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closeJava Programming with Oracle SQLJ
  Table of Contents
 open1. Introduction
 open2. Relational Databases, SQL, and PL/SQL
 open3. Fundamental SQLJ Programming
 open4. Database Objects
 open5. Collections
 open6. Deploying SQLJ in the JServer
 open7. Large Objects
 open8. Contexts and Multithreading
 open9. Advanced Transaction Control
 open10. Performance Tuning
 open11. Combining JDBC, SQLJ, and Dynamic SQL
 openA. Java and Oracle Type Mappings
 closeB. Oracle Java Utilities Reference
   B.1 Oracle SQLJ Translator
   B.2 JPublisher
   B.3 loadjava
   B.4 dropjava
  B.5 deployejb
 openC. SQLJ in Applets, Servlets, and JavaServer Pages

Database > Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ > B. Oracle Java Utilities Reference > B.5 deployejb


B.5 deployejb

You use deployejb to load Enterprise JavaBeans into an Oracle database. It is invoked from the command line using the following syntax:

deployejb -user user_name -password password -service iiop_URL  -descriptor descriptor_file -temp temp_directory JAR_file [option_list] iiop_URL := sess_iiop://host_name:port:sid

The syntax elements are as follows:


The username that you want deployejb to use when connecting to the database.


The password that goes along with the username that you supply.


The URL for the Internet Inter-Orb Protocol (IIOP). The IIOP service is used to communicate with the database when loading EJBs. You can get this URL from your DBA, and it has the following components:


The name of the machine on which the database is running; for example, localhost.


The port number for the IIOP listener. 2481 is the default IIOP listener port created when the Oracle database software is installed.


The database SID; for example, ORCL.


The file containing the EJB deployment descriptor.


A temporary directory used to hold intermediate files that deployejb creates when loading EJBs.


A JAR file containing the Java class files for the EJB.


A list of options separated by space characters. Table B-5 contains the list of options that you can use.

Table B-5. deployejb options




-addclasspath dir_list

Specifies a list of directories, dir_list, that contains any classes referenced, but not contained, in the EJB classes in JAR_file. Separate directories in dir_list using semicolon (;) characters.


-generated client_JAR

Specifies the name of an intermediate JAR file, client_JAR, containing files used during the communication between deployejb and the database.

The intermediate JAR file is the same name as the JAR_file, but with _generated appended to the end of the filename.


Displays a list of the deployejb options.



Keeps the intermediate files created by deployejb during the loading of the EJB in the temp_directory directory.

By default, the intermediate files are removed after the EJB is loaded.


If the EJB has already been loaded, using this option causes the EJB attributes to be recreated. If the EJB hasn't already been loaded, then the EJB attributes are created.

The EJB attributes are not recreated.

-role database_role

Specifies the database role to use when connecting to the database.



SSL is used to authenticate the database user and encrypt the communication between deployejb and the database.

SSL is not used for authentication and encryption.


Displays detailed progress messages during the execution of deployejb.



Displays the version number for deployejb.


The following command loads the class files contained in the JAR file customer.jar into the fundamental_user schema:

call deployejb -republish -temp temp  -user fundamental_user -password fundamental_password  -service sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL  -descriptor customer.ejb customer.jar

Index terms contained in this section

deployejb utility
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
      deployejb utility

Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
ISBN: 0596000871
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 150
Authors: Jason Price

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