Next we'll look at methods and properties of other Outlook objects as well as a host of events that your applications can use to receive notifications from Outlook.
Recall that the Application object is the topmost object in the Outlook object model. You must create an Application object before you create any other objects. Let's take a look at some of the methods, properties, and events of the Application object.
The ActiveWindow method returns the object that represents the topmost Outlook window on the desktop. The return type for this object can be an Explorer object or an Inspector object. If no Explorer or Inspector object is open , this method returns Nothing . You use this method to determine which object the current user is viewing and, if necessary, to change the state of that object. The following code shows how to use the ActiveWindow method:
Set oWindow = oApp.ActiveWindow If Not (oWindow Is Nothing) Then If oWindow.Class = olExplorer Then strTop = "Explorer" ElseIf oWindow.Class = olInspector Then strTop = "Inspector" End If MsgBox "The topmost object is a(n) " & strTop & " object." End If
The AnswerWizard property returns an AnswerWizard object for the application. For more information about the AnswerWizard object model, see the Office documentation.
The COMAddIns property returns a COMAddIns collection that represents all COM add-ins currently loaded and connected in Outlook. You can use this collection to quickly access COM add-ins and their exposed objects. The following example shows how to use the COMAddIns property:
Dim oCOMAddins As Office.COMAddIns Dim oCOMAddin As Office.COMAddIn Set oCOMAddins = oApp.COMAddIns strName = vbLf For Each oCOMAddin In oCOMAddins strName = strName & vbLf & oCOMAddin.ProgId Next MsgBox "The COM Add-Ins ProgIDs in Outlook are: " & _ strNameExplorers
The CopyFile method copies a file from the file system to a folder you specify in Outlook. The first parameter you must specify is the path to the file you want to copy. The second parameter is the Outlook path to the folder you want to copy the item to. The path defaults to the mailbox of the user, so entering Inbox\Test for this parameter copies the item to the Test folder under the Inbox. To copy the item to a public folder, use \\Public Folders\All Public Folders\<Folder> .
The Explorers property returns the Explorers collection. The Inspectors property returns the Inspectors collection. We covered these collections earlier in this chapter.
The LanguageSettings property returns a LanguageSettings object that you can use to retrieve language- related information about Outlook. For example, you can retrieve the install language, the user interface language, and the help language for Outlook. You can use this information in COM add-ins to load the proper resource string for a user interface, based on the information you obtain from the LanguageSettings object.
The ProductCode property returns a string that is the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the Outlook product. If you need to identify Outlook in your COM add-ins or applications, you can use this GUID to identify it.
The ItemSend event fires when a user or an application uses Outlook to attempt to send an item. This event returns an object for the item and a Boolean named Cancel . If you set Cancel to True , Outlook will stop the send action and leave the Inspector open for the user. If you do cancel the send, you should display an explanation in a message box so users will know what they need to add or delete to successfully send the item. The following code checks to see whether a user added a subject and a category to his message. Note that the ItemSend event does not fire when a user posts an item to a folder. In this case, you should monitor the folder for the ItemAdd event.
Dim WithEvents oApp As Outlook.Application Private Sub oApp_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean) If Item.Subject = "" Then MsgBox "You must add a subject!" Cancel = True ElseIf Item.Categories = "" Then MsgBox "You must have a category!" Cancel = True End If End Sub
The MAPILogonComplete event fires after the OnStartupComplete event and guarantees that you have a valid MAPI session with the server so that all properties and methods are available across the Outlook object model.
The NewMail event fires when a new item is received in the Inbox of the current user. This event does not pass any parameters, nor is there any one-to-one correspondence between the number of arriving messages and the number of times this event fires; even if the Inbox receives many new messages, Outlook might fire this event only once. The following code shows how to use the NewMail event:
Private Sub oApp_NewMail() MsgBox "You have received new mail!" End Sub
For information about the OptionsPagesAdd event, see the Account Tracking application in Chapter 8.
The Quit event is fired when Outlook begins to close. Using this event, you can persist any settings or other information as well as destroy any objects that are left open by your application.
