Searching for Patterns in Files - kgrep


Korn Shell: Unix and Linux Programming Manual, Third Edition, The
By Anatole Olczak

Table of Contents
Appendix D.  Sample Korn Shell Scripts

Searching for Patterns in Files - kgrep

This is the Korn shell version of the Unix grep command. The b option is not supported, and the i flag causes multi-character expressions to be matched in both all upper-case or all lower-case (kgrep i AbC test matches AbC, abc, or ABC in test, but not aBc or other permutations). Here are the supported options:


display the number of lines that contain the given pattern


ignore case of letters during comparison (see above)


display only names of files with matching lines once


display the output with line numbers


do not display error messages


display all lines, except those that match the given expression

 #!/bin/ksh  #  #      kgrep - Korn Shell grep program  #  # Declare default flags  CFLAG= IFLAG= LFLAG= NFLAG= SFLAG= VFLAG=  integer LNUM=0 COUNT=0 TOT_COUNT=0  # Disable file name generation  set -f  # Check usage  if (($# < 2))  then        print "Usage: $0 [options] expression files"        exit 1  fi  # Parse command-line options  while true  do        case $1 in              -b* )  print "b option not supported" ;;              -c* )  CFLAG=1 ;;              -i* )  IFLAG=1 ;;              -l* )  LFLAG=1 ;;              -n* )  NFLAG=1 ;;              -s* )  SFLAG=1 ;;              -v* )  VFLAG=1 ;;              -* )          print "$0: unknown flag $1"                            exit 2 ;;              * )           PATTERN=$1                            shift                            break ;;        esac        shift  done  # Set no-print flags  NOPRINT=$VFLAG$CFLAG$LFLAG  V_NOPRINT=$CFLAG$LFLAG  # Set upper/lower pattern  typeset -u UCPATTERN=$PATTERN  typeset -l LCPATTERN=$PATTERN  # Check for file arg  if (($# == 0))  then        print "Must have file argument"        exit 1  fi  # Process files  for FILE  do       # Open file for standard input       exec 0<$FILE       # Read each line in file       while read -r LINE       do            # Increment line number counter            ((LNUM+=1))            # Check each line for the pattern            case $LINE in                  # See if PATTERN matches input                  *$PATTERN*)                        if [[ $VFLAG = "" ]]                        then                              [[ $NOPRINT = "" ]] &&  \  print -r "${NFLAG:+$LNUM:}$LINE"                              ((COUNT+=1))                        fi ;;                 # For -i option: See if                 # upper/lowercase patterns match                 *$UCPATTERN* | *$LCPATTERN*)                      if [[ $IFLAG != "" ]]                      then                           if [[ $VFLAG = "" ]]                           then                             [[ $NOPRINT = "" ]] &&  \  print -r "${NFLAG:+$LNUM:}$LINE"                             ((COUNT+=1))                           fi                      else                           if [[ $VFLAG != "" ]]                           then                             [[ $V_NOPRINT = "" ]] && \   print -r "${NFLAG:+$LNUM:}$LINE"                             ((COUNT+=1))                           fi                      fi ;;                 # For -v option: See if                 # pattern doesn't match                 !(*$PATTERN*))                      if [[ $VFLAG != "" ]]                      then                           [[ $V_NOPRINT = "" ]] &&  \  print -r "${NFLAG:+$LNUM:}$LINE"                           ((COUNT+=1))                      fi ;;            esac       done        # Process -l flag        # Display just the filename        # if there are matches in this file        if [[ $LFLAG != "" ]] && ((COUNT))        then              print - $FILE        fi        # Increment the total match counter        # for when kgrep'ing multiple files        ((TOT_COUNT+=COUNT))        # Reset the line number counter for the next file        LNUM=0        # Reset the match counter for the next file        COUNT=0  done  # Process -c flag  # Display the total number of matches found  [[ $CFLAG != "" ]] && print $TOT_COUNT  # Exit successfully  exit 0 


    Korn Shell. Unix and Linux Programming Manual, Third Edition
    Korn Shell. Unix and Linux Programming Manual, Third Edition
    ISBN: N/A
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2000
    Pages: 177 © 2008-2017.
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