Hack 45. Intercept and Modify Form Submissions

 < Day Day Up > 

Gain the ultimate control over web forms.

Web forms have two modes: GET and POST. Search engines are examples of forms that use the GET method; once you submit the form, you can see all the form values in the URL of the next page. POST forms, on the other hand, are opaque. You can tell you submitted the form, but the URL doesn't reveal any information about what data you actually submitted. Most e-commerce sites, weblog commenting applications, and even some site searches use the POST method.

This hack gives you the ultimate control over POST forms. When you submit the form, it pops up a window that displays all the form fields and their values, and lets you edit any of the fields even fields that were hidden on the original page.

5.7.1. The Code

This user script runs on all pages. It looks for forms with a method="POST" attribute and adds an onsubmit event. As discussed in "Enter Textile Markup in Web Forms" [Hack #35], this is not enough to guarantee that the script will intercept all form submissions, so we also override the submit method on the HTMLFormElement class.

When the user attempts to submit a form, the script looks for all editable or hidden form fields and constructs a form-editing window. In this window, the user can modify the value of any form field and submit the modified values, submit the original form values, or cancel the form submission altogether.

Save the following user script as post-interceptor.user.js:

 // ==UserScript== // @name POST Interceptor // @description Intercept POST requests and let user modify before submit // @namespace http://kailasa.net/prakash/greasemonkey/ // @include http*://example.com/* // ==/UserScript== // based on code by Prakash Kailasa // and included here with his gracious permission // // IMPORTANT: Be sure to change/add @include lines for the sites you //   want the script to work on const POST_INTERCEPT = 'PostIntercept'; var intercept_on; var is_modified = false; function toggle_intercept(flag) { intercept_on = flag; GM_setValue(POST_INTERCEPT, intercept_on); setup_pi_button(); } function setup_pi_button() { var pi = document.getElementById('__pi_toggle'); if (!pi) { pi = new_node('span', '__pi_toggle'); pi.textContent = '[PI]'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(pi); pi.addEventListener('click',  function() {toggle_intercept(!intercept_ on)},  false); var pi_toggle_style = ' \ #__pi_toggle { \    position: fixed; \   bottom: 0; right: 0; \   display: inline; \  padding: 2px; \  font: caption; \  font-weight: bold; \  cursor: crosshair; \    } \    #__pi_toggle:hover { \       border-width: 2px 0 0 2px; \  border-style: solid none none solid; \  border-color: black; \    } \    '; add_style("__pi_toggle_style", pi_toggle_style); } if (intercept_on) { pi.textContent = '[PI] is On'; pi.setAttribute('title', 'Click to turn POST Interceptor Off'); pi.style.backgroundColor = '#0c2369'; pi.style.color = '#ddff00'; } else { pi.textContent = '[PI] is Off'; pi.setAttribute('title', 'Click to turn POST Interceptor On'); pi.style.backgroundColor = '#ccc'; pi.style.color = '#888';     } } function interceptor_setup( ) { if (typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined') { intercept_on = GM_getValue(POST_INTERCEPT, false); setup_pi_button( ); } else { intercept_on = true; } // override submit handling HTMLFormElement.prototype.real_submit = HTMLFormElement.prototype. submit; HTMLFormElement.prototype.submit = interceptor; // define our 'submit' handler on window, to avoid defining // on individual forms window.addEventListener('submit', function(e) { // stop the event before it gets to the element and causes onsubmit to // get called. e.stopPropagation( ); // stop the form from submitting e.preventDefault( ); interceptor(e); }, true); } // interceptor: called in place of form.submit( ) // or as a result of submit handler on window (arg: event) function interceptor(e) { var frm = e ? e.target : this; if (!interceptor_onsubmit(frm)) { return false; } if (intercept_on) { show(frm); return false; } else { HTMLFormElement.prototype.real_submit.apply(frm); } } // if any form defined an onsubmit handler, it was saved earlier. // call it now function interceptor_onsubmit(f) { return !f.onsubmit || f.onsubmit( ); } function show(frm) { var content = build(frm); content.open( ); } function build(frm) { add_window_style( ); var container = new_node('div', 'post_interceptor'); container.className = '_ _pi_window'; var title = new_node('h1'); title.className = '_ _pi_title'; title.appendChild(new_text_node('Intercepting POST ' + post_url(frm))); container.appendChild(title); var note = new_node('div', '_ _pi_note'); note.appendChild(new_text_node('Click