Developing Your Own Web Service

Having decided on the issues described in the preceding sections and knowing what back-end methods to expose as Web service operations, you are now ready to use the tools and mechanisms provided by WebLogic Server to assemble your components into Web services. Figure 30.7 guides you through this process.

Figure 30.7. Follow these steps to create your WebLogic Web service.


The following list corresponds to the numbered points on Figure 30.7:

  1. Develop your back-end components, whether they are EJBs or Java classes.

  2. If your methods use user -defined types for parameters or result values, write or possibly generate those types.

  3. If you already have a WSDL file for this service, you can choose to run the WebLogic ClientGen tool (or autotype or wsdl2service Ant task with WLS Service Pack) and have it generate the UDT classes for you. Otherwise, you need to write them yourself. The serializers and deserializers can, in most cases, be generated for you. The wsdl2service task will actually generate an implementation skeleton.

  4. At this point, you can invoke the WebLogic ServiceGen tool to generate a Web service EAR file from your back-end components. By default, ServiceGen puts all your back-end methods into one Web service. However, you can control what methods are built and into which Web service they are placed if you decide to create multiple Web services. See "Understanding Web Service Packaging Considerations" later in this chapter for more information.

    In the service element of ServiceGen , specify the attribute expandMethods=true so you have the option of customizing your Web service deployment descriptor later, if necessary. Specify the attribute generateTypes=true so the serializers/deserializers will be automatically generated for you.


    Your Web service is complete now if you are creating synchronous RPC services, and you don't need to implement handlers or non-conforming user-defined types.

  5. If you are using handlers to intercept SOAP messages, you need to develop your Handler classes. WebLogic cannot generate Handler classes for you. See "Writing Message Handlers" in this chapter for details.

  6. You now need to configure the Web service to invoke the appropriate handler at the designated moment. To do this, expand (or unjar) your Web Service EAR file and edit the web-services .xml file to add Handler invocation attributes. See "Writing Message Handlers" for details.

  7. Are you using any user-defined type classes that WebLogic Server might not be able to automatically configure into your Web service for you? That is, WebLogic Server cannot generate an XML Schema, serializer class, and so on for you because your UDT is non-conforming. If so, you need to write these classes yourself. (Refer to "Using User-Defined Data Types" later in this chapter for the definition of non-conforming.)

  8. You now need to update the generated web-services.xml file to add the XML Schema under <types> , and mapping information between UDT classes and their respective serializer classes under <type-mappings> . See "Using User-Defined Types" for information on how to make these changes.

  9. Another consideration is whether you are implementing any asynchronous service operations. If so, you need to configure your JMS queues and destinations via the WebLogic Server Administration Console. Of course, the listener objects must be defined and written, which might involve message-driven beans (MDBs).

  10. You need to deploy any MDB listeners yourself. See "Writing Asynchronous Web Services" in this chapter for details.

  11. After you complete the preceding steps, you can either jar up the components into an EAR file again or deploy it as an expanded EAR. Be warned that if you run ServiceGen again, any manual changes you have made in web-services.xml will be lost.

WLS 7.0 Service Pack 1 offers more helpful tools for developing Web services. See "New Features in WLS 7.0 Service Packs" in this chapter for details.

WebLogic Ant Tasks

As shown in Figure 30.1, WebLogic provides two main Ant tasks for assembling Web services: ServiceGen and ClientGen . They are meant to be invoked from within an Ant build file, as part of building the components that constitute your Web service.


A Web service provider uses the ServiceGen task to automatically assemble various components and resources into a WebLogic Web service. Figure 30.8 shows a schematic of the ServiceGen task.

Figure 30.8. The make-up of the ServiceGen task.


As you can see, it is possible to define more than one Web service in a single deployable Web service EAR. This topic is discussed in more detail later, in "Understanding Web Service Packaging Considerations." Each service box represents the creation of a new Web service. A client subelement in a service directs the creation of a client JAR file for that service. Listing 30.1 shows the ServiceGen invocation for the TraderService example discussed previously.