The Reminder event is fired immediately before a reminder is displayed. This event passes one parameter, which is an object that corresponds to the item firing the reminder. There is no Cancel parameter for this event, so you cannot keep the reminder from appearing, but this event allows you to take other actions based on the reminder. The following example shows how to use the Reminder event:
Private Sub oApp_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object) MsgBox "The following item " & Item.Subject & " has " & _ "fired a reminder." End Sub
The Startup event is fired after Outlook and any of its COM add-ins have been loaded. You can use this event to initialize VBA programs that you created with Outlook.
The NameSpace object has been enhanced incrementally through successive versions of Outlook. The features you are mostly likely to use in your applications are the ability to dynamically add a .pst file to the NameSpace object and the ability to create custom property pages for folders. Let's examine more closely these aspects of the NameSpace object.
The SyncObjects property returns the SyncObjects collection for the NameSpace object. We covered the SyncObjects collection earlier in the chapter.
The AddStore method allows you to dynamically connect an existing .pst file to Outlook and to create a new .pst file. This method takes one parameter, which is a path to the .pst file you want to access or create. If you pass in a path for the .pst file and the .pst file doesn't exist, Outlook will create the file. You can then retrieve the information in the .pst file by using the Outlook object model. The following example shows how to use the AddStore method to access an existing .pst file:
oNS.AddStore "c:\my new store.pst" 'Retrieve a folder from the newly connected store Set oFolder = oNS.Folders("Personal Folders").Folders("My Folder") 'Display the folder oFolder.Display
The Dial method is a new method. Outlook allows you to dial a contact's phone number directly, just as you can do from the contact item itself. You can optionally pass a Contact object as a parameter, which populates the Dial dialog box with the contact's information. If you do not specify a contact, a blank dial screen will be displayed.
The Offline property is a Boolean property that returns whether the user is working on line or off line. You no longer have to use CDO to determine this status.
For more information about this event, see the Account Tracking application in Chapter 8.
The RemoveStore method removes the store that you pass as a MAPIFolder object from Outlook. It does not delete the store, and you cannot remove the standard mailbox store. This operation is the same as right-clicking on the root folder of a store and choosing Close StoreName.
Outlook developers have often requested more granular control over how Explorer s and Inspector s are displayed on the screen. With Outlook 2003, you can control the location of your Explorer and Inspector windows and also receive events from these objects that indicate what the user is doing in the user interface. In addition, the Explorer object adds a number of new events. Let's take a look at the recent additions to the Explorer object.
The Caption property returns the string for the Explorer window text. This property is read-only.
The CurrentView property returns or sets the view for the Explorer . When you set this property, you cause the BeforeViewSwitch and ViewSwitch events to fire on the Explorer object. Because Outlook supports only a single initial view of a folder, you can use this property to customize per-user settings for the initial view. To do this, you use the FolderSwitch event for the Explorer object. When this event fires, you check the current folder and current user and then set the CurrentView property appropriately. The following code snippet shows an example of this functionality:
Dim WithEvents oExplorer As Outlook.Explorer Private Sub oExplorer_FolderSwitch() On Error Resume Next If oExplorer.CurrentFolder.Class = olFolder Then If oExplorer.CurrentFolder.Name = "Contacts" Then If oNS.CurrentUser.Name = "Thomas Rizzo" Then oExplorer.CurrentView = "By Category" End If End If End If End Sub
The Height property returns or sets the height of the Explorer window in pixels. You can use this property to change the height of your Explorer window.
The HTMLDocument property returns the HTML document for the home page for the current folder in the Explorer object. You can then script the HTML document object model to implement your functionality.
The Left property returns or sets the distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the Explorer window.
The Panes property returns the Panes collection for the Explorer object. We covered the Panes collection earlier in the chapter.
The Selection property returns a Selection collection, which enables you to access the items currently selected by the user. We covered the Selection collection earlier in the chapter.
The Top property returns or sets the distance, in pixels, from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the Explorer window.
The Width property returns or sets the width of the Explorer window in pixels.
