Acme Travel Agency Case Study: Step 2


Application Development Using Visual Basic and .NET
By Robert J. Oberg, Peter Thorsteinson, Dana L. Wyatt
Table of Contents
Chapter 6.  VB.NET in the .NET Framework

We will now apply our knowledge of interfaces to a little restructuring of the Acme case study. A major benefit of using interfaces is that they raise the level of abstraction somewhat, helping you to understand the system by way of the interface contracts, without worrying about how the system is implemented.


As usual, our case study code is in the CaseStudy directory for this chapter.

The Contracts

There are two main sets of contracts in the Acme Travel Agency Case Study. The first specifies operations on customers, and the second, operations involving hotels.

Customer Contract

The ICustomer interface shown below specifies the methods to be used by clients in the Acme Travel Agency system.

 Public Interface ICustomer    Function RegisterCustomer(_      ByVal firstName As String, _      ByVal lastName As String, _      ByVal emailAddress As String) As Integer    Sub UnregisterCustomer(ByVal id As Integer)    Function GetCustomer(_      ByVal id As Integer) As ArrayList    Sub ChangeEmailAddress(_      ByVal id As Integer, _      ByVal emailAddress As String) End Interface 

The RegisterCustomer , UnregisterCustomer , and ChangeEmailAddress method definitions are exactly the same as the methods we implemented in the Customers class. The GetCustomer method is new. Previously, we had a ShowCustomers method, which displayed a list of customers to the console. This method was strictly temporary. For general use we want to return data and let the client decide what to do with it. The GetCustomer method returns information about one or all customers in an array list. If -1 is passed for the ID, the list will contain all the registered customers. Otherwise, the list will contain the customer information for the customer with the given ID. If no customer has that ID, the list will be empty.

Hotel Contracts

We next look at the functionality of the class HotelBroker . The methods divide fairly naturally into three groups.

  • Hotel information, such as the cities where hotels are available and the hotels within a city

  • Hotel administration, such as adding or deleting a hotel or changing the number of rooms and rate of a hotel

  • Hotel reservations, such as booking or canceling a reservation or obtaining a list of reservations

Accordingly, we create three interfaces for the HotelBroker . These interfaces are defined in AcmeDefinitions.vb .

 Public Interface IHotelInfo    Function GetCities() As ArrayList    Function GetHotels() As ArrayList    Function GetHotels(_      ByVal city As String) As ArrayList End Interface Public Interface IHotelAdmin    Function AddHotel(_      ByVal city As String, _      ByVal name As String, _      ByVal numberRooms As Integer, _      ByVal rate As Decimal) As String    Function DeleteHotel(_      ByVal city As String, _      ByVal name As String) As String    Function ChangeRooms(_      ByVal city As String, _      ByVal name As String, _      ByVal numberRooms As Integer, _      ByVal rate As Decimal) As String End Interface Public Interface IHotelReservation    Function MakeReservation(_      ByVal customerId As Integer, _      ByVal city As String, _      ByVal hotel As String, _      ByVal checkinDate As DateTime, _      ByVal numberDays As Integer) _      As ReservationResult    Sub CancelReservation(ByVal id As Integer)    Function FindReservationsForCustomer(_      ByVal customerId As Integer) As ArrayList End Interface 

The Implementation

We examined the Step 1 implementation of the hotel brokerage system in detail in Chapter 5. The Step 2 implementation uses collections in place of arrays, and it passes information to the client rather than display information directly.


One detail of our implementation concerns the data structures used to pass lists to the client. We use the ArrayList class. But what do we store in each array list? We could use Customer objects and Hotel objects. The problem here is that these classes have implementation-specific data in them that the client code does not need, as well as the information fields that the client code does care about. To obtain implementation-neutral representations, we introduce several structures.

In Customers.vb we define the CustomerListItem structure for passing customer information.

 Public Structure CustomerListItem    Public CustomerId As Integer    Public FirstName As String    Public LastName As String    Public EmailAddress As String End Structure 

In AcmeDefinitions.vb we define structures for hotels, reservations, and reservation results.

 Public Structure HotelListItem    Public City As String    Public HotelName As String    Public NumberRooms As Integer    Public Rate As Decimal End Structure Public Structure ReservationListItem    Public CustomerId As Integer    Public ReservationId As Integer    Public HotelName As String    Public City As String    Public ArrivalDate As DateTime    Public DepartureDate As DateTime    Public NumberDays As Integer End Structure Public Structure ReservationResult    Public ReservationId As Integer    Public ReservationCost As Decimal    Public Rate As Decimal    Public Comment As String End Structure 

The ReservationResult returns a ReservationId of -1 if there is a problem, along with an explanation of the problem in the Comment field. Otherwise, "OK" is returned in the Comment field.

We invite you to examine the code in the CaseStudy folder and to build and run the program.


Application Development Using Visual BasicR and .NET
Application Development Using Visual BasicR and .NET
Year: 2002
Pages: 190 © 2008-2017.
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