

SAF (System Authorization Facility), 724
sales tables (Crystal Reports), 605
SAVE DATA command, 376
SAVE PROC command, 376
SAVE QUERY command, 376
SaveViewState event, 570 “571
SAX (Simple API for XML), 124
scalability, 110 “111
schema, 429 “433
for configuration files, 708 “709
XML, 119
Schema Object Model (SOM), 439
Schricker, Don, 10
screen colors, 510
screen real estate, 450
screen scraping, 6, 230 , 343
script blocks, 484
scripting languages, 110 “114, 645
SCROLL clause, 391
scrolling banner advertisements, 447
Search Online screen, of Start Page (VS .NET), 147 “148
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 724
code access security (CAS), 248
configuring .NET applications for, 722 “725
configuring with XML child element, 745 “746
evidence, 726 “729
overview, 724 “725
policy hierarchy, 730 “743
programmatic configuration options for, 743 “745
importance of. in Web application design, 47
.NET features, 47 “48
subsystems, 468
Security.config files, 708
Selected Components dialog box, 214
semicolon (;), 914 “917, 924
sequential data access, 325
serialization, 440
server controls, 529 “531
Server Explorer (VS .NET), 377
server-based state management, 573 “589. See also client-based state management; state management
application-level state, 572 “578
configuration files, 583 “585
session-level state, 581 “589
using Application class for, 574 “578
using Cache class for, 578 “581
ServerFileReportManager class, 601
Service Level Agreement (SLA), 87
Service Manager (SQL Server), 361, 362 “364
serviced components, 749
creating, 757 “758
introducing to Enterprise Services (COM+)
using dynamic registration, 768 “770
using Regasm.exe, 775 “780
using Regsvcs.exe, 770 “775
and multithreading, 850
placing into Global Assembly Cache (GAC), 764
using, 790 “793
ServicedComponent class, 757
session cookies, 586 “587
Session object, 582
Session property, 582
session state, 477. See also state management
code samples, 588 “589
configuration files, 583 “585
cookies, 586 “587
enabling, 585
in-process vs. out-of-process, 587 “588
and .NET Framework, 582
in server-based state management, 581 “589
SessionID property, 582
<sessionState></sessionState> child element, 584 “585, 711 “712
SetCacheability method, 561
SetExpires method, 561
Setup Project template (VS .NET), 648 “649, 655
Setup Wizard template, 657 “658
Setup.exe Bootstrapper sample, 634
shadowing, 102
Shared access attribute, 315
Shared constructors, 287 “288
Shared Property Manager, 755
Shared variables , 287 “288
SharePoint Portal Service (SPS) 2001, 345 “346
shopping carts, 449
Short data type, 181
Show At Startup option, 138
signatures, 217
Signcode.exe tool, 728
Simonyl, Charles, 942
Simple API for XML (SAX), 124
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 346, 621 “625
SingleCall objects, 845
single-threaded apartment (STA), 778
Singleton call objects, 845
sinks, 845
Site evidence, 726 “728
site maps, 450
smart devices, 53
SMTP protocol, 84
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 346, 621 “625
snap-ins, 79
Sn.exe utility, 642
SOAP service, 756
SoapFormatter, 845
SoapSuds.exe, 845
socket I/O, 842
Socket.BeginReceive method, 842
Software Development of a Leash , 28, 318
software engineers , 451
software installation, 645 “647
software programs. See programs
Solution Explorer (VS .NET), 165, 195 “196, 431
Solutions Configuration (VS .NET), 637 “638
SOM (Schema Object Model), 439
Soo Mee Foo, 128
spaghetti code, 36
specialization, 55 “56
SPF/SourceEdit (SPF/SE), 158
splitting windows , 148
SPS (SharePoint Portal Service) 2001, 345 “346
SQL Server, 38 “39
Books Online, 361 “362
client-side tools, 364 “366
Enterprise Manager, 365, 366 “371
getting started with, 361 “364
installing, 361
.NET Data Provider, 386
as .NET Enterprise Server, 360 “361
Query Analyzer, 365, 372 “376
sample databases, 367 “371
Service Manager, 361, 362 “364
Web Services Toolkit, 546
XML support to, 439 “440
SQL (Structured Query Language), 39
SqlCommand class, 388
SqlConnection class, 387
sqlConnection String attribute, 584
SqlDataAdapter class, 388, 391 , 393
SqlDataReader class, 388, 391
SqlError class, 389
SqlHelper class, 395