The WindowState property returns or sets the window state. The possible values for this property include olMaximized (1) , olMinimized (2) , and olNormalWindow (3) . The next code sample uses the Top , Width , Left , and Height properties to move an Explorer window around the screen. Notice that the code first sets the WindowState property to olNormalWindow . Outlook will return an error if the window is already maximized or minimized when you try to set these properties.
oExplorer.WindowState = olNormalWindow oExplorer.Top = 100 oExplorer.Width = 200 oExplorer.Left = 300 oExplorer.Height = 100
The Activate method activates an Explorer object by bringing it to the foreground and giving it keyboard focus. You can use this method to highlight a specific Explorer or Inspector window for your application.
The IsPaneVisible method returns a Boolean that specifies whether a particular pane is visible in the Explorer window. You pass the desired pane as a parameter to this method. The possible values you can pass are olOutlookBar (1) , olFolderList (2) , and olPreview (3) . You use the IsPaneVisible method in conjunction with the ShowPane method, which is described next.
The ShowPane method hides or displays a specific pane in your Explorer window. You must pass to this method the pane you are interested in as well as a Boolean parameter that is set to True to display the pane or False to hide the pane. The following code shows how to use the IsPaneVisible method with the ShowPane method to hide and display panes in an Explorer window:
'Flip the settings that the user already has boolFolderList = oExplorer.IsPaneVisible(olFolderList) boolOutlookBar = oExplorer.IsPaneVisible(olOutlookBar) boolPreviewPane = oExplorer.IsPaneVisible(olPreview) oExplorer.ShowPane olFolderList, Not (boolFolderList) oExplorer.ShowPane olOutlookBar, Not (boolOutlookBar) oExplorer.ShowPane olPreview, Not (boolPreviewPane)
The Activate event is fired when an Explorer window or an Inspector window becomes the active window. You can use this event to determine whether a specific Explorer or Inspector window becomes the active window and then customize the toolbar for that window. The following code shows how to use this event:
Dim WithEvents oExplorer as Outlook.Explorer Private Sub oExplorer_Activate() MsgBox "This Explorer window has become active!" End Sub
The BeforeFolderSwitch event occurs before the Explorer navigates to the new folder. This event passes an object that represents the folder the user is trying to navigate to and also a Boolean parameter named Cancel . To keep the current folder active and prevent the user from navigating to the new folder, set Cancel to True . If the user navigates to a folder in the file system, the BeforeFolderSwitch event will not pass an object for that folder. For an example of this event in action, see the Account Tracking application in Chapter 8.
The BeforeItemCopy event fires before an item is copied to the Clipboard. This event is cancelable.
The BeforeItemCut event fires before an item is cut and moved to the Clipboard. This event is cancelable.
The BeforeItemPaste event fires before a user pastes an item from the Clipboard or when a user drags and drops an item from one folder to another. This event is cancelable and passes the Clipboard contents and the target folder for the paste operation.
The BeforeMaximize event fires before the Explorer window is maximized. This event is cancelable.
The BeforeMinimize event fires before the Explorer window is minimized. This event is cancelable.
The BeforeMove event fires before the Explorer window is moved to a different location. This event is cancelable.
The BeforeSize event fires before a window is resized but not before a window is restored. This event is cancelable.
The BeforeViewSwitch event fires when a user tries to switch views. This event passes the name of the view the user is trying to switch to as well as the Boolean variable Cancel . To cancel the change in views and maintain the user's current view, set Cancel to True . The following code shows how to use the BeforeViewSwitch event:
Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeViewSwitch(ByVal NewView As Variant, _ Cancel As Boolean) If NewView = "By Category" Then Cancel = True End If End Sub
The Close event fires when the Explorer window is being closed. You will generally listen for this event only when you're developing COM add-ins that need to correctly destroy Explorer objects or the variables that reference them.
The Deactivate event fires when the Explorer or Inspector window is no longer the active window. This event does not pass any parameters.
The FolderSwitch event fires after a user successfully switches folders. This event does not pass any parameters.
The SelectionChange event fires after the user selects a different item in the current view. This event does not pass any parameters. The following code shows how to use this event with the Selection collection:
Private Sub oExplorer_SelectionChange() On Error Resume Next Set oSelection = oExplorer.Selection strName = vbLf For Each oItem In oSelection strName = strName & vbLf & oItem.Subject Next MsgBox "New Selection: " & strName End Sub
The ViewSwitch event fires when the user successfully changes the view in the Explorer window. This event does not pass any parameters.