Listing 30.1 Ant Build Code Snippet for Invoking ServiceGen
  1  <taskdef name ="servicegen" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs. webservices .servicegen.ServiceGenTask"/> <target name="build-ear"> <servicegen  2  destEar=" trader .ear"  3  warName="trader_service.war"  4  contextURI="webservice">  5  <service ejbJar="traderBean.jar" targetNamespace="" serviceName="TraderService" serviceURI="/TraderService" generateTypes="True" expandMethods="True" >  6  <client packageName="examples.webservices.complex.statelessSession" clientJarName="traderService_client.jar" /> </service> </servicegen> </target> 

First, you define a task called servicegen mapped to the WebLogic servicegen class (1). Actually, the first line of Listing 30.1 is unnecessary if you are using the Ant that is bundled with WLS. You then define an Ant target called build-ear requesting that it create an EAR file called trader.ear (2) and a WAR file called trader_service.war . If you do not specify a file extension here, servicegen will interpret these names as file folders where an expanded EAR and expanded WAR will be created. The next attribute, contextURI , defines the first part of the Web service URL, called the context root of this enterprise application. The URL of this service is defined as


Line 5 starts a Web service definition, using traderBean.jar for back-end EJBs and TraderService as the Web service name in its WSDL file. The attribute serviceURI defines the last part of the preceding URL for this Web service. In WebLogic, each Web service is deployed as a Web application, so serviceURI is actually the Web application's web-uri. Because the back-end EJB TraderBean uses the user-defined type TradeResult , you can specify generateTypes="True" so that ServiceGen will autotype and generate the serializer and deserializer class for it.

Line 6 requests that ServiceGen also generate the client JAR file and store it in the Web service EAR, which must be done if you want the client JAR to be downloadable from the Web service home page (and also not rename the client JAR, but assume its default name). See the next section, " ClientGen ," for details on clientgen parameters. The only difference between this <client> element of <service> and the ClientGen task is that with <client> you cannot specify a folder location for the destination client JAR; it must be a filename. Another difference is that <client> uses the deployment descriptor and back-end component interface when generating the client JAR, whereas ClientGen can take a WSDL file to generate the client JAR.


As Figure 30.1 shows, ClientGen can take a service description in the form of a WSDL file or an actual Web service EAR file and generate a client JAR file that contains everything a client needs to invoke the Web service. Listing 30.2 shows a simple ClientGen invocation.

Listing 30.2 Sample ClientGen Invocation
 <taskdef name="clientgen" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.clientgen.ClientGenTask"/> <target name="gen_clientjar" > <clientgen wsdl="http://localhost:7001/webservice/TraderService?WSDL" packageName="" typePackageName="examples.wlbook.udt" autotype="True" clientJar=".\test-client.jar" /> </target> 

This scriptlet obtains the WSDL of the TraderService example we've been discussing and then parses it to detect uses of any non “built-in types so it can generate Java source files for them. It also generates serializer and deserializer classes for each non “built-in type it finds (because you specified autotype="True" ). Of course, the client proxies for this service are also generated into the client JAR. The output JAR file is also named.


When ClientGen generates the client proxies, what package should they reside in? ClientGen has no idea, so you must tell it using the packageName attribute. Similarly for generated non “built-in types and serializers, you specify their package name using the typePackageName attribute.

Letting ClientGen Generate UDTs for You

In one use case, WebLogic can generate user-defined types (also known as non “built in types) for you: when you invoke ClientGen with an input WSDL description and the service operations use complex types. In this case, ClientGen will generate the actual Java source files that correspond to each complex type. It will even generate serializers and deserializers for those objects. The only effort on your part is to obtain or author the WSDL file.

Command-Line Utilities

WebLogic also provides command-line versions of ServiceGen and ClientGen , for use in non-Ant build environments. In this case, the invocation attributes are specified as command-line options, named to match (more or less) with the Ant task interface.

BEA WebLogic Platform 7
BEA WebLogic Platform 7
ISBN: 0789727129
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 360 © 2008-2017.
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