
 <  Day Day Up  >  


Category: Design

Syntax: FieldType ( fileName ; fieldName )

Parameters: fileName ”the name of the open file where the field is located; fieldName ”the name of the field for which to return results.

Description: Returns a space-delimited string indicating the field type of the field specified by fieldName . There are four components to the string, each of which can contain several possible values. The possible values for each item are

Item 1: standard , storedcalc , summary , unstoredcalc , or global

Item 2: text , number , date , time , timestamp , or container

Item 3: indexed or unindexed

Item 4: Number of repetitions (1 for a non repeating field)

fieldName must be specified as Table::Field when referencing fields in tables outside of the current table context.



 FieldType ( Get (FileName) ; "Contacts::ContactID" ) 

might return values that look like this: standard number indexed 1 .


 FieldType ( Get (FileName) ; "Contacts::gTempName" ) 

might return values that look like this: global text unindexed 1 .


Using the Table::Field method for referencing fields as a matter of course avoids broken references when the current table context changes.

 <  Day Day Up  >  

QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
Year: 2003
Pages: 494 © 2008-2017.
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