The following code shows you how to use a number of the events just described:
Dim WithEvents oExplorer As Outlook.Explorer Dim oApp As New Outlook.Application Set oExplorer = oApp.ActiveExplorer Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeItemCopy(Cancel As Boolean) If oExplorer.Selection.Count = 1 Then MsgBox "You are copying 1 item called " & _ oExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Subject Else MsgBox "You are copying " & oExplorer.Selection.Count & " items." Dim oSelection As Outlook.Selection For x = 1 To oExplorer.Selection.Count MsgBox "Item Name: " & oExplorer.Selection.Item(x).Subject Next End If End Sub Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeItemCut(Cancel As Boolean) If oExplorer.Selection.Count = 1 Then MsgBox "You are copying 1 item called " & _ oExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Subject Else MsgBox "You are copying " & oExplorer.Selection.Count & " items." Dim oSelection As Outlook.Selection For x = 1 To oExplorer.Selection.Count MsgBox "Item Name: " & oExplorer.Selection.Item(x).Subject Next End If End Sub Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeItemPaste(ClipboardContent As Variant, _ ByVal Target As Outlook.MAPIFolder, Cancel As Boolean) 'See what they are trying to paste If TypeOf ClipboardContent Is Selection Then 'Scroll through the selection to make sure we will allow the paste For x = 1 To ClipboardContent.Count 'check some variable If ClipboardContent.Item(x).Subject = "No Paste" Then Cancel = True End If Next End If End Sub Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeMaximize(Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "Maximizing!" End Sub Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeMinimize(Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "Minimizing!" End Sub Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeMove(Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "Moving!" End Sub Private Sub oExplorer_BeforeSize(Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "Sizing!" End Sub
The properties, methods, and events of the Inspector object are the same as their Explorer object counterparts that I've described, so I'll simply list them. For details, you can refer back to the descriptions provided earlier.
Caption property
Height property
Top property
Width property
WindowState property
Activate method
Activate event
BeforeMaximize event
BeforeMinimize event
BeforeMove event
Deactivate event
Close event
The Folders collection contains three new events: FolderAdd , FolderChange , and FolderRemove .
The FolderAdd event fires when a folder is added to the Folders collection. This event passes the added folder as a MAPIFolder object. You cannot cancel this event. You might want to hook into this event to prompt the user to add a folder to a specific group on the Outlook Bar. The following code shows how to use the FolderAdd event:
Dim WithEvents oFolders As Outlook.Folders Set oFolders = oNS.Folders("Mailbox - Thomas Rizzo").Folders Private Sub oFolders_FolderAdd(ByVal Folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder) MsgBox "You have added the " & Folder.Name & " folder!" End Sub
The FolderChange event fires when some property of the specified Folders collection ”such as all the items in the folder ”are deleted. This event passes the changed folder as a MAPIFolder object, but it does not pass the actual folder property that was changed. You must figure out programmatically which property was changed. You can't cancel this event. The following code shows how to use the FolderChange event:
Private Sub oFolders_FolderChange(ByVal Folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder) MsgBox "You changed the " & Folder.Name & " folder!" End Sub
The FolderRemove event fires when a folder is removed from the collection. It does not pass any parameters, so if you need to know which folder was removed, your code has to figure that out. Outlook notifies you only that some folder was removed. You can't cancel the FolderRemove event.
The MAPIFolder object provides three interesting properties that are described in Chapter 8: WebViewAllowNavigation , WebViewOn , and WebViewURL . The other properties, methods, and events of the MAPIFolder object are described next.
The AddressBookName property is a string property that can get or set the name to use when you display the Contact address book in the address book selection interface.
The AddToFavorites method adds the current folder to the favorites list in Microsoft Internet Explorer. It takes two optional parameters. The first is a Boolean that specifies whether to display the standard user interface for naming the folder and selecting the location. If you specify True for this parameter, the second parameter will be the name of the folder.
The AddToPFFavorites method adds the current folder to the Public Folder Favorites folder. You can add only public folders to the Public Folder Favorites folder.
The CustomViewsOnly property is a Boolean property that you can use to specify whether to display only custom views for the folder.
