

CCB (Change Control Board), purpose of, 317
CCS (change control system), explanation of, 317
certification, balancing with experience, 195 “196, 400
change control
establishing, 317 “326
path followed by, 320
spurring new projects as result of, 322
Change Impact Statements, responses on, 323 “324
controlling, 336
from external forces, 327 “328
impacts of, 318 “319
implementing in projects, 326 “329
from internal forces, 326 “327
Chapter Exercises
for Building the Project Plan , 275 “278
for Completing the Project , 446 “447
for Creating a Work Breakdown Structure , 175 “181
for Creating the Budget , 148 “151
for Enforcing Quality , 384 “385
for Implementing the Project Plan , 306 “310
for Initiating the Project , 29 “30
for Managing Teams , 414 “416
for Organizing a Project Team , 231 “235
for Planning the Project , 64 “65
for Revising the Project Plan , 343 “347
for Working with Management , 102 “105
Chapter Quiz
for Building the Project Plan , 272 “275
for Completing the Project , 443 “445
for Creating a Work Breakdown Structure , 172 “174
for Creating the Budget , 145 “148
for Enforcing Quality , 381 “383
for Implementing the Project Plan , 304 “306
for Initiating the Project , 26 “28
for Managing Teams , 411 “413
for Organizing a Project Team , 228 “230
for Planning the Project , 61 “64
for Revising the Project Plan , 340 “343
for Working with Management , 99 “101
Chermely, Eric interview, 57 “60
Cisco web address, 400
closing phase of project management, significance of, 363 “364
Coercive power of IT project managers
applying to creating project teams, 198
explanation of, 74
committed cost, explanation of, 293
communication skills, importance to IT project managers, 360
Communications Management Plan, adding to project plan, 245
communications plans, creating for working with management, 89 “91
completion dates, finding for projects, 19 “20
compromising approach toward resolving disagreements , explanation of, 207
CompTIA Institute web address, 400
Concept Definition Statement, writing for feasibility plans, 39 “40
conflict resolution
guidelines for, 47 “48
in project teams, 206 “207, 209 “210, 224 “225
in Microsoft Project, 264 “265
working with, 253 “256
contingency plans. See also planning projects
creating, 55 “56
using PNDs for, 250
Continuous Quality Improvement, relationship to TQM, 373
getting and keeping, 492
types of, 219 “220
control charts , using for quality, 371
controlling phase of project management, significance of, 363
cost estimates. See also BAC (Budget at Completion); budgets
implementing bottom-up cost estimates, 114 “120
implementing top-down estimating, 121 “122
including in project plan, 244
Cost Management Plan, adding to project plan, 245
cost of goods, determining, 129 “132
cost of quality analysis, role in planning for quality, 366
cost performance, monitoring with trend analysis, 372
Cowboy personality type, dealing with, 211
CPFF (Cost Plus Fixed Fee) contracts, explanation of, 219
CPI (cost performance index), calculating, 297
CPIF (Cost Plus Incentive Fee) contracts, explanation of, 219
CPPC (Cost Plus Percentage of Cost) contracts, explanation of, 219
crashing process, impact on project schedule, 262
critical path
examining at end of projects, 424 “426
finding in PNDs, 258 “259
cumulative reports , role in implementing quality, 376
CV (cost variance)
explanation of, 292
role in EVM, 295

IT Project Management
IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, Third Edition
ISBN: 0071700439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 195 © 2008-2017.
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