

o codes for characters , 379
O command, 107
Object Creation Modes dialog box, 181
Object Grouping dialog box, 145 “146, 145, 149 “150
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), 631 “634 , 632 “634
editing links in, 635
for embedding data, 636 “637
for multimedia, 634
Object options
for 3D rotating, 711
for area, 613
for slices, 792
Object Properties toolbar, 162
Object Select tool, 830
Object Selection cursor, 50, 51
Object Selection Cycling feature, 104, 522
Object Selection Filters dialog box, 561, 561
Object Selection mode, 57
Object Snap tab, 108 “109, 109, 115, 121, 121, 435, 435
Object Snap toolbar, 20
Object Snap Tracking. See Osnap Tracking and overrides
Object Type option, 565
object types
adding, 760
for hatch patterns, 266
for Quick Select, 565
Object UCS tool, 686
ObjectARX programming environment, 861
aligning, 118 “125 , 119 “125, 710 “711 , 711, 852 “853, 853
area of, 610 , 611
bounded, 611 “613 , 612
complex, 613 “615 , 614 “615
associating dimensions with, 431 “433 , 432 “433
attaching data to, 850
blocked. See blocks
breaking, 163, 217 “218 , 217, 506 “507, 507
colors for, 8, 181
converting, 581
copying. See copying
for defining surfaces, 702 “704 , 703 “704
deselecting , 57
editing, 67 “71, 100 “105, 427 “429, 428
erasing and deleting, 28 , 29, 114 “115 , 115, 510 , 511
along circular surface, 706 “707 , 707
along straight lines, 704 “706 , 705 “706
filleting, 117, 118
groups of, 144 “152
inserting, 215 “217, 215
layers for, 159 “161 , 831
length of, 227 “228
line types for, 181
locating, 99 , 100
mirroring, 113, 115, 141
moving, 61 “62 , 62, 69 “70
nonorthogonal , dimensions for, 436 “441 , 437 “441
number of, 617
overlapping, 271 “272 , 271
plot styles for, 327
assigning, 331 “333 , 331 “333
named, 327 “330 , 328 “330
properties for, 78 “79 , 79
rotating. See rotating
scaling, 521 “523 , 522 “523
selecting, 28 , 56 “58 , 57 “58
base points for, 58 “62
close and overlapping, 104 , 522
filters for, 560 “565 , 564
noun/verb method, 62 , 64 , 66
options for, 63
sorting, 605
stretching, 67 “69 , 68, 520 “521 , 521
trimming, 102 “105 , 103, 105, 507 “509
Objects field for sheet sets, 980
oblique angle
for dimension text, 421
for text, 369, 369
oblique dimension lines, 444
Oblique options, 421
Obscuredcolor system variable, 653 “654
Obscuredltype system variable, 653 “654
odd-shaped viewports, 549 “551 , 550 “551
Off option for layers, 167
office standards, 944 “950
Offset command, 505
Offset Faces tool, 796
Offset From Dim Line option, 409, 409
Offset From Origin option, 411, 411
Offset tool, 36, 36, 107, 107, 576
offsets, 217, 217, 505
with digitizing tablets, 491
for dimensions, 404, 404
for multilines , 232
in plotting, 304 , 305
for polylines, 576 “577, 577
for reference lines, 107 “108, 108
for surfaces, 796 , 797
for UCS orientation, 687 “689 , 688
for Xlines, 220 “222, 221
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding), 631 “634 , 632 “634
editing links in, 635
for embedding data, 636 “637
for multimedia, 634
OLE Properties dialog box, 372
On/Off layer option, 166, 167
One Color option, 269
Online Resources option, 76
online services, 865 “866
Oops command, 130
opaque horizontal surfaces, 656 “658 , 656 “658
Open And Save tab, 13, 13
for exporting dxf files, 625
for external references, 277
for log files, 182 “183, 182, 619
for memory, 280
for passwords, 910
open crosses and tees, multiline edit tool for, 234
Open dialog box, 372
Open Drawings tool, 938