The FolderPath property returns a string indicating the path to the current folder, such as \\Public Folders\All Public Folders\My Folder .
The InAppFolderFolderSyncObject property is a Boolean property that gets or sets whether the current folder is in the Application Folders Send/Receive group. You can then programmatically synchronize the Application Folders group that contains the folder.
The ShowAsOutlookAB property is a Boolean property that specifies whether to show the current folder as an Outlook address book so users can browse and resolve names against the folder. This method works only with contact folders.
Returns the Views collection for the folder. We covered the Views collection earlier in the chapter.
Recall that the Outlook Items collection is a collection of objects in a particular folder. The type of object the Items collection contains depends on the items in the folder. For example, in your Calendar folder, the Items collection will most likely contain AppointmentItem objects. We'll look at the enhancements to the Items collection next.
The ItemAdd event fires when a new item is added to the folder. This event returns an object for the item added to the folder's collection. Remember that before you attempt to call methods or properties on a returned object, you should check which type of object was returned. It might not be the type you expected and might cause unwanted behavior in your application. For an example of how to use this event, see the Account Tracking application in Chapter 8.
The ItemChange event fires when an item in the collection is changed in any way. The event passes an object for the item that was changed; it does not pass the changed property. This means you must use your code to determine what was changed on the item. For an example of using this event, see the Account Tracking application in Chapter 8.
The ItemRemove event fires when an item is removed or deleted from the collection. This event does not pass any parameters, so your code must figure out which items were deleted from the collection.
We'll look next at some characteristics of all the item types in Outlook, such as the PostItem , the MailItem , and the AppointmentItem objects. The events I'll discuss can be used with Visual Basic, VBA, and VBScript. The examples are written using VBScript.
The Links property returns the Links collection for the object. We covered the Links collection earlier in the chapter.
The AttachmentAdd event fires after an attachment has been added to an Outlook item. This event passes the attachment as an Attachment object. Once the object is passed, you can perform tasks such as checking the attachment for viruses before the user sends the item. You cannot, however, cancel or stop the user from adding an attachment to the item. The following VBScript example shows how to use this event:
Sub Item_AttachmentAdd(ByVal NewAttachment) If NewAttachment.Type = 1 Then Item.Save If Item.Size > 10000 then MsgBox "Sending a message with an attachment this large" & _ " may take a long time." End If End If End Sub
The AttachmentRead event fires after an attachment has been opened for reading; it passes the attachment as an Attachment object. You can use this event to perform certain actions when the user opens the attachment, such as making a backup copy of the attachment or marking this attachment as checked out for a document management solution. The following example shows how to prompt the user to save changes when the user opens an attachment to read it:
Sub Item_AttachmentRead(ByVal ReadAttachment) If ReadAttachment.Type = 1 Then MsgBox "Make sure to save any changes that " & _ "you make to the attachment." End If End Sub
The BeforeAttachmentSave event fires before an attachment is saved with the item. This event is supported in VBScript, Visual Basic, and VBA, so you must follow the appropriate syntax. When you use this event in VBScript that's automating an Outlook form, the BeforeAttachmentSave event passes the attachment that is trying to be saved as an Attachment object. If you're using Visual Basic or VBA, this event passes both the attachment and a Boolean parameter named Cancel . To abort the save, set Cancel to True . The next two code examples show a VBScript version and a Visual Basic/VBA version of this event, respectively. Notice that the VBScript version is a function and the Visual Basic/VBA version is a subroutine.
