is Vector. Vectors are similar to arrays; they store a set of objects of a given type and allow you to access each element by index. Unlike arrays, vectors automatically grow or shrink in size as you add or remove elements. When you create a vector, you can give it a hint about how much space to allocate so that it can be more efficient about memory storage.

The method add() appends a new element at the end of a vector by default, or you can explicitly specify an index at which to insert the element. The elementAt() method returns the value of an element at a given index. You can find the index for a value with the indexOf() method. You can remove() elements either by index or by value.

This example demonstrates some of these methods:

 import java.util.Vector; class VectorSample{   public static void main (String args []) {       // Create a new vector with an initial size of 10.       Vector<String> v=new Vector<String>(10);       v.add( "Element0");       v.add( "Element2") ;       v.add(1, "Element1"); // Inserts between the two above       System.out.println(v.indexOf ("Element2"));       for (byte c=0;c<v.size();c++) {         System.out.println(v.elementAt (c));       }   } }

The output would look like this:

 2 Element0 Element1 Element2

Vectors are commonly used in Java programming. However, vector operations are synchronized for use in multithreaded applications, which tends to make them slow. Many performance-minded Java coders prefer to use java.util.ArrayList, which has an interface similar to java.util.Vector but requires manual synchronization.


An exception is an object that is generated when a program encounters a problem during execution. Some examples of the conditions that cause an exception include integer division by zero, a negative array index, an out-of-bounds array index, and an incorrect number format. Exceptions are used more heavily in Java than many other programming languages.

Java allows you to handle exceptions according to the following syntax:

 try {   // try block } catch(ExceptionType1 param1) {   // exception-handling block } ... catch (ExceptionType2 param2) {   // exception-handling block } finally {   // finally block }

The try statement contains a block of statements. If a problem occurs during the execution of this code, an exception is thrown.

A sequence of catch blocks follows the try block. An argument is passed to each of these blocks. That argument is the exception object describing the problem.

If an exception is thrown during the execution of a try block, the JVM immediately stops execution of the try block and searches for a catch block to handle that type of exception. The search begins at the first catch clause. If the type of the exception object matches the type of the catch clause parameter, that block is executed. Otherwise, the following catch clauses are examined in sequence.

The finally block is optional. It’s always executed after completion of the try block or a catch block. (Even if you return from the method that contains the block.) In many cases, a finally block provides a useful way to relinquish resources. Each try block must have at least one catch or finally block. Otherwise, a compile error occurs.

Only one of the catch blocks will execute. If there is no type match between the exception object and the catch clause parameters, the finally block executes and the search continues in any enclosing try blocks. If a match is not found in the current method, the search continues in the calling method. The search continues up the call stack in this manner. If no match is found, the exception is displayed by the default exception handler and the program is terminated.

The following application illustrates exception handling. The main() method includes a try block that attempts an integer division by zero. This generates an exception. Control passes to the first catch block, which displays the exception. When the catch block completes, the finally block executes:

 import; class DivideByZero{   public static void main (String args []) {     try {       System.out.println("Before division");       System.out.println(1/0);       System.out.println("After division");     }     catch (IOException e) {       System.out.println(e);     }     catch(Exception e) {       System.out.println(e);     }     finally{       System.out.println("finally")     }   } }

Output from this application is shown here:

 Before division java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero finally

You can generate exceptions with throw. This can allow you to handle errors encountered during execution. Here’s an example of a method that throws an exception:

 double PythagoreanTheorem (double a, double b) throws Exception {   if (a <= 0 | b <= 0) {     throw new Exception("not a valid triangle");   } else {     return Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b);   } }

If you use this method, you will have to enclose it in a try/catch block, or the Java compiler will generate an error.

The java.lang package defines an Exception class. Its subclasses describe various types of problems that can occur during execution of a program. For example, an IOException is thrown by many of the methods in the package to indicate problems during I/O activities. You can also create your own custom exceptions to describe application-specific problems by defining a subclass of Exception.

UNIX. The Complete Reference
UNIX: The Complete Reference, Second Edition (Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 0072263369
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 316 © 2008-2017.
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