SqlHelperParameterCache class, 395
SqlTransaction object, 387
SQLXML (XML for SQL Server), 439
SqlXmlAdapter class, 439
SqlXmlCommand class, 439
SqlXmlParameter class, 439
square brackets ([ ]), 922, 925
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 724
STA (single-threaded apartment), 778
Stack class, 554
stacks, 285
StackTrace class, 899
Start Page, Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET), 138 “150
Downloads screen, 148 “150
Get Started screen, 140 “143
Headlines screen, 146 “147
Online Community screen, 145 “146
overview, 138 “139
Search Online screen, 147 “148
What s New screen, 144
started task (CICS), 500 “501
<startup></startup> child element, 710
state management, 44 “45, 553 . See also Active Server Pages .NET (ASP.NET)
in ASP.NET, 562
client-based, 563 “572
hidden forms field, 568 “569
persistent cookies, 565 “567
query strings, 564 “565
view state, 570 “572
decision tree, 563
form variables via Request object, 590
HashTable collection via Context object, 591
legacy CICS, 552 “554
literal control via Page object, 590 “591
preparing for, 554 “555
server-based, 573 “589
application-level state, 572 “578
configuration files, 583 “585
session-level state, 581 “589
using Cache class for, 578 “581
session-level, 581 “589
user interfaces, 591
StateBag class, 570
stateConnection String attribute, 584
Static access attribute, 315
StatusBar class, 511 “514
StatusBar control, 512 “514
stor_id field (Crystal Reports), 607
stream I/O, 842
String class, 298 “299, 855
string concatenation
COBOL for .NET sample program, 292 “295
Visual Basic .NET sample program, 295 “297
STRING function (COBOL), 299
StringBuilder class, 210, 214 “216
COBOL for .NET sample program, 292 “295
overloaded constructors of, 298
Visual Basic .NET sample program, 295 “297
StringBuilderExampleCobol project, 292 “295
StringBuilderExampleVB project, 295 “297
strong name key (.snk) files, 762 “764
strong names , 642
StrongName evidence, 726 “728
Structured Query Language (SQL), 39
structures, 206, 226 “227
declaring, 173
and garbage collection, 250
calling, 218 “219
COBOL, 314 “315
Subscriber Downloads section, 148
Sun Microsystems, 12, 940 “941
superclass, 220
Support Services option (Enterprise Manager), 366
swtch statement, 921, 924
synchronization, 755
SynchronizationAttribute attribute, 845
SyncRoot property, 856
SynLock statement, 854
System Application COM+, 752 “753
System Authorization Facility (SAF), 724
System namespace, 220, 234
System Registry, 69 “72
System.AppDomain class, 851
System.ArgumentException class, 760
System.Array class, 291
System.Attributes base class, 684
System.BYTE data type, 180
System.Collections namespace, 554
System.Configuration namespace, 718 “720
System.Configuration.Assemblies namespace, 718, 721
System.Configuration.Install namespace, 470, 718, 722
System.Configuration.Install.Installer class, 470
System.Data namespace, 392 “394
System.Data.DataSet class, 410 “413
System.Data.DataTable class, 816
System.Data.dll assembly, 211
System.Data.SqlClient namespace, 387 “389
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand class, 387
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection class, 387
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter class, 387
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader class, 387
System.Data.XmlReadMode enumeration, 413
System.Data.XmlWriteMode enumeration, 413
System.Delegate class, 218
System.Design.dll assembly, 211
<system.diagnostics> </system.diagnostics> child element, 710
System.Diagnostics.Debug class, 868
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter class, 268 “269
System.Diagnostics.Process class, 861
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class, 899
System.DirectoryServices namespace, 345
System.DirectoryServices.dll assembly, 211
System.dll assembly, 211
System.Drawing namespace, 340
System.Drawing.Design namespace, 340
System.Drawing.Design.dll assembly, 212
System.Drawing.dll assembly, 211
System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace, 340
System.Drawing.Imaging namespace, 340
System.Drawing.Printing namespace, 340