Function Item_BeforeAttachmentSave(ByVal SaveAttachment) If SaveAttachment.Type = 1 then If SaveAttachment.FileName = "sales.mdb" Then MsgBox "You cannot save this file!" Item_BeforeAttachmentSave = False End If End if End Function Private Sub oMailItem_BeforeAttachmentSave( _ ByVal Attachment As Outlook.Attachment, Cancel As Boolean) If Attachment.Type = 1 then If Attachment.FileName = "sales.mdb" Then MsgBox "You cannot save this file!" Cancel = True End If End if End Sub
The BeforeCheckNames event fires before Outlook starts resolving names for the recipients of an item. You can use this event to check the names of the recipients from a data source such as a database. This event, like the BeforeAttachmentSave event, uses different syntax depending on whether you call the event from VBScript or Visual Basic/VBA. In VBScript, this event is implemented as a function that you can cancel by setting the name of the function to False . In Visual Basic/VBA, you are passed a Boolean parameter named Cancel . To cancel the name resolution, you set Cancel to True . Here are examples that show the VBScript version and the Visual Basic/VBA version:
Function Item_BeforeCheckNames() 'You can use this event to cancel Outlook's resolution 'And put your own resolution in Item_BeforeCheckNames = False End Function Private Sub oMailItem_BeforeCheckNames(Cancel As Boolean) 'You can use this event to cancel Outlook's resolution 'And put your own resolution in Cancel = True End Sub
The SyncObjects collection has been enhanced to support Application Folders. These are folders that a user or developer can add to a particular synchronization group called AppFolders. When synchronization occurs, the application folder is synchronized off line.
The AppFolders property returns the Application Folders' SyncObject. This SyncObject contains all Application Folders that you add programmatically to the application folders group using the InAppFolderSyncObject property.
Two enhancements have been added to ContactItem , the IMAddress property and the LastFirstNoSpaceandSuffix property.
The ContactItem property gets or sets the Instant Messaging (IM) address for the contact.
The LastFirstNoSpaceandSuffix property is used only when the first name, last name, or suffix field contains Asian (double-byte) characters .
Table 6-8 lists methods not covered elsewhere in this chapter. These methods work only in Outlook 2002.
Method | Object | Description |
SaveAs | Multiple item types | This method is not new, but there are new SaveAs types. You can now save contacts as vCards by passing in olVCard , or you can save appointments as iCal appointments by passing in olICal . |
ShowCategoriesDialog | Any Outlook item object | Displays the Categories dialog box for the item. |
Table 6-9 describes properties that have not been covered elsewhere in the chapter.
Property | Object | Description |
BodyFormat | MailItem , PostItem | Returns or sets the format for the body of a message. The constants you can use with this property are:
DownloadState | All Outlook items | Returns or sets the download state for an item. You can use the following constants:
InternetCodepage | AppointmentItem , MailItem , PostItem , TaskItem | Returns a Long value that is the Internet code page used by the item. For example, US English is hex value 4E9F . |
IsConflict | All Outlook items | A Boolean property that indicates whether the current item is in conflict. You can then access the attachments collection to get the different versions of the conflicted message. |
MarkForDownload | All Outlook items | Determines the status of an item after you have received the item. You can use the following constants with this property:
Table 6-10 describes events added to Outlook 2002 that have not been described elsewhere in the chapter.
Event | Object | Description |
BeforeDelete | All Outlook items | Fires before an item is deleted in Outlook. The item must be open in an Inspector window for this event to fire. If the user simply deletes the item from a view, this event does not fire. Synchronous events in Exchange 2000 are better for capturing delete events. |
The Outlook Object Model does not have a way to query or set calendar color coding. However, you can use Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) to query and set the calendar color coding. You use the Appointment property set ( 0220060000000000C000000000000046 ); the property for the color is 0x8214 . The following quick sample shows you how to query this property using both CDO 1.21 and CDO for Exchange:
Dim oSession As New MAPI.Session 'CDO 1.21 Version oSession.Logon Dim oFolder As MAPI.Folder Set oFolder = oSession.GetDefaultFolder(0) Dim oItem As MAPI.AppointmentItem Dim oMessages As MAPI.Messages Set oItem = oFolder.Messages.GetFirst MsgBox oItem.Fields.Item("0x8214", "0220060000000000C000000000000046") 'Values here will mimic the Outlook user interface '0 = No color '1 = 1st label (Important) '2 = 2nd label (Business) '3 = 3rd label (Personal) 'etc oSession.Logoff 'CDO for Exchange version Dim oAppt As New CDO.Appointment strURL = "file://./backofficestorage/thomriznt5dom2.extest." & _ "" oAppt.DataSource.Open strURL 'Propset is 00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 'For CDO 1.21, this is transposed to 0220060000000000C000000000000046 'Property ID is 0x8214 MsgBox oAppt.Fields.Item("" & _ "{00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/0x00008214").Value