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The default HP-UX kernel is:

  1. /stand/hpux

  2. /hpux/kernel

  3. /stand/vmunix

  4. /stand/hpux/kernel


The HP-UX kernel is:

  1. an executable file

  2. a text file

  3. a system image file that is loaded into memory at boot time

  4. a nonexecutable binary file


If you don't back up the old kernel:

  1. The new kernel never boots because it checks for the existence of the old kernel.

  2. You can't recover if the new kernel does not boot properly.

  3. The new kernel refuses to install if there is no backup copy, a safety feature enabled by Hewlett-Packard.

  4. None of the above.


A new kernel is rebuilt whenever you:

  1. install a new application

  2. change a kernel configurable parameter

  3. install a patch related to HP-UX commands

  4. don't shut down the system properly


For a proper memory dump, the size of the swap space must be larger than:

  1. the kernel size

  2. physical memory size

  3. any application size

  4. primary boot disk size


What does the sysdef command show?

  1. the system definition

  2. kernel tunable parameters

  3. kernel subsystems

  4. device drivers configured into the kernel


The maxswapchunks kernel parameter shows the value of maximum swap space:

  1. that can exist on the system

  2. used by each user

  3. per disk

  4. that can be used by a single application


HP Certified
HP Certified: HP-UX System Administration
ISBN: 0130183741
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 390
Authors: Rafeeq Rehman

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