on any value to modify it')); container.appendChild(note); var data = build_post_data(frm); container.appendChild(data); var buttons = new_node('div', '_ _pi_buttons'); var btn_send_mod = new_node('button', '_ _pi_btn_send_mod'); btn_send_mod.className = '_ _pi_button'; btn_send_mod.appendChild(new_text_node('Send Modified')); buttons.appendChild(btn_send_mod); btn_send_mod.addEventListener('click', function(e) { submit_modified(win); }, false); var btn_send_orig = new_node('button', '_ _pi_btn_send_orig'); btn_send_orig.className = '_ _pi_button'; btn_send_orig.appendChild(new_text_node('Send Original')); buttons.appendChild(btn_send_orig); btn_send_orig.addEventListener('click', function(e) { submit_original(win); }, false); var btn_cancel = new_node('button', '_ _pi_btn_cancel'); btn_cancel.className = '_ _pi_button'; btn_cancel.appendChild(new_text_node('Cancel')); buttons.appendChild(btn_cancel); container.appendChild(buttons); btn_cancel.addEventListener('click', function(e) { cancel_submit(win); }, false); var win = Window(container, frm); return win; } // POST content function build_post_data(f) { var table = new_node('table'); // heading var thead = new_node('thead'); var th_row = new_node('tr'); var attrs = new Array('name', 'type', 'value'); for (var a = 0; a < attrs.length; a++) { var th = new_node('th'); th.appendChild(new_text_node(attrs[a].ucFirst( ))); th_row.appendChild(th); } thead.appendChild(th_row); table.appendChild(thead); // data var tbody = new_node('tbody'); for (var i = 0; i < f.elements.length; i++) { var row = new_node('tr'); row.className = i % 2 == 0 ? '_ _pi_row_even' : '_ _pi_row_odd'; //for (var a in attrs) { for (var a = 0; a < attrs.length; a++) { var cell = new_node('td', '_ _pi_cell_' + attrs[a] + '_' + i); cell.className = '_ _pi_cell_' + attrs[a]; var data; if (attrs[a] == 'value') { data = new_node('input', '_ _pi_cell_value_text_' + i); data.value = f.elements[i][attrs[a]]; data.readOnly = true; data.className = '_ _pi_view_field'; data.maxLength = 1000; cell.addEventListener("click", show_edit, false); } else { data = new_text_node(f.elements[i][attrs[a]]); } cell.appendChild(data); row.appendChild(cell); } tbody.appendChild(row); } table.appendChild(tbody); var data = new_node('div', '_ _pi_post_info'); data.className = '_ _pi_post_info'; data.appendChild(table); return data; } // hide value and show edit field function show_edit(e) { var view, cell; if (e.target.nodeName == 'INPUT') { view = e.target; cell = view.parentNode; } else { cell = e.target; view = cell.firstChild; } view._ _origValue = view.value; view.className = '_ _pi_edit_field'; view.readOnly = false; view.addEventListener("blur", show_view, false); } // hide edit field and show modified value function show_view(e) { var view = e.target; view.className = '_ _pi_view_field'; view.addEventListener("click", show_edit, false); if (view.value != view._ _origValue) { is_modified = true; view.parentNode.parentNode.className += ' _ _pi_modified'; } } // build POST url function post_url(f) { // absolute URL? if (f.action.match(/^https?:/)) return f.action; // relative URL; build complete URL var url = document.location.protocol + '//' + document.location. hostname; if (f.action.match(/^\//)) { url += f.action; } else { url += document.location.pathname + '/' + f.action; } return url; } // cancel submit; just close the Interceptor window function cancel_submit(win) { win.close( ); } // ignore form modifications and submit original form function submit_original(win) { win.close( ); HTMLFormElement.prototype.real_submit.apply(win.form); } // submit form with modified parameters function submit_modified(win) { if (is_modified) { update_form(win); } submit_original(win); } // update the form being submitted with user modifications function update_form(win) { var f = win.form; var diff = 'submitting ' + f.name + ':\n'; for (var i = 0; i > f.elements.length; i++) { var edit = document.getElementById('_ _pi_cell_value_text_' + i); if (edit && edit.value != f.elements[i].value) { diff += f.elements[i].name + ': |' + f.elements[i].value + '| -> |' + edit.value + '|\n'; // update the original form param f.elements[i].value = edit.value; } } } // helper functions function new_node(type, id) { var node = document.createElement(type); if (id && id.length > 0) { node.id = id; } return node; } function new_text_node(txt) { return document.createTextNode(txt); } function add_style(style_id, style_rules) { if (document.getElementById(style_id)) { return; } var style = new_node("style", style_id); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = style_rules; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); } // style for the interceptor window function add_window_style( ) { var