System.Drawing.Text namespace, 340
System.EnterpriseServices namespace, 757 “760
System.EnterpriseServices.RegistrationHel perTx transaction, 768
System.Enum base class, 227, 250
System.Environment class, 292 “295
System.Globalization namespace, 718
System.Int16 data type, 178 “179, 181
System.IO namespace, 329
System.IO.File class, 330 “331
System.IO.StreamReader class, 332
System.IO.StreamWriter class, 334
System.IO.StringReader class, 332
System.IO.StringWriter class, 334
System.IO.TextReader class, 331 “333
System.IO.TextWriter class, 333 “334
System.Management namespace, 722
System.Management.Instrumentation namespace, 722
System.Messaging namespace, 818
System.Messaging.dll assembly, 212
System.Messaging.Message class, 818
System.Messaging.MessageQueue class, 825
System.MulticastDelegate class, 218
<></> child element, 710
System.Object superclass, 221 , 283, 289
System.Policy namespace, 725
System.Reflection namespace, 348, 350 “355
System.Reflection.Assembly class, 351
System.Reflection.MemberInfo class, 351
System.Resources namespace, 718
<system.runtime.remoting></ system.runtime.remoting> child element, 710
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging namespace, 822
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.S oap.dll assembly, 212
systems support, required knowledge for COBAL programming, 62
System.Security.SecurityManager.Resolve Policy method, 742 “743
System.ServiceProcess namespace, 470
System.ServiceProcess.dll assembly, 212
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase class,
470 System.Text namespace, 210, 214
System.Threading namespace, 858
System.ValueType base class, 226, 250, 289 , 290
System.Web namespace, 486, 487 “491
<system.web></system.web>child element, 709
System.Web.Caching namespace, 486
System.Web.Caching.Cache class, 557
System.Web.Configuration namespace, 487
System.Web.dll assembly, 212
System.Web.Hosting namespace, 487
System.Web.HttpContext class, 488
System.Web.HttpWriter class, 334
System.Web.Mail namespace, 487
System.Web.Security namespace, 487
System.Web.Services namespace, 486, 503
System.Web.Services.Configuration namespace, 487, 503
System.Web.Services.Description namespace, 486, 503
System.Web.Services.Discovery namespace, 486, 503
System.Web.Services.dll assembly, 212
System.Web.Services.Protocols namespace, 486, 503
System.Web.SessionState namespace, 487
System.Web.UI namespace, 486, 491 “498
System.Web.UI.Design namespace, 487
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls namespace, 487
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespaces, 486, 530
System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter class, 334
System.Web.UI.Page class, 496 “498
System.Web.UI.TemplateControl class, 533
System.Web.UI.WebControls namespaces, 486, 530
System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator class, 535
System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompareVali dator class, 535
System.Web.UI.WebControls.CustomValid ator class, 535
System.Web.UI.WebControls.RangeValidat or class, 535
System.Web.UI.WebControls.RegularExpre ssionValidator class, 536
System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFiel dValidator class, 536
System.Web.UI.WebControls.ValidationSu mmary class, 535
System.Windows.Forms namespace, 459 “460, 464 “467
System.Windows.Forms.CommonDialog class, 466
System.Windows.Forms.dll assembly, 212
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox class, 510
System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar class, 511 “514
System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar class, 511 “514
System.Windows.Forms.Timer class, 466
System.Xml namespace, 434 “436, 464 “466
System.XML.dll assembly, 212
System.Xml.Schema namespace, 439
System.Xml.Serialization namespace, 440
System.Xml.XmlDataDocument class, 438
System.Xml.XmlDocument class, 436 “437
System.Xml.XmlNode class, 436
System.Xml.XmlReader class, 434 “436
System.Xml.XmlTextWriter class, 434 “436
System.Xml.XPath namespace, 439
System.Xml.Xsl namespace, 439

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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