
 < Day Day Up > 


Target Completion Notice (TCN), 43


completion, early, 202

completion, tracking, 184

duration estimate (TDE), 69

identifying, 180–82

inserting, 182

notes, 183

predecessor, 183

Technical Analysis Document (TAD), 58–62

components, 58

In-House/Contractor Analysis (IHCA), 61

Lease/Purchase Analysis (LPA), 62

Software Reengineering Assessment (SRA), 59–60

Technology Analysis (TA), 60–61

See also Analysis and Detailed Planning phase

Technology Analysis (TA), 60–61

Test cases, 98, 101

Test domains, 116–17

Testing, 111–33

deliverables checklist, 112

error handling, 127–32

errors, 132

poor, 127

race and load conditions, 130–32

roadmap, 111

smoke, 227

test domains, 116–17

test logs/incident reports, 115–16

TPC, 113–15

TP reviews, 132–33

user-interface errors, 118–27

Testing management, 224–26

implementation guidelines, 225–26

practice essentials, 224–25

See also Best practices

Test Plan Checklist (TPC), 113–15

defined, 113

Integration Test Plan, 113–14

reviewing, 113

Software Test Plan, 114

Stress Test Plan, 113

testing team, 113

TP quality, 114

User Acceptance Test, 114

Test plans (TPs)

deliverable documents, 100

development process for, 98–102

feature inclusion/exclusion, 100

introductory section, 99

ITP, 103–4

outline format, 98–99

quality, 114

reviews, 132–33

SPMO recommended, 102–6

SsTP, 103

STP, 104

testing process, 101

test items section, 99–100

Tracking, 39

daily, 195–96

decisions, 39–40

defects against quality targets, 212–13

earned value, 210–11


cost, 137

delivery, 138

estimates, 140

facilities, 139

hardware/software requirements, 140–41

implementation and, 144

materials development, 139

methods, 138

timing, duration, sequencing, 139–40

See also User Training Plan

Training Manual (TM), 97

Training Roster (TR), 141

Training Schedule (TS), 141

Training Signoff (TSO), 141–42

 < Day Day Up > 

Managing Software Deliverables. A Software Development Management Methodology
Managing Software Deliverables: A Software Development Management Methodology
ISBN: 155558313X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 226 © 2008-2017.
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