pi_style_rules = ' \ .post_interceptor { \ margin: 0; padding: 0; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_window { \   background-color: #bfbfff; \   border-color: #000040; \   border-style: solid; \   border-width: 2px; \   /* opacity: .90; */ \   margin: 0px; \   padding: 1px 2px; \   position: absolute; \   text-align: center; \   visibility: hidden; \   \   -moz-border-radius: 15px; \  } \   \  ._ _pi_title { \   background-color: #4040ff; \   color: #ffffff; \   margin: 1px; padding: 1px; \   font: caption; \   font-weight: bold; \   text-align: center; \   white-space: nowrap; \   overflow: hidden; \  \   -moz-border-radius: 20px; \  } \   \ #_ _pi_note { \   border: solid 0px black; \   color: #800000; \   margin: 0; \   font: caption; \   font-weight: bold; \   text-align: center; \ } \  \ #_ _pi_buttons { \   width: 99%; \   text-align: center; \   position: absolute; \   bottom: 5px; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_button { \       background-color: #4040ff; \   color: #fff; \   margin: 0 5px; padding: 2px; \   font: icon; \   font-weight: bold; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_button:hover { \   background-color: #ff4040; \   cursor: pointer; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_post_info { \   max-height: 335px; \   overflow: auto; \   margin: 3px 2px; padding: 0; \   border: 1px solid #008080; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_post_info table { \       width: 100%; \  font: bold .7em "sans serif"; \ } \      \ ._ _pi_post_info table thead tr { \       background-color: black; \   color: white; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_row_odd { \       background-color: #eee; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_row_even { \       background-color: #ccc; \   } \  \ ._ _pi_view_field { \   background-color: inherit; \   border: 0px solid black; \   width: 20em; \   font: bold 1em "sans serif"; \ } \  \ ._ _pi_edit_field { \   background-color: #ffc; \   color: blue; \   border: 1px solid black; \   padding: -1px; \   width: 20em; \   font: bold 1em "sans serif"; \ } \  \ tr._ _pi_modified td, tr._ _pi_modified input { \   color: red; \ } \  \ '; add_style("_ _pi_style", pi_style_rules); } //=============================================================== // Popup Window function Window(el, frm) { document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(el); var win = { frame: el, form: frm, open: function( ) { var width = 550; var height = 400; this.frame.style.width = width + 'px'; this.frame.style.height = height + 'px'; this.frame.style.left = parseInt(window.scrollX + (window.innerWidth - width)/2) + 'px'; this.frame.style.top = parseInt(window.scrollY + (window.innerHeight - height)/2) + 'px'; this.frame.style.visibility = "visible"; }, close: function( ) { this.frame.style.visibility = "hidden"; }, }; return win; } String.prototype.ucFirst = function ( ) { var firstLetter = this.substr(0,1).toUpperCase( ) return this.substr(0,1).toUpperCase( ) + this.substr(1,this.length); } interceptor_setup( ); 

5.7.2. Running the Hack

As you install the user script (Tools Install This User Script), be sure to add http://www.google.com/* to the list of included pages. Once the user script is installed, go to http://www.google.com/advanced_search. In the bottom-right corner of the screen, you will see a small button titled "[PI] is Off," as shown in Figure 5-10.

Figure 5-10. Post Interceptor, off by default

By default, Post Interceptor does nothing until you click this button to turn it on. Click it now and it will change to read "[PI] is On."

Now, click the Google Search button in the upper-right corner of the page. Instead of taking you directly to the search results, Post Interceptor will pop up a window that displays details about the form you are about submit, as shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11. Post Interceptor window

The form has not been submitted yet. Now you have several options. You can click any form field to modify the value even hidden fields.

If you are happy with your changes, you can submit the modified form. If you don't like the changes you've made but want to submit the form with the data you originally entered (and the values of the hidden form fields that the page originally set), you can submit the original form. If you decide not to submit the form at all, you can cancel the submission and return to the original page.

     < Day Day Up > 

    Greasemonkey Hacks
    Greasemonkey Hacks: Tips & Tools for Remixing the Web with Firefox
    ISBN: 0596101651
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 168
    Authors: Mark Pilgrim

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