Open option for polylines, 579
Open Sheet Set dialog box, 974
Open Source OLE option, 635
Open tool, 950
bitmap files for icons, 875
exported files, 391
files, 22 “23
with DesignCenter, 935
multiple, 29 “31 , 29 “30
as read-only, 195
in Sheet Set Manager, 962 , 962
to views, 251
toolbars , 872
Operator option, 565
operators in Diesel, 889
options, choosing, 51 “56 , 53
Options dialog box, 12 “13, 12 “13
for associative dimensions, 430, 555
for color, 157
for cursor, 50
for demand loading, 282
for external references, 276, 533
for fonts, 398
for isolines, 783
for Layout tabs, 311
for line weights, 317
for log files, 182 “183, 182 “183, 619
for memory, 280
for named plot styles, 328, 330
for new drawings, 39, 39
for output devices, 335
for plot style tables, 312
for plotting, 342 “343
for Publish, 345
for Qtext, 399
for right-click menus , 5
for scroll bars, 202
for sheet sets, 959, 965
for smoothness, 732
for solid fills, 606
for solid polylines, 576
for spelling dictionaries, 396, 396
for templates, 192
for Text Window, 620
Options menu
Auto Viewport command, 246
Dynamic Update command, 246
Realtime Zoom command, 246
Options option in Layer Manager, 829
Options tab for passwords, 910
Or command, 445
OR operations
in grouping, 563
in searches, 73
ordering objects, 151, 605
Ordinate Dimension tool, 445
ordinate dimensions, 445 “446 , 445
of dimension text, 409
of paper, 297
of table text, 386 “388 , 386 “388
with UCS, 686 “691 , 688 “690
Origin UCS tool, 688
for dimensions, 404, 404
for drawings, 137, 137
for hatch patterns, 256
for line groups, 902, 903
in ordinate dimensions, 445 “446
for plotters , 304, 305, 344 , 345
for snap mode, 95
for UCS, 445 “446, 675, 675, 686 “689 , 688
Ortho button, 98
Ortho mode, 98 , 491
orthogonal lines, 486 “488
orthogonal projections, 806
Orthogonal scales , 483
Orthogonal views, 648 “650 , 648 “649, 808 “810 , 809
Orthographic & Isometric Views tab, 650
Orthographic UCSs tab, 674 “675
Osnap marker, 50, 51
Osnap menu, 58 “60, 59
Osnap Snap Tracking feature, 512 “515
Osnap Tracking and overrides, 50
for 3D Faces, 659, 661
for aligning objects, 118 “125 , 119 “125
for base points, 59 “60, 60 “61
for calculator, 566 “567
for center of circles, 454
for construction lines, 218 “225
for dimensions, 435
disabling, 57
with inserting, 216 , 216
for lines, 210 “213 , 486
for midpoints, 112
options for, 115 “116
in Paper Space, 543
with Polar Tracking, 98, 124, 124
for polylines, 695, 695
for text alignment, 357 , 357
in UCS, 676
Osnap Tracking vector, 212
Other field for sheet sets, 980
Other Predefined tab, 263, 263
Otrack button, 121, 210
Outer hatch pattern style, 266
output devices
adding, 335 “340 , 335 “339
plotters. See plotters
Output tab
for output devices, 335
for plot style tables, 312
Outside Borders option, 390
"**Outside limits" message, 90
Over The Dimension Line, With A Leader option, 413
Over The Dimension Line, Without A Leader option, 413
overlapping objects
display order with, 271 “272 , 271
erasing, 114
raster images, 496 “497
selecting, 104 , 522
solid lines and shaded fills, 605 , 605
viewports, 543
Overlay option, 280
overlays. See layers
overscore characters, 379
Overview option, 950
Overwrite Existing Style option, 849

Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
Mastering AutoCAD 2005 and AutoCAD LT 2005
ISBN: 0782143407
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 261
Authors: George Omura © 2008-2017.
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