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face attribute, using with <font> tag, 181
fair use, determining, 168
fields, inserting in forms, 367. See also form field elements
< fieldset > (Form Field Grouping) element
overview of, 628-630
using with forms, 391-392
file extensions
relationship to URLs, 97-98
removing from URLs, 541
file protocol
description of, 99
examples of, 104-105
file system, explanation of, 96
considering lengths of, 542
relationship to URLs, 97-99
indicating with FTP, 105
requesting and referencing with HTTP URLs, 103
simplifying, 46
specifying with HTTP URLs, 103
filter extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 782
:first-child selector in CSS2, example of, 329-330
:first-letter and :first-line pseudo-elements, examples of, 283
:first-letter selector, description and example of, 285
:first-line selector, description and example of, 285
fixed-screen navigation, providing with frames , 231
fixed value of CSS2 position property, explanation of, 333, 335
Flash animation, overview of, 263-265
float property, using with CSS1, 322-324
floating frames, overview of, 243-244
:focus pseudoclass
in CSS1, 282
in CSS2, 330
font elements, example of, 182-184
@font-face, using with Microsoft's dynamic fonts, 187-188, 360
font-family property, using with CSS1, 292-293
font files, embedding, 360
font properties
in CSS1, 295-297
in CSS2, 341
font- size property, using with CSS1, 293-294
font sizes
changing, 180-181
elements associated with, 81
font-style property, using with CSS1, 294
font-variant property, using with CSS1, 294-295
font-weight property, using with CSS1, 294
<font> (Font Definition) element
versus <big> and <small> tags, 82
overview of, 630-631
syntax of, 180
fonts. See also downloadable fonts
for Apple Macintosh, 822-824
deprecation of, 184
document-wide settings for, 185
downloadable fonts, 186-188
integrating with user preferences in CSS2, 352-353
for Macintosh, 822-824
for Microsoft platforms and browsers, 820-822
Microsoft's dynamic fonts, 188-189
overview of, 180-189
specifying, 819-825
TrueDoc dynamic fonts, 187-188
for UNIX systems, 824-825
Web fonts, 185-186
for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix, 181-182
for loops , using with JavaScript, 448
foreign language counting systems, support in CSS2, 341
form accessibility enhancements. See also browser-specific form accessibility improvements
keyboard improvements, 393-394
tooltips and form fields, 394-395
form control for file uploading, using, 387-388
form data, using for CGI input, 416-418
form elements
referring to, 453-454
using event attributes with, 443-445
form field attributes, overview of, 396
form field elements. See also fields
for accessibility, 394-395
buttons , 388-389
check boxes, 380-382
multiple-line text input, 375-376
passwords fields, 374-375
pull-down menus , 376-378
radio buttons, 382-383
Reset and Submit buttons, 384-385
scrolled lists, 379-380
sizing, 373
text fields, 372-376
form fields
accessing contents of, 453
updating contents of, 454
form presentation
and CSS, 400-402
with HTML, 397-399
form syntax, example of, 416
form validation library Web address, 461
form validation script, 467-471. See also validation
<form> (Form for User Input) element
action attributes used with, 367-368
enctype attributes used with, 370-371
get methods used with, 368-369
method attributes used with, 368-370
overview of, 366-367, 631-633
post methods used with, 369-370
requirements for use of, 367
bad example of, 397
creating menu categories in, 379
example of, 371
<fieldset> and </fieldset> tag pair used with, 391-392
good example of, 399
hidden <input> type used with, 385-387
image <input> type used with, 385-387
interactivity of, 366
<legend> and </legend> tag pair used with, 391-392
preliminaries of, 366
and scripting, 402
use of, 365
using labels in, 390-391
using name and id attributes with, 371-372
wrapping text in, 376
FQDN (fully qualified domain name), explanation of, 94-95
&frac12; (one-half fraction) HTML character entity, description of, 802
&frac14; (one-quarter fraction) HTML character entity, description of, 802
&frac34; (three-fourths fraction) HTML character entity, description of, 802
fragment identifiers, setting with <a> (anchor) tags, 112
fragments , relationship to URLs, 100
frame attribute, using with tables, 225
frame borders, removing, 242
frame interface, example of, 232
frame layouts, overview of, 239-243
frame targeting, overview of, 237-239
<frame> (Window Region) element, overview of, 633-635
ensuring naming of, 237
example of, 233-234
within frames, 239
overview of, 231-233
problems with, 245-246
setting scrolling on, 243
using, 244-245
<frameset> element, 9-10
example of, 233-234
overview of, 636-638
three-row, header-footer type of, 239
framesets, nesting, 239-240
FrontPage HTML development tool, overview of, 43
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
as authenticated protocol, 105
description of, 99
examples of, 105-106
functionality testing, performing for Web site projects, 50

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HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 007222942X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 252
Authors: Thomas Powell © 2008-2017.
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