Update the Software on Your Device

The first step toward squeezing the most out of your Treo 650's memory is to make sure you have the latest software installed on your device. I'm talking about the core system software, which is available only from Palm. Check the following link to see whether a software update is available for your device: http://www.palmone.com/us/support/downloads/treo650updater/.

This update can result in dramatic memory improvements if you have one of the earlier Treo 650 devices. For example, many Treo 650 devices sold through Sprint use the original memory system, which tends to waste precious RAM. By installing the software update, users have reported a gain of anywhere from 3MB to 5MB in usable memory, which is enormous on a device with such limited memory.

    TREO essentials
    Treo Essentials
    ISBN: 0789733285
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 189

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