Section 3.4. Merging Packages

3.4. Merging Packages

UML supports a somewhat complex concept of merging packages. Merging packages differs from importing packages in that merge, by definition, creates relationships between classes of the same name. The motivation behind package merging comes directly from the evolution of UML from 1.x to 2.0. UML 2.0 defines the base concept of elements and allows specific diagram types to extend a base concept without needing to provide a new name for it. For example, UML extends several core Behavioral State Machine concepts into Protocol State Machine concepts while retaining their original name.

When a package merges another package, any class of the same type and name automatically extends (or has a generalization relationship to) the original class. For example, UML can define the concept of the include relationship at a generic level and then specialize it for use cases inclusion and retain the name include. This type of extension has simplified the internals of the UML model but rarely makes an appearance in real-world development.

You show package merging using a dashed line with an open arrow from the merging package to the merged package. Label this line with the keyword «merge». Figure 3-7 shows an example of merging two packages.

Figure 3-7. ProtocolStateMachines merging the elements from BehavioralStateMachines so it can add to the contained classes

The rules for package merge are:

  • Private members of a package aren't merged with anything.

  • Classes in the package performing the merge that have the same name and type as classes in the merged package(s) get a generalization relationship to the merged class(es). Note that this can result in multiple inheritance, but UML allows this.

  • You can still reference any of the original classes by explicitly scoping the class using the original package name.

  • Classes that exist only in the merged package or the merging package remain unchanged and are added to the merging package.

  • Subpackages within the merged package are added to the merging package if they don't already exist.

  • If a subpackage with the same name already exists in the merging package, another merge is started between the two subpackages.

  • Any package imports from the merged package become package imports from the merging package. Elements that are imported aren't merged (i.e., aren't given generalization relationships). If an imported element conflicts with an element in the merging package, the merging package's element takes precedence and the imported element must be explicitly qualified.

UML 2.0 in a Nutshell
UML 2.0 in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596007957
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 132 © 2008-2017.
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