

enterprise applications
archive file ( .ear files), 320 “322
described, 306 “309
descriptor files, 312 “316
directory structure, 309 “311
exploded, 318 “320
utility archives, 316 “318
Web applications
archive file, 166 “167
basic steps, listed and illustrated , 147 “148
descriptor files, 151 “160
directory structure, 148 “151
exploded application, creating, 164 “166
JSP components , precompiling, 160 “164
page directive, 10
attributes, JSP implicit object, 11
display servlet, 75 “77
layout details, 46
output caching, 23 “28
response caching ( CacheFilter ), 30 “32
restricting access to specific, 658
servlet filter, directing to certain, 29
paging stores, 353 “354
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), 413
parent-child relationships
cascading deletes, 253 “255
mapping, 262 “263
partitioning, mapping inheritance to database tables, 266 “267
pass-by-reference , EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) containers, 577 “578
connection pool, 502
message-level security, 713
setting, 492
SNMP community names , 529
WebLogic Server, booting, 448 “449
bottlenecks, identifying and correcting, 584 “586
connection- related parameters, 562
current state of JVM threads, 591 “596
database access, 578 “583
degrading with high disk I/O, 591
described, 541 “544
in design, 567 “569
EJB containers, 572 “578
erratic response times and CPU utilization on application server, 590 “591
execute queues, application-specific, 566 “567
execute thread counts, tuning, 563 “566
high CPU utilization and poor application server throughput, 588 “589
JavaServer Pages, 571 “572
JVM tuning, 551 “562
low activity and CPU utilizations , 590
native I/O muxer, 563
network tuning, 550 “551
operating system tuning, 544 “549
page output, caching to improve, 23 “28
preparing, 584
resolution process, 587 “588
servlets, 572
session-specific data, storing, 569 “571
slow response time from client and low database usage, 590
managed by EJB container
BMP, advantages over, 194
cascading deletes, 253 “255
changes, handling, 219 “223
database, 238 “240, 249 “250
dynamic queries, 252 “253
EJB home methods , 198 “199
existence, checking for, 255 “256
last name , finding people with same, 233 “234
lazy retrieval, controlling using field groups, 240 “243
methods required, 182 “185
numeric primary key, automatically generating, 247 “249
relationship caching with, 244 “246
select methods, 196 “198
SQL support, 250 “252
stateless services and, 275
message queues, 330
session, 7, 462
persistent stores, 342, 351 “355
Person Tracker sample Web application architecture, choosing, 56 “60
Pettit, Richard ( Sun Performance and Tuning: Java and the Internet ), 542
PING command, 520, 534
Pluggable Authentication Modules. See PAM
plug-ins, 462, 494 “499
point-to-point messaging, 330
poison messages, 372 “375
policies, application security, 444 “448
pool, connection, 4 “5, 501 “505, 537
portable stubs, 693 “694
ports, listen, 453, 460
prepared statements, caching, 580
described, 42
display, 43 “46
form update
business tier interaction to update model objects, 50 “51
client-side validation, 47 “48
data extraction, 48 “49
described, 42, 46 “47
error display, 49 “50
server-side validation, 49
warnings if left blank or inconsistent, 47 “48
J2EE application example, 68 “77
navigation requirements, 51 “54
relationships in, 84 “85
requirements, J2EE application example, 65 “68
primary key, numeric, 247 “249
printing, 11, 33 “36
private key. See SSL/TLS
process dumps, generating, 592 “593
process encapsulation, 260 “261
production environment, 650 “654
property, hotel reservation maintenance
availability, 140 “146
components, listed, 131 “132
main form, 132 “137
rate pages, 138 “140
search and selection pages, 99 “107
public/private key technology. See SSL/TLS

Mastering BEA WebLogic Server. Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
ISBN: 047128128X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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