
 < Day Day Up > 


CAD/CAM/CAE, 235–36

Calculation errors, 128–29

Certification letters, 106–7

DCL, 107–8

FCL, 107

MISCL, 107

Change management, 23–25

as best practices decision, 40–41

communications, 24

defined, 23

evaluation, 25

plans, 24–25

programs, establishing, 24

training, 24

workforce planning, 24–25

Change Management Team (CMT), 24

Close-out paperwork (COP), 160

Closeout ritual, 161

COHEN Bill of 1996, 29–30

Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) information, 57


change management, 24

ground rules, 194–95

relationship decisions, 42

reporting, 8

user-interface errors, 119–22

Configuration Management (CM), 214–16

Conflict management, 197

Construction integrity best practices, 214–23

Construction phase, 95–108

DCL, 107–8

defined, 95

deliverables checklist, 96

development process for test plans, 98–102

FCL, 107

MISCL, 107

OMB, 97–98

PASL, 107

product deliverables, 106

product signoff and certification letters, 106–8

roadmap, 95

SIM, 96–97

SUM, 96

TM, 97

Content Pipeline Document (CPD), 86

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI), 7, 20

Core Team requirement, 7

implementing, 20

Contracts, 87

closure, 13

terms and conditions, 12

See also Vendors

Contract WBS, 186–87

Control flow errors, 129

Core Team

as essential success factor, 166

forming, 34–36

initial meeting, 35

Project Manager work with, 9

Roster (CTR), 34

roster revision, 36

security access, 34–35

Cost analysis, 59

Cost Estimate Worksheet (CEW), 66, 67

Critical path (CP), 68–75

AAP, 72

approval letters (AL), 74–75

defined, 68

dependency diagrams (DD), 69

documents from review meeting (DRM), 73

meeting agenda (MA), 73

optimization tradeoff plan (OTP), 69

project team review minutes (PTRM), 74

resource histogram (RH), 69

review package (RP), 72

status reports (SR), 71–72

task duration estimate (TDE), 69

variance reports (VR), 72

waiver/exception to required standards (WERS), 73–74

WBSD, 69–70


confidence, building, 167

project, 165

SLAs and, 151

Customization matrix, 37

 < Day Day Up > 

Managing Software Deliverables. A Software Development Management Methodology
Managing Software Deliverables: A Software Development Management Methodology
ISBN: 155558313X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 226 © 2008-2017.
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